29.01. Health Programs

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29.01. Health Programs

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 61-80 of 138 (Search time: 0.052 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
612021Functional and Flow Cytometric Analysis of Buffalo Cryopreserved Spermatozoa: Comparison of Different Breeds and Incubation TimesTopraggaleh, Tohid Rezaei; Bucak, Mustafa Numan; Shahverdi, Maryam; Koohestani, Yegane; Batur, Ali Furkan; Rahimizadeh, Pegah; Ili, Pinar 
622024Genetic diversity of Lilium candidum natural populations in Türkiye evaluated with ISSR and M13-tailed SSR markersTokgoz, Hilal Busra ; Çetin, Öznur; Kaya, Hilal Betül; Akkale, Cengiz; Yıldırım, Hasan; Pirhan, Ademi Fahri; Kaya, Ergun; Altan, Filiz
632015Genotoxicological assessment of nebuloside-A a triterpenoid saponin compound on whole blood DNAArslan, İdris ; İli, Pınar 
42011Glycohistochemical study on the Denizli cock testisKeskin, Nazan ; İli, Pınar 
52013Glycohistochemistry of the lateral tympanic membrane in the syrinx of the denizli cockKeskin, Nazan ; İli, Pınar 
62024Health literacy levels of vocational school of health services students and related factorsÇakır, Orhan; Bükecik, Necati; Sevgi Öztürk Günay; Yeşilyaprak, Tuğçe 
7Feb-2012Histochemical demonstration of mucosubstances in the mouse gastrointestinal tract treated with Origanum hypericifolium O. Schwartz and P.H. Davis extractKeskin, Nazan ; İli, Pınar ; Şahin, Barbaros 
82016Histochemical evidence for copper accumulation in the kidneys of loggerhead sea turtle hatchlings from Dalyan beach, Turkeyİli, Pınar ; Sarı, Fikret ; Keskin, Nazan ; Kaska, Yakup 
92013A histochemical study of ultraviolet B irradiation and Origanum hypericifolium oil applied to the skin of miceİli, Pınar ; Keskin, Nazan 
102024Hyperfine structure investigation of singly Ionized thulium in fourier-transform spectraKebapcı, Taha Yusuf ; Parlatan, Seyma; Sert, Sami; Ozturk, Ipek Kanat; Başar, Gönül; Şahin, Timur; Bilir, Selçuk; Ferber, Ruvin; Tamanis, Maris; Kroger, Sophie
112016Immunohistochemical analysis of inhibitory effects of Origanum hypericifolium oil on Dipeptidyl peptidase IV in streptozotocin-induced diabetic ratsİli, Pınar ; Zeytunluoğlu, Ali 
122014Immunohistochemical investigation of galectin-3 in the skin of mice applied with Origanum hypericifolium essential oil and irradiated with ultraviolet Bİli, Pınar ; Keskin, Nazan 
132011Immunohistochemical study of laminin in UV-B irradiated and origanum hypericifolium oil applied skin of miceİli, Pınar ; Keskin, Nazan ; Celik, A
142024The impact of heat treatment on the luminescence properties of Dy/Ag co-doped sodium alumina borate glassesKoçyiğit, D. ; Gökçe, M.; Gökçe, A.G.
152012Implication of C-type natriuretic peptide-3 signaling in glycosaminoglycan synthesis and chondrocyte hypertrophy during TGF-ß1 induced chondrogenic differentiation of chicken bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cellsKocamaz, Erdoğan ; Gök, Duygu; Çetinkaya, Ayşe ; Tufan, Ahmet Çevik 
16Jun-2019Influence of ellagic acid and ebselen on sperm and oxidative stress parameters during liquid preservation of ram semenBucak, Mustafa Numan; Bodu, Mustafa; Başpınar, Nuri; Güngör, Şükrü; İli, Pınar ; Acibaeva, Begimay; Topraggaleh, Tohid Rezaei
172016Influence of lycopene and cysteamine on sperm and oxidative stress parameters during liquid storage of ram semen at 5 °CPeker Akalin, P.; Bucak, M.N.; Güngör, Ş.; Başpinar, N.; Çoyan, Kenan ; Dursun, Ş.; Ili, Pınar 
182021Internet use by pregnant women seeking childbirth informationSerceku, Pinar ; Degirmenciler, Busra ; Ozkan, Sevgi 
192014An investigation of empathic skills of foster families, Turkey running title: Empathic skills of foster families, TurkeyVural, Belgin Kıray ; Körükçü, Özlem ; Aral, N; Korukcu, G
202023Investigation of fear of covid-19 , work stress and affecting factors in prehospital emergency healthcare workersÖzturk, Mehmet Halil ; Vardar, Okan ; Özkan, Sevgi ; Serçekuş, Pınar