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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 11784
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2025Selective Embolization İn Renal Angiomyolipoma With Pseudoaneurysm;Şimşek, A. ; Duran, M.B. ; Küçüker, K. ; Çelen, S. ; Özlülerden, Y. ; Kırdar, M. ; Tuncay, Ö.L. 
2025Corrigendum To “efficacy of Accelerated Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation With Double Cone Coil in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: a Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study”Ozer, U. ; Yucens, B. ; Tumkaya, S. 
2025The İnfluence Of Anesthesia Type On Recurrence Of The Non-muscle İnvasive Bladder Tumor According To Risk Groups: 3 Year Follow Up;Çelen, S. ; Mete Yıldız, A. ; Özlülerden, Y. ; Duran, M.B. ; Küçüker, K. ; Şimşek, A. ; Günseren, K.Ö.; Başer, Aykut ; Yaz, Yunus 
2025Impact Of Cisplatin On Kasumi-1 Leukemia Cell Line: Gene Expression And Dna Damage;Dodurga, Y. ; Seçme, M.; Elmas, L.; Demirkıran, N.; Sağ, S.; Pala, U.; Akdağ, Z.
2025The Effect Of Endobronchial Coil Treatment (ebct) On Hemorheological Parameters And Oxidative Stress: A Pilot Study;Uğurlu, E. ; Kılıç Toprak, E. ; Çetin, N. ; Kılıç Erkek, Ö. ; Yiğit, N. ; Pakyürek, H. ; Bor Küçükatay, M. ; Ergur, Göksel Altınışık 
2025Influence of Jerusalem Artichoke on Microbial and Chemical Characteristics of Water Kefir ProductionOnat, Busra; Nicin, R. Tolga; Kanibol, N. Afranur; Cetin, Ece; Sentuerk, Duygu Zehir; Simsek, Omer
202518(3-Glycyrrhetinic Acid Mitigates Bisphenol A-Induced Liver and Renal Damage: Inhibition of Tnf-α/Nf-κb Jak1/Stat1 Pathways, Oxidative Stress and ApoptosisDarendelioglu, Ekrem; Caglayan, Cuneyt; Kucukler, Sefa; Bayav, Brahim; Kandemir, Fatih Mehmet; Ayna, Adnan; Sag, Sevda
2025Electrocatalytic Detection of Acetaminophen by Sodium FerritePerveen, S.; Baig, J.A.; Nur-e-Alam, M.; Kazi, M.; Memon, S.; Kazi, T.G.; Hussain, S.
2025The Effects of Neurodynamic Mobilization Exercises on Upper Extremity Pain, Muscle Strength, and Functions in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis: a Randomised Controlled, Single Blinded StudyTat, Hatice Adiguzel; Kirmaci, Zekiye Ipek Katirci; Erel, Suat ; Berktas, Deniz Tuncel; Inanc, Yilmaz
2024Do the Effects of Aggregate and Disaggregate Energy Consumption on Different Environmental Quality Indicators Change in the Transition To Sustainable Development? Evidence From Wavelet Coherence AnalysisYavuz, E. ; Ergen, E. ; Avci, T. ; Akcay, F. ; Kilic, E.
2024Validation Of An Hplc-uv Method For Simultaneous Analysis Of Ascorbic And Oxalic Acids İn BeveragesBiltekin, G.A.; Akdoğan, A. ; Soylak, M.; Divrikli, Ü. 
2024Clinical Development of Quinone-Based DrugsAltuner, E.E.; Issa, G.; Ozalp, V.C.; Aldemir, O.; Torlak, Y. ; Dar, U.A.
2024Comparative Study on the Linear and Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Typical Rc BuildingsMeral, E.; Cayci, B.T. ; Inel, M. 
2024Examining the Role of System Acceptance and Community Feeling in Predicting Nursing Students' Online Learning SatisfactionÇunkuş Köktaş, N. ; Keskin, G.; Taşdemir, G. 
2024Detection and Identification of Wheat Pest Chaetopteroplia Segetum (coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)Beram, Refika Ceyda ; Tashigul, Nurzhan; Bayindir Erol, Alime
2024The Relationship Between the Functional Status of the Extremities and "core" Stabilization in Women With FibromyalgiaKuru, Sinem; Calik, Bilge Basakci ; Kabul, Elif Gur; Yigit, Murat 
2024Can Halp (hemoglobin, Albumin, Lymphocyte, and Platelet) Score Distinguish Malignant and Benign Causes of Extrahepatic Cholestasis in Patients With Extrahepatic Bile Duct Obstruction?;Dusunceli, I.; Sargin, Z.G.; Celik, U.; Sargin, F. 
2024A New Discrete Differential Evolution Algorithm Coupled With Simulation–optimization Model for Groundwater Management ProblemsŞahin, O.G.; Gurarslan, G. ; Gündüz, O.
2024A Novel Modulation Technique for Half Bridge Multilevel InverterÖzdemir, S. ; Ortatepe, Z. 
2024Assessment and Evaluation in Elt in the Era of DigitalizationPaker, T. 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 11784