Showing results 1 to 20 of 108
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2015 | Abdominal sarcoidosis: Cross-sectional imaging findings | Gezer, N.S.; Başara, I.; Altay, C.; Harman, M.; Rocher, L.; Karabulut, Nevzat ; Seçil, M. |
2009 | Accuracy of diffusion-weighted MR imaging for differentiation of pulmonary lesions | Karabulut, Nevzat |
2012 | Altı yaşında bir çocukta tekrarlayan parotitis | Becerir, Cem ; Ergin, Hacer ; Karabulut, Nevzat ; Kara, Cüneyt Orhan |
2012 | Alveolar echinococcosis: Spectrum of findings at cross-sectional imaging | Kantarci, M.; Bayraktutan, U.; Karabulut, Nevzat ; Aydinli, B.; Ogul, H.; Yuce, I.; Calik, M. |
2002 | Anatomy of the minor fissure: Assessment with high-resolution CT and classification | Ariyürek, O.M.; Karabulut, Nevzat. ; Yelgeç, N.S.; Gülsün, M. |
2016 | Association of real-time sonoelastography findings with clinical parameters in lateral epicondylitis | Koçyiğit, Figen.; Kuyucu, E.; Koçyiğit, Ali. ; Herek, Duygu. ; Şavkın,Raziye. ; Aslan,Baş Ummuhan. ; Karabulut, Nevzat |
2006 | The basal and TRH stimulated levels of prolactin in low risk climacteric patients with increased breast density: A matched pair case control trial | Soysal, Seyide ; Soysal, M.E. ; Karabulut, Nevzat ; Gul, N.; Gezgin, T. |
2007 | Bilateral sleeve lobectomy for synchronized bilateral central carcinoid tumor | Yuncu, Gökhan ; Sevinc, Serpil; Ozturk, Berna; Kiter, Göksel ; Bir, Ferda ; Karabulut, Nevzat |
2011 | Bilateral striopallidodentat kalsinozis: BT ve MRG bulgularının karşılaştırılması | Toktaş, İlay Fikriye; Çeven, Zümrüt; Karabulut, Nevzat ; Oğuzhanoğlu, Atilla |
2010 | Bilateral symmetric junctional infarctions of the cerebellum: A case report | Kıroflu, Yılmaz; Karabulut, Nevzat ; Öncel, Çağatay ; Akdoğan, Ilgaz ; Onur, Şule |
2011 | Calcinosis cutis in a newborn with transient pseudohypoparathyroidism | Ergin, Hacer ; Karaca, Abdullah ; Ergin, Şeniz ; Çördük, Nergül ; Karabulut, N. |
2002 | Cervical osteochondroma as a cause of spinal cord compression in a patient with hereditary multiple exostoses: Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging findings | Çırak, Bayram ; Karabulut, Nevzat ; Palaoglu, S. |
2012 | Clinical situations in which coronary CT angiography confers superior diagnostic information compared with coronary angiography | Kantarci, M.; Doganay, S.; Karçaaltincaba, M.; Karabulut, Nevzat ; Erol, M.K.; Yalçin, A.; Duran, C. |
2005 | Clinical utility of sonography in diagnosing plantar fasciitis | Sabır Akkoyunlu, Nuran ; Demirlenk, S.; Yagci, B. ; Karabulut, Nevzat ; Çubukçu Fırat, Sibel |
2015 | Color scaling in sonoelastography | Koçyiğit, Figen; Koçyiğit, Ali ; Karabulut, Nevzat |
2002 | Colour Doppler evaluation of ureteral jets in normal second and third trimester pregnancy: Effect of patient position | Karabulut, Nevzat ; Karabulut, Aysun |
2003 | Comparison of low dose and standard dose CT in the evaluation of inflammatory diseases of paranasal sinuses | Karabulut, Nevzat ; Akti, U.; Kazil, S. |
2002 | Comparison of low-dose and standard-dose helical CT in the evaluation of pulmonary nodules | Karabulut, Nevzat ; Törü, M.; Gelebek, V.; Gülsün, M.; Ariyürek, O.M. |
2007 | Computed tomography evaluation of the normal appendix: Comparison of low-dose and standard-dose unenhanced helical computed tomography | Karabulut, Nevzat ; Boyacı, Nurefşan; Yağcı, Ahmet Baki. ; Herek, Duygu. ; Kıroglu, Yılmaz |
2010 | Confident diagnosis of bronchobiliary fistula using contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance cholangiography | Karabulut, Nevzat ; Çakmak, Vefa ; Kiter, Göksel |