| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
21 | 2013 | Effects of different bladder management methods on the quality of life in patients with traumatic spinal cord injury | Akkoç, Y.; Ersöz, Murat.; Yıldız, Necmettin ; Erhan, B.; Alaca, R.; Gök, H.; Zinnuroglu, M. |
22 | 2015 | The effects of repeated filling cystometries on cystometric variables in spinal cord-injured patients with overactive detrusor, who utilize different type of urine drainage methods | Yıldız, Necmettin ; Alkan, Hakan ; Sarsan, Ayşe ; Alkan, S. |
23 | 2024 | Effects of Transcutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation in Women Refractory to and Never Used Pharmacological Agents for Idiopathic Overactive Bladder | Yıldız, Necmettin ; Arbay Çeltek, Merve |
4 | 2011 | Efficacies of papaverine and sildenafil in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in early-stage paraplegic men | Yıldız, Necmettin ; Gokkaya, N.K.O.; Koseoglu, F.; Gokkaya, S.; Comert, D. |
5 | 2010 | Efficacy of Combined Oral-Intravesical Oxybutynin Hydrochloride Treatment for Patients with Overactive Detrusors and Indwelling Urethral Catheters | Ersoz, M; Yıldız, Necmettin ; Akyuz, M; Koseoglu, F |
6 | 2010 | Efficacy of exercise and ultrasound in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis: A prospective randomized controlled trial | Goren, A.; Yıldız, Necmettin ; Topuz, Oya ; Fındıkoğlu, Gülin ; Ardıç, Füsun |
7 | 2011 | Efficacy of home based exercise program and postural biofeedback therapy in reducing risk of falling among osteoporotic women over 65 years of age | Alkan, Hakan ; Topuz, Oya ; Yıldız, Necmettin ; Alkan, S.; Sarsan, Ayşe ; Ardıç, Füsun |
8 | 2021 | Efficacy of intravaginal electrical stimulation added to bladder raining in women with idiopathic overactive bladder: A prospective randomized controlled trial | Yildiz, Necmettin ; Alkan, Hakan ; Sarsan, Ayse |
9 | 2022 | Efficacy of intravaginal electrical stimulation with different treatment frequency in women with refractory idiopathic overactive bladder | Yildiz, Necmettin ; Alkan, Hakan ; Findikoglu, Gulin |
10 | 2022 | Efficacy of local oxygen-ozone therapy for the treatment of digital ulcer refractory to medical therapy in systemic sclerosis: A randomized controlled study | Kaymaz, Serdar ; Karasu, Ugur ; Alkan, Hakan ; Ulutas, Firdevs ; Albayrak Yasar, Canan ; Dundar Ok, Zeynep ; Cobankara, Veli ; Yigit, Murat ; Yildiz, Necmettin ; Ardic, Fusun |
11 | 2022 | Efficacy of percutaneous and transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation in women with idiopathic overactive bladder: A prospective randomised controlled trial | Sonmez, Rafet ; Yildiz, Necmettin ; Alkan, Hakan |
12 | 2023 | Efficacy of perineal electrical stimulation in men with urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy. A prospective randomized controlled trial | Yildiz, Necmettin ; Celen, Sinan ; Ozlulerden, Yusuf ; Alkan, Hakan |
13 | 2013 | An evaluation of bladder emptying methods and the effect of demographic and clinical factors on spontaneous voiding frequency in stroke patients | Ersoz, Murat; Erhan, B.; Akkoc, Y.; Zinnuroglu, M.; Yıldız, Necmettin ; Gok, H.; Ozdolap, S. |
14 | 2022 | Factors predicting the treatment success of bladder training for urgency urinary incontinence | Yildiz, Necmettin ; Ozlu, Aysun |
15 | 2013 | Fall risk in patients with ankylosing spondylitis | Alkan, Hakan ; Yıldız, Necmettin ; Sarsan, Ayşe ; Atalay Şimşir, Nilgün ; Sevinç, Özgür ; Topuz, Oya ; Ardıç, Füsun |
16 | 2010 | Health-related quality of life (Nottingham health profile) in knee osteoarthritis: Correlation with clinical variables and self-reported disability | Yıldız, Necmettin ; Topuz, Oya ; Güngen, Gonca O.; Deniz, Saadet; Alkan, Hakan ; Ardıç, Fusun |
17 | 2008 | Hemiplejide heterotopik ossifikasyon gelişimi: İki olgu sunumu ve literatür incelemesi | Yıldız, Necmettin ; Ercidoğan, Özlem; Ardıç, Füsun |
18 | 2011 | The impact of disease severity in carpal tunnel syndrome on grip strength, pinch strength, fine motor skill and depression | Atalay, N.S.; Sarsan, Ayşe ; Akkaya, Nuray ; Yıldız, Necmettin ; Topuz, Oya |
19 | 2014 | Intermittent catheterization in patients with traumatic spinal cord injury: Obstacles, worries, level of satisfaction | Yilmaz, B. ; Akkoç, Y.; Alaca, R.; Erhan, B.; Gündüz, B.; Yıldız, Necmettin ; Gök, H. |
20 | 2009 | İnmeli hastaların özellikleri ve fonksiyonel sonuçlarını etkileyen faktörler | Yıldız, Necmettin ; Şanal, Engin ; Sarsan, Ayşe ; Topuz, Oya ; Ardıç, Füsun |