09.05. Educational Sciences

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09.05. Educational Sciences
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OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 461-480 of 600 (Search time: 0.029 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
4612005Relationship between the second teaching program of second teaching studentsTanriöğen, Abdurrahman ; Baştürk, Ramazan 
3822009The relationship between the students' academics achievement and their socioeconomic level: cross regional comparisonTomul, E.; Çelik, Kazım 
3832005THE relationship between thinking styles and personality typesBalkıs, Murat. ; Isiker, G.B.
3842008Relationship Between University Students' Cheating Behaviours and theirÖzgüngör, Sevgi 
3852014Relationship of instructor and course characteristics to students evaluationsÖzgüngör, Sevgi ; Duru, Erdinç 
3862013The relationships between organizational structure and organizational health in primary schoolsOrdu, Aydan ; Tanrıöğen, Abdurrahman 
3872007The Relationships Between Student Teachers' Procrastination Behaviors, and Decision Making StylesBalkis, M 
3882009The relationships between students' evalautions of teaching behaviors and self efficacy BeliefsÖzgüngör, Sevgi 
3892019A resilience scale development for university students: Validity and reliability study based on item response theoryYaşar, Metin ; Aybek, Eren Can 
3902012The Role of Basic Needs Fulfillment in Prediction of Subjective Well-Being among University StudentsTurkdogan, T ; Duru, Erdinç 
3912024The Role of Dark Tetrad Personality Traits and Perceived Empathic and Social Self-Efficacy in Predicting Preservice Teachers' Attitudes Towards Family InvolvementTurkdogan, Saniye Can; Balkıs, Murat 
3922010The Role of General and Performance Self Esteem In Relation Academic Procrastination and Academic AchievementBalkis, M ; Duru, E 
3932015The role of identity status in predicting achievement goal orientation among adolescentsOral, Tuncay ; Özgüngör, Sevgi 
3942015The Role of Identity Status in Predicting Achievement Goal Orientation Among Adolescents1Oral, Tuncay ; Özgüngör, Sevgi 
3952022The Role of Innovative Work Behaviour in the Relationship between Organizational Support and Organizational HappinessOrdu A. ; Sarı T. 
3962011The Role of Learning Strategies and Individual Characteristics in Predicting Academic Achievement in Prospective TeachersBuluş, Mustafa ; Duru, Erdinç ; Balkıs, Murat ; Duru, Sibel 
3972019The Role of psychological resilience and social connectedness in the relationship between perceived psychological maltreatment and subjective well-being among adolescentsBostan, Beyhan Ceren; Duru, Erdinç 
3982024The Role of Rational Beliefs in Promoting Mental Well-Being: A Validation of the REBT's Psychological Health ModelBalkıs, Murat 
3992008The role of social support and social connectedness in predicting lonelinessDuru, Erdinç 
4002020Role of teacher-related factors and educational resources in science literacy: An international perspectiveKalkan, Ömür Kaya ; Altun, A.; Atar, B.