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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 361 to 380 of 7839
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Futbolda farklı açılarda yapılan tekrarlı sprint testleri arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi: Kesitsel araştırmaTürkdoğan, Harun Emrah; Akbaş, Ayşenur; Alemdaroğlu, Bilal Utku ; Köklü, Yusuf 
2024Metachronous or synchronous presentation of acute myeloid leukemia and lung cancer: A single-center experienceKoluman, Basak Ünver ; Gökçen Demiray, Atike ; Akgün Çaglıyan, Gülsüm ; Kabukcu Hacıoğlu, Sibel ; Güler, Nil ; Durak, Taner ; Arman Karakaya, Yeliz ; Bir, Ferda 
2024Eski Anadolu’da leopar-aslan, boğa-geyik bağlamında tanrıçanın zoomorf tasvirleri (MÖ 2. binyılın sonuna kadar)Kılıç, Yusuf ; Özgül, Evin
2024Antik Çağ Anadolusun’da bazı bebek ve çocuk mezarları ve ölü gömme gelenekleri üzerine bir değerlendirmeMutlu, Gülseren 
2024Imumunohistochemical analysis of CD133 and nucleostemin in squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinomaTan, Semih ; Çetin, Hülya ; Bir, Ferda ; Başer Öncel, Sevin ; Gököz Doğu, Gamze 
2024Antik Çağ Yunan Roma Uygarlığı’nda atlı araba yarışlarıMutlu, Gülseren 
2024Psychosocial effect of COVID-19 phobia in health workers in the pandemic service and intensive careÜnal, Gonca Ayşe ; Kenar, Ayşe Nur İnci ; Bülbül, Merve 
2024Anarşizmin iki yüzü: itaatsizlik yahut şiddetKüçükyağcı, Tamer
2024Transient neonatal diabetes mellitus: a case reportDemir, G.S.; Yıldırımçakar, D. ; Öcal, M. ; Özdemir, Ö.M.A. ; Altıncık, S.A. ; Çetin, G.O. ; Ergin, H. 
2024The relationship of postoperative tramadol activity with the CYP2D6*17 genome in total knee artroplasty patientsÖk, N. ; Gürbüz, M.E. ; Köseler, A. 
2024A simple and practical tool for indirect determination of the unconfined compressive strength of most common construction materialsKayabali, K.; Beyaz, T. ; İlknur, K.Ö.; Yilmaz, D.
2023Views of preschool teachers on using the anatolian storytelling in preschool educationUç, Zeynep; Tuncel, İbrahim 
2024Potential effects of parietin on apoptosis and cell cycle related genes in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cellsDodurga, Y. ; Seçme, M.; Elmas, L.; Gündoğdu, G. ; Çekin, A.; Günel, N.S.
2024Traumatic knee dislocation “author's response”Bektaş, M. ; Güngör, H.R. ; Gem, K.
2024Complications in digital subtraction angiography: initial three years of experienceCivlan, S. ; Berker, B.B. ; Yakar, F. ; Teke, E. ; Coşkun, M.E. 
2024Impact of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy on periodontal status in obese patientsAlpan, A.L. ; Cin, G.T. ; Aykota, M.R. 
2024An experimental study on investigation of myokine responses to acute and chronic swimming exercise in miceÜnal, E.B.; Kiliç, Erkek, Ö. ; Bor, Küçükatay, M. 
2024Post-coronavirus disease 2019 opinions of landscape architects about urban open-green areasMansuroğlu, S.; Dağ, V. ; Önaç, A.K.
2024Research about the influence of spinning triangle geometry on the ring spun yarn characteristics and single jersey knitted fabric propertiesSoydan, A.S. ; Var, C. ; Koç, D.; Baltalioğlu, Ü.; Palamutcu, S.
2024Tensile strength of weft backed fabrics woven with different weft yarnsTayyar, A.E.; Demİral, S. 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 361 to 380 of 7839