Browsing by Author Yilmaz, S.

Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015The analysis of different PV power systems for the determination of optimal PV panels and system installation - A case study in Kahramanmaras, TurkeyYilmaz, S.; Ozcalik, H.R.; Kesler, Selami ; Dincer, F.; Yelmen, B.
2015Behçet disease with vascular involvement: Effects of different therapeutic regimens on the incidence of new relapsesAlibaz-Oner, F.; Karadeniz, A.; Yilmaz, S.; Balkarli, A.; Kimyon, G.; Yazici, A.; Çinar, M.
2013Damages to unreinforced masonry buildings by the Van earthquakes of 23 October and 9 November 2011Tama, Y.S. ; Solak, A.; Çetinkaya, N. ; Şen, Gargi; Yilmaz, S.; Kaplan, H. 
2024Deeply Saddening Life Events Play a Carcinogenic Role by Inducing Mutations in Alox12 and Fkbp5 GenesKutluhan, A. ; Topak, O.Z. ; Akca, H.; Tokgun, E.; Ozdel, O.I.; Yilmaz, S.; Yaren, A. 
2010The effect of soil education project on pre-school childrenGülay, Hülya ; Yilmaz, S.; Güllaç, Esin Turan ; Onder, A.
2010Elementary teachers' views about their roles in curriculum development and evaluation process: The case of DenizliSaracaloglu, S.; Yilmaz, S.; Çengel, M.; Çögmen, S. ; Karademir, Ç.A.; Kanmaz, Ahmet 
2011Evaluation of deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 (DMBT1) gene expression in bladder carcinoma cases: Preliminary studyDodurga, Yavuz ; Avci, C.B.; Yilmaz, S.; Dogan, Z.O.; Kesen, Z.; Tataroglu, C.; Satiroglu-Tufan, N.L. 
2020Evaluation of mercury release from dental amalgam after cone beam computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging with 3.0-T and 1.5-T magnetic field strengthsÖzdede, Melih ; Yilmaz, S.
2017An Intelligent Hybridization of ABC and LM Algorithms With Constraint Engineering ApplicationsDilmen, Erdem ; Yilmaz, S.; Beyhan, S.
2004May 1, 2003 Turkey - Bingöl earthquake: Damage in reinforced concrete structuresKaplan, H. ; Yilmaz, S.; Binici, H.; Yazar, E.; Çetinkaya, N. 
2009A new strong floor-reaction wall system without gallery for experimental studies in structural mechanicsKaplan, Hasan. ; Gönen, H.; Nohutcu, H.; Çetinkaya, Nihat. ; Yilmaz, S.
2018PAC-MAN endocarditis: Atypical vegetation on the mitral valveSevgican, Cihan İlyas ; O?uz, I.; Kaftan, H.A. ; Emrecan, B. ; Yilmaz, S.
2020The prevalence of anxiety and depression in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus and their effects on metabolic controlAktaş Terzioğlu, Merve ; Al-Tincik, Selda Ayça ; Yilmaz, S.
2011Quercetin-induced apoptosis involves increased hTERT enzyme activity of leukemic cellsAvci, C.B.; Yilmaz, S.; Dogan, Z.O.; Saydam, G.; Dodurga, Yavuz ; Ekiz, H.A.; Kartal, M.
2013Seismic performance evaluation of unreinforced masonry school buildings in TurkeyYilmaz, S.; Tama, Yavuz Selim ; Bilgin, H.
2021Splenic Artery Aneurysm In Kidney Transplant RecipientOzgen, U. ; Ozban, M. ; Arslan, M.; Birsen, O. ; Ceri, M. ; Yilmaz, S.; Aydin, C.