Browsing by Author Yenisey, C.

Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Activated Protein C Attenuates Intestinal Mucosal Injury After Mesenteric Ischemia/ReperfusionTeke, Z.; Sacar, M. ; Yenisey, C.; Atalay, A.O.; Kavak, T.; Erdem, Ergün 
2008Activated protein C attenuates intestinal reperfusion-induced acute lung injury: an experimental study in a rat modelTeke, Z.; Sacar, M. ; Yenisey, C.; Atalay, A.O.; Bicakci, T.; Erdem, Ergün. 
2008Activated protein C prevents deleterious effects of remote reperfusion injury caused by intestinal ischemia on wound healing in the left colonic anastomoses: an experimental study in the murine modelTeke, Zafer; Sacar, M. ; Yenisey, C.; Atalay, A.O.; Bicakci, T.; Erdem, Ergün 
2013Caffeic acid phenethyl ester prevents detrimental effects of remote ischemia-reperfusion injury on healing of colonic anastomosesTeke, Z.; Bostanci, E.B.; Yenisey, C.; Kelten, Esra Canan ; Sacar, M. ; Simsek, N.G.; Düzcan, Süleyman Ender 
2008The effect of different temporary abdominal closure techniques on fascial wound healing and postoperative adhesions in experimental secondary peritonitisAydin, C.; Aytekin, Faruk Önder; Yenisey, C.; Kabay, Burhan ; Erdem, Ergün ; Kocbil, G. ; Tekin, K. 
2015The effect of melatonin on bacterial translocation following ischemia/reperfusion injury in a rat model of superior mesenteric artery occlusionÖzban, Murat. ; Aydin, C.; Cevahir, N. ; Yenisey, C.; Birsen, O. ; Gumrukcu, G.; Aydin, B.
2006Effect of temporary abdominal closure on colonic anastomosis and postoperative adhesions in experimental secondary peritonitisAydin, C.; Aytekin, Faruk Önder; Tekin, K. ; Kabay, Burhan. ; Yenisey, C.; Kocbil, G. ; Özden, Akın. 
2007Effects of a membrane-permeable radical scavenger, Tempol, on healing of colonic anastomoses in the cecal ligation and puncture model of polymicrobial sepsis in ratsAytekin, Faruk Önder; Teke, Z.; Aydın, Çağatay ; Kabay, Burhan. ; Yenisey, C.; Sacar, S. ; Demir, E.M.
2012Effects of caffeic acid phenethyl ester on anastomotic healing in secondary peritonitisTeke, Z.; Bostanci, E.B.; Yenisey, C.; Kelten, Esra Canan ; Sacar, S. ; Simsek, N.G.; Düzcan, Süleyman Ender 
2006Effects of PDTC on colonic anastomoses healing in the cecal ligation and puncture model of sepsisTeke, Z.; Aytekin, F.; Yenisey, C.; Aydin, C.; Kabay, B. ; Simsek, N. Gene; Sacar, S. 
2007Effects of pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate on healing of colonic anastomoses in the cecal ligation and puncture model of intraperitoneal sepsis in ratsTeke, Z.; Aytekin, Faruk Önder; Aydın, Çağatay ; Kabay, Burhan ; Yenisey, C.; Sacar, S. ; Simsek, N.G.
2008Effects of Tempol, a Membrane-Permeable Radical Scavenger, on Local and Remote Organ Injuries Caused by Intestinal Ischemia/Reperfusion in RatsTeke, Z.; Kabay, Burhan ; Özden, Akın ; Yenisey, C.; Bir, Ferda ; Demirkan, N.C. ; Bicakci, T.
2010Protective effects of clarithromycin in rats with hypoxia/reoxygenation- induced intestinal injuryÖzdemir, Özmert M. A ; Ergin, H. ; Yenisey, C.; Şen Türk, Nilay ; Şimşek, N.G.
2011Protective effects of Ginkgo biloba extract in rats with hypoxia/reoxygenation-induced intestinal injuryÖzdemir, Özmert Muhammet Ali ; Ergin, Hacer ; Yenisey, C.; Şen Türk, Nilay 
2007Pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate prevents 60 minutes of warm mesenteric ischemia/reperfusion injury in ratsTeke, Zafer; Kabay, Burhan. ; Aytekin, Faruk Önder.; Yenisey, C.; Demirkan, Neşe Çallı. ; Sacar, M. ; Erdem, Ergün. 
2007Pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate prevents deleterious effects of remote ischemia/reperfusion injury on healing of colonic anastomoses in ratsTeke, Zafer; Aytekin, Faruk Önder; Kabay, B. ; Yenisey, C.; Aydın, Çağatay ; Tekin, Koray ; Saçar, Mustafa 
2006Pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate reduces lung injury in mesenteric ischemia-reperfusionKabay, B. ; Teke, Z.; Ozden, A. ; Yenisey, C.; Bir, F. ; Bicakci, T.; Erdem, E. 
2009Tempol reduces bacterial translocation after ischemia/reperfusion injury in a rat model of superior mesenteric artery occlusionBerber, I.; Aydin, C.; Cevahir, N. ; Yenisey, C.; Gumrukcu, G.; Kocbil, G. ; Tellioglu, G.