14.03. Basic Medical Sciences

Organization name
14.03. Basic Medical Sciences
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1561-1580 of 1753 (Search time: 0.054 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15612006Short communication: Species distribution and antibiotic resistance of enterococci isolated from cattle farmers and cattlesMete, Ergun. ; Kaleli, İlknur. 
21999SHORT REPORT Consanguineous marriages in Denizli, TurkeyŞİMŞEK, SELDA ; Ture, M.; Tugrul, B.; Mercan, Nazime ; Ture, H.; Akdağ, B. 
32023Significance of postmortem biomarkers and multimarker strategy in sudden cardiac deathKutlu, Erdi ; Çil, Nazli ; Avcı, Esin ; Bir, Ferda ; Kilic, Ismail Dogu ; Kurtuluş Dereli, Ayşe ; Acar, Kemalettin 
42023Silk protein sericin: a promising therapy for Achilles tendinopathy—evidence from an experimental rat modelSayin, D.; Gundogdu, G. ; Kilic-Erkek, O. ; Gundogdu, K.; Coban, H.S.; Abban-Mete, G. 
52020Similar effects of three endurance exercise protocols in women with metabolic syndrome: Interest of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise training with a pedometerAtigan, A.; Ardıç, Füsun ; Fındıkoğlu, Gülin ; Aybek, Hülya ; Yaylalı, Güzin Fidan 
62003A simple low-cost method for two dimensional microscopic measuring and stepping on the microscopic plateAdıgüzel, Esat ; Duzcan, S.E. ; Akdoğan, Ilgaz ; Tufan, Ahmet Çevik 
72007Simple statistics in diagnostic testsAslan, Diler ; Sandberg, S.
82021A single center experience: physician related diagnostic delay and demographic and clinical differences between patients with ankylosing spondylitis and non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritisUlutas, Firdevs ; Cobankara, Veli ; Senol, Hande ; Karasu, Ugur ; Kaymaz, Serdar ; Yasar, Canan Albayrak ; Ok, Zeynep Dundar ; Yigit, Murat 
92014Single-cell gel (comet) assay detects primary DNA damage in peripheral blood lymphocytes of smokersKarahan, EG; Tomatır, Ayşe Gaye ; Açıkbaş, İbrahim ; Er, Buket ; Evyapan, F. ; Akdag, B ; Arslan, PE
102013A single-center large-volume experience in the surgical management of hydatid disease of the lung with and without extrapulmonary involvementTürk, Figen ; Yuncu, Gökhan ; Karabulut, Nevzat ; Türk, T.; Özban, Murat ; Zümrütbaş, Ersin Ali ; Akdağ, Beyza 
112007Siprofloksasinin sub-minimal inhibitör konsantrasyonlarının Escherichia coli suşlarının hemaglutinasyon özellikleri üzerine etkisinin araştırılmasıDemir, Melek ; Cevahir, Nural ; Kaleli, İlknur 
122004Sister chromatid exchange frequency in lymphocytes cultured from cotton gin workersAtmaca, Münevver; Bağcı, Hüseyin ; Açıkbaş, İbrahim ; Gümüş, Dilihan ; Düzcan, Füsun 
132020Skapula Örneklerinin Morfometrik Değerlendirilmesi ve Anatomik VaryasyonlarıAydemir, Ahmet Nadir ; Yücens, Mehmet ; Onur, Şule 
142005Skin tags and atherosclerotic risk factorsErdogan, Berna Şanlı ; Aktan, Ş.; Rota, Simin. ; Ergin, Şeniz. ; Evliyaoglu, Deniz
152022SKOV-3 ovarian adenokarsinoma hücre hattında, alfa lipoik asit uygulanmasının epitelyal mezenkimal geçiş ve migrasyon üzerine etkisiÖnder, Elif 
162023snoRNAs are deregulated in patients with Parkinson’s DiseaseTokgün, Pervin Elvan; Tomatır, Ayşe Gaye ; Sarıekiz, Fatma Gizem; Bir, Levent Sinan 
171998Solunumun adenozin ile baskılanmasında hiperkapniye karşı solunumsal cevabın incelenmesiTurgut, Günfer ; Oruç, Tülin
181999Somatostatin: Possible cause of bacterial translocation in obstructive jaundiced ratsSungurtekin, Hülya ; Ozden, A. ; Kaleli, I. ; Sungurtekin, U. ; Gonullu, M.
192008Spatial memory impairment without apoptosis induced by the combination of beta-amyloid oligomers and cerebral ischemia is related to decreased acetylcholine release in ratsWatanabe, T.; Iwasaki, K.; Ishikane, S.; Naitou, T.; Yoshimitsu, Y.; Yamagata, N.; Özdemir, Mehmet Bülent 
202006Spectral analysis of EEG in normal and sulfite oxidase deficient rats under sulfite administrationÖzkaya, Y.G.; Küçükatay, Vural. ; Savcioglu, F.; Agar, A.; Yargicoglu, P.; Önal, M.Z.