Browsing by Author Tufan, Naciye Lale

Showing results 1 to 20 of 54  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006Accurate diagnosis of a Homozygous G1138A mutation in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 gene responsible for achondroplasiaŞatıroğlu-Tufan, Naciye Lale ; Tufan, Ahmet Çevik ; Semerci, Cavidan Nur ; Bağcı, Hüseyin 
2004Amelioration of ethanol-induced growth retardation by all-trans-retinoic acid and ?-tocopherol in shell-less culture of the chick embryoŞatıroğlu Tufan, Naciye Lale ; Tufan, Ahmet Çevik 
2005Analysis of cell-free fetal DNA from maternal plasma and serum using a conventional multiplex PCR: Factors influencing successŞatiroğlu Tufan, N.L. ; Tufan, Ahmet Çevik ; Kaleli, Babür ; Yildirim, Başak ; Semerci, C. Nur ; Bağcı, Hüseyin 
2016Anti-proliferative and anti-invasive effects of ferulic acid in TT medullary thyroid cancer cells interacting with URG4/URGCPDodurga, Yavuz ; Eroğlu, C.; Seçme, Mücahit ; Elmas, Levent ; Avcı, Ç.B.; Şatıroğlu-Tufan, Naciye Lale 
2007Apoptotic cell death and its relationship to gastric carcinogenesisBir, Ferda ; Çallı-Demirkan, Neşe ; Tufan, A. Çevik ; Akbulut, Metin ; Satiroglu-Tufan, N. Lale 
2005The chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane as a model system for the study of tumor angiogenesis, invasion and development of anti-angiogenic agentsTufan, Ahmet Çevik ; Satıroğlu-Tufan, Naciye Lale 
2017A concise review on the use of mesenchymal stem cells in cell sheet-based tissue engineering with special emphasis on bone tissue regenerationYörükoğlu, Ali Çağdaş ; Kiter, Ahmet Esat ; Akkaya, Semih ; Satiroglu-Tufan, N.L. ; Tufan, A.C. 
2012Detection of deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 and runt-related transcription factor 3 gene expressions in bladder carcinomaDodurga, Yavuz ; Avci, C.B.; Satıroğlu-Tufan, Naciye lale ; Tataroglu, C.; Kesen, Z.; Dogan, Z.O.; Yilmaz, S. 
2008Detection of deleted malignant brain tumors 1 and runt-related transcription factor 3 gene expressions in bladder carcinomaDodurga, Yavuz ; Avci, CB; Satiroglu-Tufan, NL ; Tataroglu, C; Kesen, Z; Dogan, ZO; Yilmaz, S
2007Detection of Y chromosomal material in patients with a 45,X karyotype bySemerci, CN ; Satiroglu-Tufan, NL ; Turan, S; Bereket, A; Tuysuz, B; Yilmaz, E; Kayserili, H
2007Detection of Y chromosomal material in patients with a 45,X karyotype by PCR methodSemerci, C.N. ; Satiroglu-Tufan, N.L. ; Turan, S.; Bereket, A.; Tuysuz, B.; Yilmaz, E.; Kayserili, H.
2009Diagnostic utility of p63 expression in differential diagnosis of lung carcinomaBir, Ferda ; Altınboğa Aksoy, Ayşegül ; Şatıroğlu, Tufan L. 
2017Differential expression and localization of Nanog, Oct 3/4 and C-kıt in mouse ovarian tissue according to ageGok-Yurtseven, D.; Abban-Mete, Gülçin ; Dodurga, Yavuz ; Tufan, Naciye Nalan 
2003The effect of ethanol exposure on extraembryonic vascular development in the chick area vasculosaTufan, Ahmet Çevik ; Satıroğlu-Tufan, N.L. 
2012Effects of quercetin induced cell death on a novel gene "URG4/URGCP" expression in leukemia cellsDodurga, Yavuz ; Avci, C.B.; Şatıroğlu-Tufan, Naciye Lale ; Susluer, S.Y.; Sigva, O.D.Z.; Saydam, G.; Gunduz, Cumhur
2009The effects of quercetin-induced cell death on a novel gene "up-regulated gene 4" (urg4) expression via telomerase activity in leukemia cellsDodurga, Yavuz ; Biray-Avcı, Çığır; Satiroglu-Tufan, NL ; Yilmaz, S; Dogan, ZO; Numanoglu, S; Saydam, G
2013Erratum: Investigation of microRNA expression changes in HepG2 cell line in presence of URG4/URGCP and in absence of URG4/URGCP suppressed by RNA interference (Molecular Biology Reports (2012) 39 (11119-11124) DOI: 10.1007/s11033-012-2019-8)Dodurga, Yavuz ; Yonguc, G.N.; Avci, C.B.; Bağcı, Gülseren ; Gunduz, Cumhur; Şatıroğlu-Tufan, Naciye Lale
2015Esansiyel hipertansiyonlu olgularda CHGA geni promotor bölge polimorfizmlerinin araştırılmasıEser, Metin ; Şanlıalp, Musa ; Tepeli, Emre ; Tufan, Lale Şatıroğlu ; Kaftan, Havane Asuman ; Semerci, Cavidan Nur 
2011Evaluation of deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 (DMBT1) gene expression in bladder carcinoma cases: Preliminary studyDodurga, Yavuz ; Avci, C.B.; Yilmaz, S.; Dogan, Z.O.; Kesen, Z.; Tataroglu, C.; Satiroglu-Tufan, N.L. 
2009The expression of novel gene URG4 in osteosarcoma: Correlation with patients' prognosisHuang, J.; Zhu, B.; Lu, L.; Lian, Z.; Wang, Y.; Yang, X.; Satiroglu-Tufan, Naciye Lale