| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1 | 2023 | Antibakteriyel, Kanama Durdurucu ve Yaralanma Tespit Sistemi İçeren Askeri Operasyon Kıyafeti | Njjar, Mahmed Sari; Akduman, Çiğdem ; Koluman, Ahmet |
2 | 2024 | Antibiyotikler: çevresel etkileri ve indirgeme teknikleri | Takanoğlu Bulut, Duygu ; Kuran, Özkur; Koluman, Ahmet |
3 | 2022 | Application of Three-Dimensional Printers For Production of Personal Orbital Implants During Pandemics | Njjar, Mahmed Sarı; Acar, Özden Özgün ; Semiz, Aslı ; Demirci, Kadir; Koluman, Ahmet |
4 | 2024 | Applications and characterization methods of nonwovens in biomedical field | Altintaş, F.; Koluman, A. |
5 | 2019 | Aside Adapte ve Adapte Edilmemiş E. coli O157:H7 ve Listeria monocytogenes’lerin Şavak Tulum Peynirinin Olgunlaşması Boyunca Yaşamları | İncili, Gökhan Kürşad; Dikici, Abdukkah; Koluman, Ahmet ; Çalıcıoğlu, Mehmet |
6 | 2022 | Characterization of lactic acid bacteria postbiotics, evaluation in-vitro antibacterial effect, microbial and chemical quality on chicken drumsticks | Incili, Gokhan Kursad; Karatepe, Pinar; Akgol, Muzeyyen; Gungoren, Alper; Koluman, Ahmet ; Ilhak, Osman Irfan; Kanmaz, Hilal |
7 | 1-Feb-2019 | Characterization of Salmonella isolated from organically reared poultry located in the same longitude with three distinct seasonal characteristics | İncili, Gökhan Kürşad; Koluman, Ahmet ; Dikici, Abdullah; Kahraman, Tolga; Ünlü, Abdullah Teoman |
8 | 2019 | Determination of Hepatitis A Virus, Enterobacteriaceae, Coliform and Escherichia coli Contamination of Frozen Raspberries | Kürşad İncili, Gökhan; Koluman, Ahmet ; Dikici, Abdullah |
9 | 2019 | Development and evaluation of a novel Campylobacter spp. enrichment medium | Al, S.; Incili, G.K.; Akcay, Aytaç; Koluman, Ahmet |
10 | 2022 | DİYABETİK YARALARA ELEKTRİKSEL STİMÜLASYON UYGULAMALARI | Akıllı, Batuhan; Koluman, Ahmet ; Abban Mete, Gülçin |
11 | 2019 | Effects of ankaferd hemostat on helicobacter pylori strains and antibiotic resistanc | Çiftçiler, R.; Koluman, A. ; Haznedaroğlu, İ.C.; Akar, N. |
12 | 2018 | Effects of different fibers on the quality of chicken meatballs | Golge, O.; Kılınççeker, O.; Koluman, Ahmet |
13 | 2021 | Estimation of infection risk using symptoms of COVID-19: an approach based on fuzzy expert system | Tokat, Sezai ; Özbey, Serhat; Koluman, Ahmet |
14 | 2022 | Gıda İşletmelerinde Biyofilm Sorunu ve Gümüş Nanopartikül Uygulamaları | Koluman, Ahmet ; Kahraman, Tolga; Gürlük, Nuray |
15 | 2022 | The Haemostatic Effects of Ankaferd Blood Stopper® on Mammalian Brain Parenchyma: An Experimental Study | Egemen, Emrah ; Dere, Ümit Akın ; Ünver Koluman, Başak ; Doğruel, Yücel ; Koluman, Ahmet ; Bakırarar, Batuhan; Çil, Nazlı ; Avcı, Esin ; Tural, Emine ; Yakar, Fatih |
16 | 2021 | Hidrojen peroksit dekontaminasyon etkinliğinin belirlenmesine yönelik mikrofluidik katalaz biyosensörü: Mikrobiyal optimizasyon | Koluman, Ahmet ; Keskin, Ahmet |
17 | 2022 | The in vitro effect of heat, lactic acid-silver nanoparticle combination on shiga toxigenic Escherichia coli | Buyukunal S.K.; Muratoglu K.; Koluman A. |
18 | 2022 | The in vitro effect of hypochlorous acid-metal nanoparticles combination on Salmonellaunder different temperature conditions | Buyukunal, Serkan Kemal; Muratoglu, Karlo; Koluman, Ahmet |
19 | 2021 | Investigating the effect of decontaminants on microbiological and chemical properties of rainbow trouts | Dikici, Abdullah; Ozpolat, Emine; Bozatli, Sumeyye Betul; Koluman, Ahmet ; Patir, Bahri; Calicioglu, Mehmet |
20 | 2021 | Invitro decontamination effect of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs) on important foodborne pathogens | Kevenk, Tahsin Onur; Koluman, Ahmet |