20.02. Metallurgical And Materials Engineering

Organization name
20.02. Metallurgical And Materials Engineering
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1-20 of 158 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12019100Cr6 Çeşitli Isıl İşlem Durumlarında Aşınma Davranışlarının BelirlenmesiCan, Hilal 
22018AA2014/B4C MMK yapının döküm ve döküm sonrası sinterleme işlemleri ile üretiminin aşınma davranışlarına etkileriAksöz, Sinan ; Bostan, Bülent
32012Adsorptive removal of thorium (IV) using calcined and flux calcined diatomite from Turkey: Evaluation of equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic dataYusan, S.; Gok, C. ; Erentürk, Sema; Aytas, S.
42011Alüminyum alaşımlarında blister oluşumuTan, Engin 
52000Avrupa standartlarında paslanmaz çeliklerin mamul şekilleriYüksel, Mehmet ; Can, Hilal 
62016Baryum katkılı perovskit tip manganitlerin üretilmesi ve manyetokalorik etkilerinin araştırılmasıTanış, Yunus Emre 
72022Bioplastics / Biopolymers: How Aware Are We?Işıtan, Arzum ; Gök, Cem ; Sulak, Mine ; Kırmızı, Fatma ; Onar, Volkan ; Kutlubay, Ramazan Çağrı 
82013Biosorption of radiostrontium by alginate beads: Application of isotherm models and thermodynamic studiesGök, Cem ; Gerstmann, U.; Aytas, S.
92014Biosorption of Uranium Ions by Marine Macroalga Padina pavoniaAytas, S.; Gunduz, E.; Gök, Cem 
102011Biosorption of uranium(VI) by bi-functionalized low cost biocomposite adsorbentAytas, S.; Turkozu, D.A.; Gök, Cem 
112011Blistering problems observed in strain induced melt activated aluminium alloysTan, Engin ; Tarakçılar, Ali Rıza ; Dispinar, D.
122019Boro-sinterleme işleminin ham T/M parçaların mikroyapı ve sertlik özelliklerine etkilerinin incelenmesiAksöz, Sinan ; Kaplan, Yavuz ; Tan, Engin 
132012A brief review on the thermal behaviors of calixarene-azocalixarene derivatives and their complexesDeligöz, Hasalettin ; Karakuş, Özlem Özen ; Çılgı, Gülbanu Koyundereli 
142019Calculation of optimum insulation thickness of external walls in residential buildings by using exergetic life cycle cost assessment method: Case study for TurkeyGüven, Şengül 
152025Catanionic synergetic effect of sodium dodecyl sulphate and cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide surfactants on the electrochemical performance of porous carbon anodes in lithium-ion batteriesGuner, Y. ; Dermenci, K. B.; Guner, A. T. ; Turan, S.
162023Change in the Wear Characteristics of T6 Heat-Treated 2024, 6063, and 7075 Alloys at Different Quenching TemperaturesTan, Engin 
172014Chapter 16 - Biosorption of Uranium and Thorium by BiopolymersGök, Cem ; Aytas, S.
182016Characterization of Cystoseira sp. for the Isolation of UraniumAytas, S.; Sezer, H.; Gök, Cem 
192022A Comparative Investigation on the Wear Performance of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI) Treated with Single and Double TemperingTan, Engin 
202019Comparison of the effects of b4C and SiC Reinforcement in Al-Si Matrix Alloys Produced via PM MethodKaplan, Y. ; Tan, Engin. ; Ada, H.; Aksöz, Sinan.