12.02. Archaeology

Organization name
12.02. Archaeology

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 361-380 of 508 (Search time: 0.023 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
3612024A new confession ınscription from the sanctuary of apollo lairmenosÖztürk, E.A. ; Riel, M.; Tanrıver, C.
3622021New evidence for the Palaeolithic on the island of Gokceada (Imbros), Northeastern AegeanErdogu, Burcin; Yucel, Nejat; Demir, Kerem 
363Jun-2011New inscriptions from the Sanctuary of Apollon LairbenosAkıncı Öztürk, Esengül ; Tanrıver, Cumhur
364May-2009New katagraphai and dedications from the Sanctuary of Apollon LairbenosAkıncı Öztürk, Esengül ; Tanrıver, Cumhur
3652023A new look at the rock art on the island of Gokceada, northeast AegeanErdoğu, Burçin; Yücel, Nejat; Gürcal, Erkan; Demir, Kerem ; İzlier, Nazlı Ilgın
3662013New observations on the prehistory of west anatolia in the light of the findings at afyonkarahisar ocin settlementKoçak, Özdemir; Bilgin, Mustafa 
36722-Jul-2008The niches where carved out on the lycia tombs and comment of the ritual meanings from ancient times to modern timesÖzer, Elif 
3682016The numerical analyses of response and stability of stone masonary bridges in Aizonoi antique city in Kütahya province of TurkeyTomiyama, Jun; Aydan, Ömer; Kumsar, Halil ; Özer, Elif 
3692019The numerical analysis of response and stability of stone masonry bridges in aizanoi antique city in kütahya province of turkeyTomiyama J.; Suda Y.; Aydan Ö.; Kumsar H. ; Özer E. 
3702016The numerical analysis of response and stability of stone masonry bridges in Azan (Aizanoi) antique city in Kütahya province of TurkeyTomiyama, J.; Aydan, Ö.; Kumsar, Halil ; Özer, Elif 
3722013Olympos antik kenti roma dönemi tonozlu mezarlarıÖzer, Elif 
3732013Olympos antik kentinde bir grup rölyefli lahitÖzer, Elif 
3742003Ortaçağ Gürcü Mimarisi 2002 Yılı Yüzey AraştırmasıBayram, Fahriye ; Kadiroğlu, Mine; Yazar, Turgay; İşler, Bülent 
3752002Öşkvank Manastır Kilisesi nin Gürcü Mimarisi İçindeki YeriBayram, Fahriye 
3762020Pamphylia ovasında bir savunma kenti: SillyonTaşkıran, Murat 
3772022Pers İmparatorluğu’nda Hediyeleşme Geleneği ve Akhaimenid İdeolojiAkıncı Öztürk, Esengül 
3782021Phaselis Merkezi KuleTaşkıran, Murat 
379Oct-2006Phrygia Bölgesi'nde ticaretAkyol, Sedat 
3802002Phrygia hierapolisi’nden yeni bir çeşme anıtıSöğüt, Bilal