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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 226
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2025The effect of wrist position sense and tactile recognition on manual skills in patients with upper extremity neuropathyAkman, T.C. ; Gunes, M.I. ; Kitis, A. ; Erdogan, C. 
2025Evaluation of surgical nurses’ knowledge and attitudes towards pressure ulcer preventionZencir, G. ; Yeşilyaprak, T. ; Ünal, E.P.; Akın, B.; Gök, F. 
2024Ortopedik Cerrahi Hastalarında Kırılganlık ve Hemşirelik BakımıYeşilyaprak, Tuğçe ; Korkmaz, Fatma Demir
2024Evaluation of the Cytogenetic and Genotoxic Effects of an Abamectin-Based Pesticide on Allium Cepa RootsIli, Pinar ; Sari, Fikret 
2024Health literacy levels of vocational school of health services students and related factorsÇakır, Orhan; Bükecik, Necati; Sevgi Öztürk Günay; Yeşilyaprak, Tuğçe 
2024Böbrek nakli alıcılarında sosyo-ekolojik modele göre fiziksel aktivite düzeyi ve etkileyen faktörler arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesiKorkmaz, Fatma Demir; Ordin, Yaprak Sarıgöl; Kankaya, Eda Ayten; Yeşilyaprak, Tuğçe 
2024Psychometric evaluation of the Turkish version of the Work-Related Stress Scale: A study among search and rescue workers responding to the 2023 Kahramanmaraş earthquakesÖztürk, Mehmet Halil ; Kuday, Ahmet Dogan
2024Hyperfine structure investigation of singly Ionized thulium in fourier-transform spectraKebapcı, Taha Yusuf ; Parlatan, Seyma; Sert, Sami; Ozturk, Ipek Kanat; Başar, Gönül; Şahin, Timur; Bilir, Selçuk; Ferber, Ruvin; Tamanis, Maris; Kroger, Sophie
2024Amelioration potential of synthetic oxime chemical cores against multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's diseases: Evaluation in aspects of in silico and in vitro experimentsYilmaz, A.; Koca, M.; Ercan, S.; Acar, O.O. ; Boga, M.; Sen, A. ; Kurt, Adnan
2024The efficacy of myofascial release at the cervicothoracic region in patients with rotator cuff repairs: A randomized controlled pilot studyUysal, Sümeyye Cildan ; Yorukoglu, Ali Çağdaş ; Kitis, Ali ; Büker, Nihal 
2024Tau-fluvalinat içerikli bir insektisitin sitotoksik ve genotoksik etkilerinin allium testi kullanılarak incelenmesiİli, Pınar 
2024Psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the eating in the absence of hunger in children and adolescents (EAH-C)Başkale, H. ; Sert, H.P. 
2024Examining the long-term effects of COVID-19 in surgical nurses: Case of Aegean RegionYesilyaprak, Tugce ; Gök, Fadime 
2024Non-pharmacological methods in the management of postoperative sore throat in patients undergoing endotracheal intubation: A systematic reviewÖzsoy, Hatice; Yeşilyaprak, Tuğce 
2024The impact of heat treatment on the luminescence properties of Dy/Ag co-doped sodium alumina borate glassesKoçyiğit, D. ; Gökçe, M.; Gökçe, A.G.
2024Genetic diversity of Lilium candidum natural populations in Türkiye evaluated with ISSR and M13-tailed SSR markersTokgoz, Hilal Busra ; Çetin, Öznur; Kaya, Hilal Betül; Akkale, Cengiz; Yıldırım, Hasan; Pirhan, Ademi Fahri; Kaya, Ergun; Altan, Filiz
2023CRYOPRESERVATION OF Lilium candidum GERMPLASM: ANALYSIS OF PRE- AND POST-FREEZE TREATMENTSTokgöz, H.B. ; Karakaş, Hakan; Kaya, E.; Yildirim, H.; Pirhan, A.F.; Altan, F.
2015Yaşlıların Doğa/Bahçe Algıları Üzerine Bir Araştırma: Denizli ÖrneğiÖZDEMİR, Ayşe ; Kıray Vural, Bilgin 
2016Histochemical evidence for copper accumulation in the kidneys of loggerhead sea turtle hatchlings from Dalyan beach, Turkeyİli, Pınar ; Sarı, Fikret ; Keskin, Nazan ; Kaska, Yakup 
2019Okul öncesi eğitim kurumu yöneticilerinin kullandıkları güç türleri ile öğretmenlerin örgütsel bağlılık düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiUludağ Kodal, Dilek 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 226