20.03. Biomedical Engineering

Organization name
20.03. Biomedical Engineering
Çetin, Sevilay - Eski
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 241-260 of 301 (Search time: 0.013 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2412015Self-assembled and Nanostructured Copolymer Aggregations of the Tertiary Amine Methacrylate Based Triblock CopolymersÖzcan, Yusuf ; Orujalipoor, I.; Huang, Y.-C.; Bütün, V.; Jeng, U.-S.
22023Sensor application and mathematical modeling of new Zn(II) phthalocyanine containing 26-membered tetraoxadithia macrocycle moietiesBaygu, Yasemin ; Çapan, İnci; Çapan, Rıfat; Erdoğan, Matem; Açıkbaş, Yaser; Kabay, Nilgun ; Gök, Yaşar ; Buyukkabasakal, Kemal
32017Signal denoising based on adaptive fourier decompositionKızılkaya, Aydın ; Kırkbaş, Ali ; Boğar, Eşref 
42022SILAR processing and characterization of bare and graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO)-doped CuO thin filmsAltinay Y.; Gökoğlan E.; Yener Ç.; Ünlü G. ; Şahin B.
52014Simenoside A, a new triterpenoid saponin from Gypsophila simonii Hub.-Mor.Arslan, İdris 
62024Simple Magnetic Polymeric Ionic Liquid Nanocomposite Coated Hollow Fiber Membrane for the Determination of Lead (II) and Copper (II) in Water and Fruit Juice with Microinjection Sampling-Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (MIS-FAAS)Salamat, Qamar; Elçi, Aydan; Elçi, Şükrü Gökhan 
72022Simple Staining of Cells on a ChipKosker, Fatma Betül ; Aydın, Ömer; Icoz, Kutay
82007A simplified procedure for the optimal design of induction cooking appliancesSazak, Bekir Sami ; Çetin, Sevilay ; Oncu, S.
92023Simultaneous Eco-friendly Bleaching and Retting Wastewater Treatment of Hemp Fiber with Ozone ApplicationGedik, Görkem ; Aydın Kızılkaya, Yağmur Meltem ; Uyak, Vedat ; Koluman, Ahmet 
102004Sitokrom P4501A ve glutatyon S-transferaz'ların mavri kefal balığından(Liza saliens) karakterizasyonu ve değişik dokularda immünolojik tanımlanmasıKırıkbakan, Aslı 
112011Solid phase extractive preconcentration coupled to gas chromatography- atomic emission detection for the determination of chlorophenols in water samplesElçi, Latif ; Kolbe, Nina; Elçi, Şükrü G. ; Anderson, J.T.
122020Sonsuz Vida Mekanizması ile Yeni Tasarlanan Bilyeli Sonsuz Vida Mekanizmasının Verimlerinin Deneysel Olarak KarşılaştırılmasıKoçak, Sait ; Kaplan, Yavuz ; Güner, Ali Tekin 
132021Speciation and preconcentration of chromium in real samples by magnetic polythiophene nanoparticle solid-phase extraction (SPE) coupled with microsampling injection - flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS)Elyas Sodan, Nilgun; Elci, Sukru Gokhan ; Arslan Kartal, Aslihan ; Hol, Aysen ; Elci, Latif 
142020Speciation of chromium in beverages and seasoning samples by magnetic solid-phase extraction and microsample injection system flame atomic absorption spectrometryElçi, Şükrü Gökhan 
152022The Structural Characterization of Extracellular Polysaccharide from Enterococcus faecium M20Arar D.; Doğan N.M. ; Özcan Y. ; Arslan Ş. ; Orujalipoor I.; İde S.
162015Structural, electrical and optical properties of thermally evaporated cdse and in-doped CdSe thin filmsTakanoğlu, Duygu ; Yilmaz, K. ; Ozcan, Yusuf ; Karabulut, Orhan 
172019Structure and magnetic properties of (La1-xFex)FeO3 (x = 0, 0.25, 0.50) perovskiteÜnlü, Cumhur Gökhan ; Burak Kaynar, M.; Şimşek, T.; Tekgül, A.; Kalkan, B.; Özcan, Sadan
182020Suppression of inflammatory cytokines expression with bitter melon (Momordica charantia) in TNBS-instigated ulcerative colitisSemiz, Aslı ; Acar, Özden Özgün ; Çetin, Hülya ; Semiz, Gürkan ; Şen, Alaattin 
192021Survival of Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli (STEC) Serogroups During Production and Storage of YogurtCelik, G.; Dikici, A.; Koluman, A. 
202025Sustainable Production of Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline Cellulose From Textile Waste Using Hcl and Naoh/Urea TreatmentIsitan, Arzum ; Pasquardini, Laura; Bersani, Massimo; Gok, Cem ; Fioravanti, Simona; Lunelli, Lorenzo; Koluman, Ahmet