17.01. Chemistry

Organization name
17.01. Chemistry
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 41-60 of 652 (Search time: 0.042 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
412004Azocalixarenes. 4: Synthesis, characterization and investigation of the absorption spectra of hetarylazo-substituted calix[6]arenesŞener, izzet.; Karcı, Fikret. ; Kiliç, E.; Deligöz, H. 
422011Azocalixarenes.7: Synthesis and study of the absorption properties of novel mono-azo substituted chromogenic calix[4]arenesKarakuş, Özlem Özen ; Deligöz, Hasalettin 
432008Azocalixarenes.8: Synthesis and investigation of the absorption spectra of di-substituted azocalix[4]arenes containing chromogenic groupsKarakuş, Özlem Özen ; Deligöz, Hasalettin 
441996Bazı azo boyarmaddelerin sentezi ve yapılarının aydınlatılmasıKarakuş, Mehmet 
452012Bazı fenolik bileşiklerin kromatografik tayinleriKartal, Aslıhan Arslan 
46Sep-2011Bazı metal ve organometalik bileşiklerin kromatografik ve spektroskopik tayinleriHöl, Ayşen 
47Sep-2011Bazı pestisitlerin kromatografik ayrılmaları ve tayinleriAkdoğan, Abdullah 
482022Biochemical effects of sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate and sodium nitrite on food spoilage yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiaeYardimci, Berna Kavakcioglu ; Sahin, Sevilay Cengiz ; Sever, Nurettin Ilter ; Ozek, Nihal Simsek
492010Biodegradation of direct blue 15 by free and immobilized Trametes versicolorPazarlioglu, N.K.; Akkaya, A.; Ardağ Akdoğan, Hatice ; Gungor, B.
502012Biosorption characteristics of indigenous plant material for trivalent arsenic removal from groundwater: equilibrium and kinetic studiesBaig, J.A.; Kazi, T.G.; Elçi, Latif 
512024Biosourced polymeric cryogels for future biomedical applications with remarkable antimicrobial activities and tribological propertiesGürel, C.M.; Bozbeyoğlu, N.N. ; Yardımcı, B.K. ; Şarkaya, K. ; Mutlu, D.; Akıncıoğlu, S.ı.; Doğan, N.M. ; Arslan, Şevki ; Allı, Abdülkadir
522023Biosynthesis and Analytical Characterization of Iron Oxide Nanobiocomposite for In-Depth Adsorption Strategy for the Removal of Toxic Metals from Drinking WaterBhutto A.A.; Baig J.A.; Sirajuddin; Kazi T.G.; Sierra-Alvarez R.; Akhtar K.; Hussain S.; Afridi, Hassan Imran; Hol, Aysen ; Samejo, Suraya
532005Bis{µ-[O-cyclopentyl(4-methoxyphenyl) dithiophosphonato]1?:S, 2?:S-[O-cyclopentyl(4-methoxyphenyl)dithiophosphonato]1? 2S,S'} dizinc(II)Karakus, M. ; Yilmaz, H.; Bulak, E.; Lönnecke, P.
542004Bis{µ-[O-cyclopentyl(4-methoxyphenyl)dithiophosphonato]1?:S, 2?:S-[O-cyclopentyl (4-methoxyphenyl)dithiophosphonato]-1? 2S,S'}dicadmium(II)Karakus, Mehmet. ; Yilmaz, H.; Ozcan, Y. ; Ide, S.
55Apr-2013Blend or copolymer? Spectroelectrochemical evidence of copolymerization and blending of two electrochromic monomersAk, Metin ; Çetişli, Halil ; Toppare, Levent
564-Oct-2009Blend or copolymer? Spectroelectrochemical evidence of copolymerization or blending two monomerAk, Metin ; Sulak Ak, Mine ; Cetisli, Halil ; Donat, Ramazan 
572012A brief review on the thermal behaviors of calixarene-azocalixarene derivatives and their complexesDeligöz, Hasalettin ; Karakuş, Özlem Özen ; Çılgı, Gülbanu Koyundereli 
182006Bulk liquid membrane transport of Hg(II) by a crown ether derivativeAlpoğuz, Hamza Korkmaz 
1920-May-2015Carbazole functionalized star shaped triazine monomer and its electrochromic applicationsGuzel, Merve; Soganci, Tugba; Akgun, Minel; Ak, Metin 
202017Carbon Based Nanomaterials for High Performance Optoelectrochemical SystemsAyrancı, Rukiye; Başkaya, Gaye; Güzel, Merve ; Bozkurt, Sait; Şen, Fatih; Ak, Metin