35.01. Foreign Languages

Organization name
35.01. Foreign Languages

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1-20 of 153 (Search time: 0.038 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12017Achievement attributions of preparatory class learners in learning EnglishPaker, Turan ; Özkardeş Döğüş, Alev 
22020"Acquisition and Pedagogy of Second Language Vocabulary” at Düzce, 1st International Congress of Pedagogical Research, 24-26 June, 2020.Taşçı, Çağla 
32015Anadili edinimi ve yabancı dil olarak Türkçe öğreniminde karşılaşılan dil yanlışları görünümleri ( PADAM örneği)Sarıca, Nurten ; Gençer, Zeynep 
42019Anaerobic/aerobic treatability of livestock wastewaterÇinçin, Roda Gökçe Yılmaz ; Agdag, Osman Nuri 
52020Analyse sur les stratégies discursives : Exemple d’un article à propos du CoronavirusKoçbaş, Gamze 
62011An analysis of medical students' English language needsTaşçı, Çağla 
7Aug-2009An analysis of the language levels of the eighth (8th) graders in state primary schools in Turkey according to common European framework criteria and contentSarıca Kul, Öznur 
826-Dec-2021Animal Studies in Contemporary British Drama: Stef Smith’s Non-Human and Human AnimalsTan, Cenk ; Özmen Akdoğan, Özlem
914-Mar-2009Assessing vocabulary and alternative ways of vocabulary assessmentTaşçı, Çağla 
10Jun-2010The attitudes of english instructors working at Pamukkale University School of Foreign Languages to vocabulary teachingTuzcu, Şefiye 
1130-Sep-2020Between green paradise and bleak calamity: Elysium & AvatarTan, Cenk 
122024A Bibliometric Study of Issues in Educational PolicySarı, Tamer ; Aypay, Ahmet
132022The Category of Reduplication in Japanese and The Classification ProblemsBaloğlu, Zeynep Gençer 
142020Challenges in Distance Education During the (Covid-19) Pandemic PeriodSarı, Tamer ; Nayir, Funda 
152020Climate change: An apocalypse for urban space? An ecocritical reading of “Venice drowned” and “The Tamarisk hunter”Akyol, Özlem 
162021The Comparison of Evaluative That Clauses in Turkish L2 Novice and Expert Writers' AbstractsAltun, Hatice 
1730-Jun-2022A comprehensive survey of ecocritical studies in Turkish academiaTan, Cenk 
1820-Jun-2014David mitchell's cloud atlas: A multitude of iconic signsTan, Cenk 
1924-Jul-2020A deconstructive critique of J.G. Ballard's BillenniumTan, Cenk 
202023A Decriptive Overview of Dynamic AssessmentOrhon, Yelda ; Mirici, İsmail Hakkı