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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 381 to 400 of 7839
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Morphological, Fractal, and Textural Features of the Mandible in Familial Mediterranean Fever Patients: a Case-Control StudyTassoker, Melek; Ozic, Muhammet Usame; Ozturk, Busra
2024Current effect of mother-child memory talk on emotion regulation, self-esteem, and memoryBorhan, Nilsu 
2024A trend-residual decomposition-based modeling approach for Türkiye's total healthcare expenditure forecastingYardımcı, Rezzan; Boğar, Eşref 
2024The internet usage rate in Turkey: a machine learning approachİncekara, Mustafa ; Öztürk, Cemal 
2024Presence of malassezia species in patients admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit and antifungal sensitivity of malassezia furfurOkul, Mehmet ; Özdemir, Özmert Muhammet Ali ; Ergin, Hacer ; Ergin, Çağrı 
2024Smoking cessation support via video counseling (e-cessation): a promising field for telemedicine implementationMetin, Melis ; Kaya, Serife; Sözmen, Kaan; Altınışık, Göksel 
2024Cephalaria gokturkii (Caprifoliaceae), a new species from southwestern Anatolia, TürkiyeSemiz, Gürkan ; Bozkurt, Meryem; Günal, Batıkan ; Uysal, Tuna
2024Development of the Engineering Design Skills SelfEfficacy Perception (EDSSPS) ScaleKahraman, Nazan; Yecan, Esra ; Taşkın Ekici, Fatma ; Kara, İzzet 
2024The effect of argumentation-based sociobiological topic teaching on 7th grade students' argumentation levels, decision-making skills and decision-making stylesKarcılı, Işıl; Sevim, Serkan 
2024Assessing population size and survival rate of Pelophylax bedriagae caralitanus, in a well-protected Nature Park in TürkiyeŞirin, Ayfer; Kıraç, Akın; Akyıldız, Gürcay Kıvanç ; Başkale, Eyüp 
2024Design and implementation of an optimized pid controller for two-limb robot arm controlMüftü, Said ; Gökçe, Barış
2024Erken dönem şemaların iletişim becerilerinin gelişimindeki rolü: üniversite öğrencilerine yönelik bir araştırmaÖzmelek Taş, Neslihan ; Eginli, Ayşen Temel
2024Tau-fluvalinat içerikli bir insektisitin sitotoksik ve genotoksik etkilerinin allium testi kullanılarak incelenmesiİli, Pınar 
2024Representation of neoliberal individualistic practices in social structure: “Sorry, We Missed You” film exampleÇankaya, Koray 
2024Utilizing alkali pre- treated banana waste in sustainable particleboard manufacturingBeram, Abdullah 
2024Gelir dağılımı ve vergi gelirleri arasındaki ilişki: Panel veri analiziYalçın, Elif; Güneş, Sevcan ; Hotunluoğlu, Hakan
2024Acute effect of kinesiology taping applied to adductor muscle group on endurance, strenght and agility in volleyball playersAltındal, Feyza; Büker, Nihal ; Başkurt, Zeliha; Özcan, Nadir Tayfun
2024Pre-service Turkish and English teachers’ achievement levels, perceptions of self-efficacy and attitudes in relation to summarizing skillsAtmaca, Çağla ; Çetinkaya, Gökhan ; Polat, Betül
2024Z kuşağı tüketicilerin kişilik özellikleri ile turistik ürün tercihi arasındaki ilişkide seyahat motivasyonlarının etkisi: Denizli örneğiYalçın, Mehmet ; Karaman, Sebahattin
20241930’lu yıllarda Türk resim sanatında Modernizm algısıOlgun, Çağatay
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 381 to 400 of 7839