| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1 | 2015 | Alteration Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the rocks from Tekirova (Antalya) Ophiolite Nappe | Yalcin, H; Bozkaya, Ömer ; Yilmaz, C |
2 | 2013 | Bolkardağı Birliği Devoniyen yaşlı metakumtaşlarının petrografisi ve jeokimyası: Sedimanter süreçler, provens ve tektonik ortam için bazı sınırlamalar | Bozkaya, Ömer ; Yalçın, Hüseyin; Eryılmaz, Remzi |
4 | 18-May-2018 | Characterization and production of extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) by bacillus pseudomycoides U10 | Solmaz, Kübra Betül; Özcan, Yusuf ; Mercan Doğan, Nazime ; Bozkaya, Ömer ; Ide, Semra |
5 | 2017 | Characterization of calcium carbonate produced by ureolytic bacteria (Sporocarcina pasteurii ATCC 6453 and Bacillus aerius U2) and effect of environmental conditions on production of calcium carbonate | Şensoy, Tuğba; Bozbeyoğlu Kart, Naime Nur ; Dogan, Nazime Mercan ; Bozkaya, Ömer ; Akyol, Erdal |
6 | 2016 | Diagenesis/Metamorphism History of Lower Triassic Cigli Group Rocks in Uludere-Uzungecit (Sirnak) area (Eastern Part of the Southeast Anatolian Autochthone) | Tetiker, S; Yalcin, H; Bozkaya, Ömer |
7 | 2016 | Diagenetic history of the rock units of bozkir unit controlled by the triassic rifting, Bozkır-Konya | Yalçın, H.; Bozkaya, Ömer ; Takçı, M. |
8 | 2019 | Direct observation and measurement of Au and Ag in epithermal mineralizing fluids | Banks, D.A.; Bozkaya, Gülcan ; Bozkaya, Ömer |
9 | 2022 | Examination of mechanical properties and microstructure of alkali activated slag and slag-metakaolin blends exposed to high temperatures | Akcaozoglu, Semiha; Ciflikli, Murat; Bozkaya, Omer ; Atis, Cengiz Duran; Ulu, Cuneyt |
10 | 2013 | Geochemical monitoring of clays for diagenetic evolution of the Paleozoic-Lower Mesozoic sequence in the northern Arabian plate: Hazro and Amanos regions, Southeastern Turkey | Bozkaya, Ömer ; Yalçin, H. |
11 | 2021 | Geochemical Properties of Phyllosilicates in Goksun, Afsin and Ekinozu Metamorphites (Kahramanmaras, Turkey) | Hozatlioglu, Deniz; Bozkaya, Omer ; Yalcin, Huseyin |
12 | 2021 | Geological, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of Mississippian K-bentonites from southern Turkey: A correlation with coeval tephras from Gondwana-derived terranes | Bozkaya, Omer ; Gunal-Turkmenoglu, Asuman; Goncuoglu, Mehmet Cemal; Okuyucu, Cengiz |
13 | 2022 | Geological, mineralogical-petrographical and fluid inclusion characteristics of the Catalcam (Soma-Manisa) Au-Pb-Zn-Cu mineralization | Sari, Ramazan; Kucukefe, Sahset; Bozkaya, Gulcan ; Bozkaya, Omer ; Bademler, Fatih; Aral, Zehra Deveci; Bayrakcioglu, Elif Dilek; Donmez, Cahit; Ozkumus, Serkan |
14 | 2016 | Illite occurrences related to volcanic-hosted hydrothermal mineralization in the Biga Peninsula, NW Turkey: Implications for the age and origin of fluids | Bozkaya, Ömer ; Bozkaya, Gülcan ; Uysal, I.T.; Banks, D.A. |
15 | 2016 | Illitization of Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous K-bentonites from Western Pontides, NW Turkey: Implications for their origin and age | Bozkaya, Ömer ; Günal-Türkmenoğlu, A.; Göncüoğlu, M.C.; Ünlüce, Ö.; Yilmaz, İ.Ö.; Schroeder, P.A. |
16 | 2021 | K-Ar geochronology and trace-element geochemistry of 2M(1) illite from upper Paleozoic shale of SW Laurentia - Insights into sediment origin and drainage pathways in the Anadarko Basin, USA | Segvic, Branimir; Zanoni, Giovanni; Bozkaya, Omer ; Sweet, Dustin; Barnes, Melanie; Boulesteix, Thomas; Sole, Jesus |
17 | 2015 | Karakaya karmaşığı'nın düşük dereceli metamorfk tarihçesine kloritmineralojisi ve jeokimyası ile yaklaşımlar | Bozkaya, Ömer ; Yalçın, Hüseyin; Tetiker, Sema |
18 | 2024 | Mapping of lithological units in the western part of the Eastern Taurides (Türkiye) using ASTER images | Hozatlıoğlu, Deniz; Bozkaya, Ömer ; İnal, Sedat; Kavak, Kaan Şevki |
19 | 2018 | Mineral Chemistry of Chlorite and Illite/Mica in the Clastic Rocks of Karakaya Complex: Origin and Diagenesis/Metamorphism | Bozkaya, Ömer ; Yalcin, H; Tetiker, S |
20 | 2022 | Mineral Chemistry of Low-Temperature Phyllosilicates in Early Paleozoic Metaclastic Rocks, Eastern Tauride Belt, Türkiye | Bozkaya O. ; Yalçın H. |