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Title: O/Z p octonion algebra and its matrix representations
Authors: Halıcı, Serpil
Karataş, Adnan
Keywords: Quaternion algebra, Octonion algebra, Cayley-Dickson process, Matrix representation.
Abstract: Since O is a non-associative algebra over R, this real division algebra can not be algebraically isomorphic to any matrix algebras over the real number eld R. In this study using H with Cayley-Dickson process we obtain octonion algebra. Firstly, We investigate octonion algebra over Zp. Then, we use the left and right matrix representations of H to construct representation for octonion algebra. Furthermore, we get the matrix representations of O/Zp with the help of Cayley-Dickson process.
Appears in Collections:Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Koleksiyonu

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