H. Altun Evci
Altun Evci, Hatice.
Altun, Hatice

Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.015 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | |
1 | 2021 | The Comparison of Evaluative That Clauses in Turkish L2 Novice and Expert Writers' Abstracts | Altun, Hatice |
2 | 2022 | Deneyimsiz Türk Yazarların İngilizce Akademik Yazma Hatalarına DerlemOdaklı Bir Bakış | Altun, Hatice |
3 | 2021 | DİLLER ARASI GEÇİŞLİLİK (TRANSLANGUAGING): ÇIKARIMLAR VE TÜRKİYE BAĞLAMINDA ARTAN İHTİYAÇ Türkiye’deki Yazma Derslerindeki Etkilerine İlişkin İçgörüler | Altun, Hatice |
4 | 2023 | functional outcome in late adolescence/early adulthood of patients with autism spectrum disorder and its relationships with parental burnout and depression: A preliminary multi-center, cross-sectional study | Altun, Hatice ; Buber, Ahmet ; Kilicaslan, F.; Vural, P.; Gokcen, C.; Alsen, Guney, S.; Kutuk, B.; Ozyurt, Gonca; Inal, Neslihan; Inal, Neslihan; Mutluer, Tuba; Acikalin, Eren Yavuz; Ozer, Fadime Hande; Pamuk, Esma Nur; Yesilmese, Seyma Celikcan; Karadag, Mehmet; Hangul, Zehra; Bilginer, Cilem; Sahin, Nilfer; Bilac, Oznur; Kandemir, Hasan; Ercan, Eyup Sabri; Eseroglu Soylemez, Tugba; Acikel, Sadettin Burak; Guler Aksu, Gulen; Dag, Pelin; Toros, Fevziye; Mutlu, Caner; Kardas, Omer; Kardas, Burcu; Kizildag, Suleyman; Demirci, Esra; Ozmen, Sevgi; Sevicin, Leyla; Karagoz, Yuksel Sumeyra; Isik, Umit; Aktepe, Evrim; Kutuk, M.O.; Yektas, Çigdem; Polat Tuysuz, Berna; Tufan, A.E.; Cansiz, Mehmet Akif; Ogutlu, Hakan; Eray, Safak; Taner, Hande Ayraler; Altintas, Ebru; Kutuk, Ozgur |
5 | 2023 | L1 and L2 Summarizing Strategies Used by EFL Learners | Altun, Hatice ; Çetinkaya, Gökhan |
6 | 2022 | A Learner Corpus Driven Approach to Novice Turkish Authors' EAP Use Tendencies | Altun, Hatice |
7 | 2021 | The Learning Effect of Corpora on Strong and Weak Collocations: Impiicatiuns for Corpus-Basea Assessment of Collocation Competence | Altun, Hatice |
8 | 2023 | Translanguagıng Approach In Wrıtıng Turkish as A Second Language: an Experımental Study | Altun, Hatice |
9 | 2019 | Uses of request act by learners of Turkish as a foreign language | Alkan, Hatice Altun ; Yaylı, Derya |
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