B. Unver Koluman
Unver Koluman, Basak.
Ünver Koluman, B.
B. Ünver Koluman
Ünver Koluman, Başak.
Koluman, Basak Ünver
Koluman, Başak Ünver

Results 1-14 of 14 (Search time: 0.013 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | |
1 | 2021 | Appendectomy challenge if there is not neutrophil! | Ünver Koluman, Başak ; Aykota, Muhammed Raşid |
2 | 2024 | Complications of imaging-assisted port catheters and factors affecting complications | Tekinhatun, M.; Arslan, M. ; Aslan, H.S.; Yavaş, H.G.; Demirci, M.; Ünver, Koluman, B. ; Alver, K. |
3 | 2022 | COVID-19 case with prolonged neutropenia | Yiğit, Nilüfer ; Ünver Koluman, Başak ; Altınışık Ergur, Göksel ; Uğurlu, Erhan |
4 | 2023 | Effect of gonadotropins on blood, bone marrow and spleen in cyclophosphamide exposed rats | Ünver Koluman, Başak ; Çil, Nazlı ; Mete, Gülçin Abban |
5 | 2024 | Enhancing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation success: the crucial role of architectural design in transplant units and hematology departments | Coza, Halit ; Koluman, Başak Ünver |
6 | 2020 | Evaluation Of The Achievement Of Hematologists To Transfusion Medicine Education With Self-Assessment Questionnaire In Turkey | İlhan, Gül ; Ünver Koluman, Başak ; Duran, Mustafa ; Eker, İbrahim; Yilmaz, Fergun; Tuysuz Kintrup, Gülen; Gurlek Gokcebay, Dilek; Işık, Melek; Oymak, Yeşim; Ateşağaoğlu, Berna; Özer, Tuğba Belgemen; Özünal, Işıl Erdoğan; Aygüneş, Utku; Tayfun Kupesiz, Funda; Toret, Ersin; Akıncı, Ayşe Burcu; Tüfekçi, Özlem; Güneş, Burçak Tatlı; Koç, Begüm Şirin; Andic, Neslihan; Ocak, Süheyla; Evim, Melike Sezgin; Gürpınar, Erol; Aydınok, Yeşim |
7 | 2019 | Flurbiprofen-associated hemolytic anemia. | Gulen M; Ünver Koluman, Başak ; Avci A; Satar S |
8 | 2022 | The Haemostatic Effects of Ankaferd Blood Stopper® on Mammalian Brain Parenchyma: An Experimental Study | Egemen, Emrah ; Dere, Ümit Akın ; Ünver Koluman, Başak ; Doğruel, Yücel ; Koluman, Ahmet ; Bakırarar, Batuhan; Çil, Nazlı ; Avcı, Esin ; Tural, Emine ; Yakar, Fatih |
9 | 2025 | Investigation of erythrocyte membrane lipid profile, oxidative stress and DNA damage parameters in patients with chronic lymphoid leukemia; | Karakula, B. ; Akgün Çağlıyan, G.; Ünver Koluman, B. ; Başer, M.N.; Tunç Ata, M. ; Altıntaş, F. ; Çört, A. |
10 | 2021 | Is CONUT score a prognostic index in patients with diffuse large cell lymphoma? | Akgun Cagiyan, Gulsum ; Hacioglu, Sibel ; Unver Koluman, Basak ; Ilkkilic, Kadir; Nar, Rukiye ; Baser, Mehmet Nuri ; Bozdemir, Asli ; Senol, Hande ; Şen Türk, Nilay ; Erol, Veysel ; Yildirim, Onurcan ; Cagliyan, Omer ; Guler, Nil |
11 | 2024 | Metachronous or synchronous presentation of acute myeloid leukemia and lung cancer: A single-center experience | Koluman, Basak Ünver ; Gökçen Demiray, Atike ; Akgün Çaglıyan, Gülsüm ; Kabukcu Hacıoğlu, Sibel ; Güler, Nil ; Durak, Taner ; Arman Karakaya, Yeliz ; Bir, Ferda |
12 | 2023 | Predictive value of serum vitamin B12 elevation in acute leukemia | Ünlü, Ahmet ; Ünver Koluman, Başak ; Hacıoğlu, Sibel ; Akgün Çağlıyan, Gülsüm ; Güler, Nil |
13 | 2023 | Radiation exposure in acute myeloid leukaemia, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, and multiple myeloma patients in the first year following diagnosis | Ünver Koluman, Başak ; Arslan, Muhammet ; Şenol, Hande ; Hacıoğlu, Sibel Kabukcu ; Akgün Çağlıyan, Gülsüm ; Güler, Nil ; Şen Türk, Nilay |
14 | 2021 | Serum Hepcidin and Prohepcidin Levels in Nonfebrile and Febrile Neutropenia | Koluman, Basak Unver ; Avci, Esin ; Guler, Nil ; Cagliyan, Gulsum Akgun ; Senol, Hande |
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