14.03. Basic Medical Sciences

Organization name
14.03. Basic Medical Sciences
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1341-1360 of 1755 (Search time: 0.04 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
13412015Possible activation of the immune system by chronic peripheral nesfatin-1 application at the acute phase of ischemia/reperfusion injuryToru, Ümran; Ayada, Ceylan; Genç, Osman.; Akcılar, Raziye; Şahin, Server; Erken, Gülten; Erken, Haydar Ali; Turgut, Günfer ; Turgut, Sebahat 
13422013Possible Effect of Relocation to Sex Ratio of Hatchlings: Spatial and Temporal Differences in Nest Temperatures and Sex of Hatchlings and Embryos of Loggerhead Turtles on Dalaman and Dalyan Beaches, TurkeyKaska, Yakup ; Başkale, Eyup ; Katılmış, Yusuf ; Sarı, Fikret ; Fak, Çiğdem; Seçme, Mücahit ; Sezgin, Çisem
13432015Possible role of GADD45? methylation in diffuse large B-cell Lymphoma: Does it affect the progression and tissue involvement?Barış, İkbal Cansu ; Caner, Vildan ; Türk, Nilay Şen ; Sarı, Hakan İsmail ; Hacıoğlu, Sibel ; Doğu, Mehmet Hilmi ; Çetin, Ozan 
13442006Possible role of paraoxonase in exercise induced oxidative stress in kidney tissues of pregnant ratsKaragenc, N. ; Turgut, S. ; Turgut, G. 
13452008Post travmatik çoklu ilaç dirençli acinetobacter baumannii menenjitli olguda yüksek doz meropenem ile başarılı tedaviSaçar, Suzan ; Turgut, Hüseyin ; Cenger, Derya Hırçın; Coşkun, Erdal ; Asan, Ali ; Kaleli, İlknur 
13462015Post-graduate Physiology Education in Changing ConditionsYegen, B; Bor Küçükatay, Melek ; Sahiner, M
13472023Postmortem biochemistry in deaths from ischemic heart diseaseKutlu, E.; Avci, Esin ; Acar, K. 
13482018Postmortem genetic testing in sudden cardiac death: To be or not to be?Temel, SG; Turkgenc, B; Akcay, A; Köseler, Aylin ; Yakicier, C
13492018Postoperative respiratory muscle training in addition to chest physiotherapy after pulmonary resection: a randomized controlled studyTaşkın, Harun ; Telli Atalay, Orçin ; Yuncu, Gökhan ; Taşpınar, Betül ; Yalman, Ali ; Şenol, Hande 
13502015Postoperative Venous Thrombosis: Frequency and Risk Factors in Patients Undergoing Isolated Coronary Artery Bypass Graft SurgeryAlur, İhsan; Ağladıoğlu, Kadir; Güneş, Tevfik; Taştan, Hayati ; Tanrısever, Gökhan Yiğit ; Şenol, Hande ; Emrecan, Bilgin 
13511997Postpartum maternal trombosit sayısıKaleli, Babür ; Kaleli, İlknur ; Aktan, Erdal
13522018Potential anticancer activity of the parasol mushroom, macrolepiota rocera(Agaricomycetes), against the A549 human lung cancer cell lineSeçme, Mücahit ; Kaygusuz, Oğuzhan ; Eroğlu, C.; Dodurga, Yavuz ; Çolak, Ö.F.; Atmaca, P.
13532024Potential effects of parietin on apoptosis and cell cycle related genes in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cellsDodurga, Y. ; Seçme, M.; Elmas, L.; Gündoğdu, G. ; Çekin, A.; Günel, N.S.
13542018Potential effects of parietin on apoptosis and cell cycle related genes in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cellsDodurga, Yavuz ; Seçme, Mücahit ; Elmas, Levent ; Gundogdu, G 
13552022The Potential Protective Effects of Ginkgo Biloba on Bilirubin Cytotoxicity in Newborn RatŞahin, Özlem ; Ergin, Hacer ; Demiray, Aydın ; Özdemir, Mehmet Bülent ; Akça, Hakan ; Yenisey, Çiğdem
13562006A potential role of sulfite oxidase deficiency in xenobiotic metabolismTutuncu, B.; Sen, A. ; Kucukatay, V. ; Sahin, B. 
13572000A practical analytical quality report on the effect of carotenemia on neonatal bilirubin levelsAslan, Diler ; Kuralay, F.; Tanyalcin, T.; Tanyalcin, O.
13582019Prediction of the species distribution of Cryptococcus neoformans throughout TurkeyErgin, Çağrı. ; Şengül, Mustafa ; Dögen, A.; Ilkit, M.
13592018Predictive power of different obesity measures for the presence of diastolic dysfunctionYaylalı, Yalın Tolga ; Fidan-Yaylalı, Güzin ; Can, Beray ; Şenol, Hande ; Kılınç, Mehmet ; Yurtdaş, Mustafa
202019Predictive value of endoplasmic reticulum stress markers in low ejection fractional heart failureSabirli, R.; Köseler, Aylin ; Mansur, N.; Zeytunluoğlu, Ali ; Tükenmez Sabırlı, Gizem; Türkçüer, İbrahim ; Kılıç, İsmail Doğu