N. Sen Turk
Sen Turk, Nilay.
Şen Türk, N.
N. Şen Türk
Şen Türk, Nilay.
Türk, Şen Nilay
Sen-Turk, Nilay
Sen Türk, Nilay
Şen-Türk, Nilay
Türk, Nilay Şen
Turk, Nilay Sen
Şen, Nilay
Sen Turk, N
Şen-Türk, N.

- 22 human
- 19 male
- 18 adult
- 18 article
- 18 human tissue
- 17 controlled study
- 16 female
- 16 immunohistochemistry
- 14 Humans
- 13 aged
- . next >
Date issued
- 30 With Fulltext
- 23 No Fulltext
Results 21-40 of 53 (Search time: 0.03 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | |
21 | 2013 | Intravascular histiocytosis associated with rheumatoid arthritis | Şen Türk, Nilay ; Demirkan Çallı, Neşe ; Taşlı, Levent ; Yıldız, Necibe |
22 | 2021 | Is caffeine a predisposing risk factor for developing intestinal injury in newborn rats? | Özdemir, Özmert Muhammet Ali ; Saldıray, Savaş ; Enli, Yaşar ; Şen Türk, Nilay ; Ergin, Hacer |
23 | 2021 | Is CONUT score a prognostic index in patients with diffuse large cell lymphoma? | Akgun Cagiyan, Gulsum ; Hacioglu, Sibel ; Unver Koluman, Basak ; Ilkkilic, Kadir; Nar, Rukiye ; Baser, Mehmet Nuri ; Bozdemir, Asli ; Senol, Hande ; Şen Türk, Nilay ; Erol, Veysel ; Yildirim, Onurcan ; Cagliyan, Omer ; Guler, Nil |
44 | 2008 | Keratoakantom ayırıcı tanısında ß-katenin ve siklin D1 ekspresyonunun rolü | Altınboğa, Ayşegül Aksoy ; Demirhan, Çallı Neşe ; Akbulut, Metin ; Bir, Ferda ; Türk, Şen Nilay ; Yalçın, Nagihan ; Kara, Gökalan İnci |
45 | 2010 | Ki-67, p53, Bcl-2 and Bax expression in urothelial carcinomas of urinary bladder | Şen Türk, Nilay ; Aybek, Zafer ; Düzcan, E. |
46 | 2022 | A LIFE-SAVING EARLY DIAGNOSIS OF BURKITT LYMPHOMA INVOLVING BOTH JAWS, MISDIAGNOSED AS PERICORONITIS | Ozdede, Melih; Dere, Kadriye Ayca ; Koluman, Basak Unver ; Gormez, Aysegul ; Sen Turk, Nilay ; Hekimgil, Mine |
7 | 2006 | Massif mide kanamasına yol açan bir Dieulafoy lezyonu (olgu sunumu) | Şen, Nilay ; Demirkan, Çallı Neşe ; Akbulut, Metin ; Aytekin, Faruk |
8 | 2011 | Mesane kanserinde idrar sitolojisinin tanısal önemi | Vanlı, Merve; Gündoğmuş, Yasemin; Özkılıç, Cemile Mukadder; Şen, Türk Nilay |
9 | 2021 | The miRNA content of circulating exosomes in DLBCL patients and in vitro influence of DLBCL-derived exosomes on miRNA expression of healthy B-cells from peripheral blood | Caner, Vildan ; Cetin, Gokhan Ozan ; Hacioglu, Sibel ; Baris, Ikbal Cansu ; Tepeli, Emre ; Turk, Nilay Sen ; Bagci, Gulseren ; Yararbas, Kanay; Cagliyan, Gulsum |
10 | 2020 | Multiple miyeloma sekonder MPGN nedeniyle son dönem kronik böbrek yetmezliği gelişen bir olgu sunumu | Yıldırım, Açelya Gökdeniz; Dursun, Belda ; Yaşar, Murat; Türk, Nilay Şen ; Yalçın, Nagihan |
11 | 2016 | Mutational status of EZH2 and CD79B hot spots in mature B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas: Novel CD79B variations have been revealed | Çetin Gökhan Ozan ; Barış, İkbal Cansu ; Caner, Vildan ; Sarıkepe, Bilge; Şen Türk, Nilay ; Tepeli, Emre ; Hacıoglu, Sibel |
12 | 2015 | MYD88 Expression and L265P Mutation in Mature B-Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas | Caner, Vildan. ; Sen Turk, N. ; Baris, I.C.; Cetin, G.O. ; Tepeli, E. ; Hacioglu, S.; Sari, Hakan İsmail |
13 | 2015 | A Newborn with Congenital Mixed Phenotype Acute Leukemia After In Vitro Fertilization | Ergin, Hacer. ; Özdemir, Özmert Muhamet Ali ; Karaca, A.; Türk, Nilay Şen ; Düzcan, F.; Ergin, Ş.; Kazanci, E. |
14 | 2008 | No strong association between HER-2/neu protein overexpression and gene amplification in high-grade invasive urothelial carcinomas | Caner, Vildan ; Türk, Nilay Şen ; Düzcan, Füsun ; Tufan, N.L.S.; Kelten, Esra Canan; Zencir, S. ; Dodurga, Yavuz |
15 | 2015 | Possible role of GADD45? methylation in diffuse large B-cell Lymphoma: Does it affect the progression and tissue involvement? | Barış, İkbal Cansu ; Caner, Vildan ; Türk, Nilay Şen ; Sarı, Hakan İsmail ; Hacıoğlu, Sibel ; Doğu, Mehmet Hilmi ; Çetin, Ozan |
16 | 2008 | A prenatally detected case of congenital hepatoblastoma | Ergin, Hacer ; Yildirim, B.; Dagdeviren, E.; Yağcı, Baki ; Ozen, F.; Şen, Nilay ; Duzcan, E. |
17 | 2010 | Prenatally detected giant solitary nonparasitic hepatic cyst in a newborn: Report of a case | Çördük, Nergül ; Koltuksuz, Uğur ; Sarıoğlu-Büke, Akile ; Türk, Şen Nilay ; Herek, Özkan |
38 | 2010 | Primary malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the kidney: Report of a case | Şen Türk, N. ; Kelten, C. ; Özkalay Özdemir, N. ; Düzcan, E. |
39 | 2012 | Primary malignant melanoma of the penis: A case report | Doğu, Gamze Gököz ; Yaren, Arzu ; Tuncay, Ömer Levent ; Şen Türk, Nilay ; Zümrütbaş, Ali Ersin ; Taşköylu, Burcu Yapar ; Bir, Ferda |
40 | 2011 | Primer paratestiküler rabdomyosarkom | Şen, Nilay Türk ; Akbulut, Metin ; Varlıker, Haluk |
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