06.01. Clinical Sciences

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06.01. Clinical Sciences
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 21-40 of 235 (Search time: 0.014 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
212007Asymptotic formulas with arbitrary order for nonselfadjoint differential operatorsDuman, M. ; Kıraç, Alp Arslan. ; Veliev, O.A.
2Aug-2021Bazı self - adjoint sturm - liouville operatörler için ters problemlerYılmaz, Fatma 
32023Bibliometric analysis of zirconia publications between 1980 and 2021: Global productivity and publication trendsMutlu-Sagesen, H. Lamia Elif ; Sagesen, E. Ayca; Özcan, Mutlu
42021Bilateral Fusion of Maxillary First Premolar andImpacted Supernumerary Teeth, Combined with Dens EvaginatusÖzdede, Melih ; Dere, Kadriye Ayça ; Şibe, Çağatay 
52017Biochemical and histopathologic analysis of the effects of periodontitis on left ventricular heart tissues of ratsKöse, O.; Arabacı, T.; Gedikli, S.; Eminoglu, D.Ö.; Kermen, E.; Kızıldağ, Alper ; Kara, A.
62020A biochemical and immunohistochemical study of the effects of caffeic acid phenethyl ester on alveolar bone loss and oxidative stress in diabetic rats with experimental periodontitisKızıldağ, Alper ; Arabacı, Taner; Albayrak, Mevlüt; Balseven, Havva Müge ; Aksu Kızıldağ, Canan; Taşdemir, Ufuk
72009Biological activity of bis-benzimidazole derivatives on DNA topoisomerase i and HeLa, MCF7 and A431 cellsAlpan, A.S. ; Zencir, Sevil ; Zupkó, I.; Coban, G.; Rthy, B.; Gunes, H.S.; Topcu, Z.
82016Bone age assessment: comparison of children from two different regions with the Greulich–Pyle method In TurkeyÖztürk, Fırat ; Karataş, O.H.; Mutaf, H.I.; Babacan,Hasan
92021Bulk-fill Kompozit Rezinlere Güncel BakışCabadağ, Özge Gizem ; Misilli, Tuğba; Gönülo, Nihan
102023CAD/CAM sistemlerinde kullanılan farklı içeriklere sahip seramik materyallerde gıda benzeri solüsyonların estetik, mekanik ve fiziksel etkilerinin değerlendirilmesiKoyal, Çağrı 
112024Can a Self-etching Primer be Effective in Bonding Aligner Attachments to Different Types of Ceramics?Çokakoglu, Serpil ; Nalcaci, Ruhi; Altıntaş, Subutay Han; Atıcı, Fatih
122014The characteristics of patients with chronic hepatitis B in TurkeyKemal Celen, M.; Tekin Koruk, S.; Aygen, B.; Dal, T.; Karabay, O.; Tosun, S. ; Koksal, I.
132021Chiral Separations by Capillary Electrophoresis and Related Techniques withDifferent Chiral Selectors: A ReviewŞarkaya, Koray ; Göktürk, Ilgım; Yılmaz, Fatma ; Denizli, Adil
142020Color stability comparisons of different type composite resins after curing and when aged in various staining solutionsYazkan, Başak ; Recen, Duygu
152022Color Stability of Preheated Novel Composite Resins Immersed in Different Beverages: In Vitro StudyCabadağ, Özge Gizem ; Misilli, Tuğba
162016Comparative evaluation of shear bond strength of three flowable compomers on enamel of primary teeth: An in-vitro studyGüngör, O.-E.; Erdoğan, Yıldırım. ; Yalçin-Güngör, A.; Alkiş, H.
172021A comparative microleakage analysis of ion-releasing self-adherable materialsRecen, Duygu; Yazkan, Başak 
182019A comparative study of root canal shaping using protaper universal and protaper next rotary files in preclinical dental educationÇelik, G. ; Kisacik, F.Ö.; Yilmaz, E.F.; Mersinlioğlu, A.; Ertuğrul, İhsan Furkan ; Orhan, H.
192018Comparison of anxiety levels and perceptions of patients with initial periodontal treatment using different anesthesia and instrumentsLektemur Alpan, Aysan 
202023Comparison of enamel demineralization and periodontal status between direct and digital indirect bonding techniques A split-mouth clinical trial of direct vs. digital indirect bondingÇokakoğlu, Serpil ; Çakır, Ezgi