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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 75
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Investigation of the relationship between cognitive level and upper extremity functions in patients with chronic strokeAslan, Hilal; Baskan, Emre 
2024How do gene mutation diversity and disease severity scoring affect physical capacity and quality of life in children/adolescents with Familial Mediterranean Fever?Kabul, E.G.; Bali, M.; Calik, B.B. ; Tekin, Z.E. ; Yener, G.O. ; Yuksel, S. 
2024Virtual reality for COPD exacerbation: A randomized controlled trialKizmaz, Erhan; Telli, Atalay, O. ; Çetin, N. ; Uğurlu, E. 
2024Acute effect of kinesiology taping applied to adductor muscle group on endurance, strenght and agility in volleyball playersAltındal, Feyza; Büker, Nihal ; Başkurt, Zeliha; Özcan, Nadir Tayfun
2024Sağlıkla ilgili bölümlerde öğrenim gören öğrencilerde geleneksel ve tamamlayıcı tıp uygulamaları ve takviye edici gıda kullanımı deneyimleri ile fiziksel aktivite ve vücut farkındalığı arasındaki ilişkilinin incelenmesi: kesitsel çalışmaŞavkın, Raziye ; Büker, Nihal ; Güven, İzgi
2024Plantar pain, balance and foot functions in individuals with diabetes mellitusDuray, Mehmet ; Çetişli Korkmaz, Nilüfer ; Kılınç, Buse; Fenkçi, Semin Melahat 
2024Turkish translation and transcultural validity and reliability of an assessment tool for spasticity: Leg Activity Measure (Leg A)Katırcı Kırmacı, Zekiye İpek; Adıgüzel, Hatice; Kirmaci, Yusuf Sinasi; Taşvuran Horata, Emel; Tuncel Berktaş, Deniz; Erel, Suat 
2023Telerehabilitasyon araştırma alanının konu modelleme yöntemi ile incelenmesiYenil, Sinem ; Özçınar, Hüseyin ; Altın, Fatma Nur 
2024Effect of chronic non-specific neck pain on aerobic capacity in femalesMenevse, Özlem; Altug, Filiz ; Atalay, Orcin Telli 
2023Ankilozan spondilitli bireylerde spinal mobiliteyi etkileyen faktörlerGür Kabul, Elif ; Başakcı Çalık, Bilge ; Kuru, Sinem; Karasu, Uğur 
2024Investigation of the adaptation of older adults to online learning and artificial intelligenceKabul, E.G.; Calik, B.B. ; Ozcan, N.T.; Gursoy, S. 
2023Investigation of Biopsychosocial Status, Fatigue, Sleep Quality, Alexithymia, Cognitive Functions, and Quality of Life in Behcet's DiseaseKabul, Elif Gur; Yenil, Sinem ; Ulutas, Firdevs; Calik, Bilge Basakci ; Cobankara, Veli 
2024The validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Fear of Pain Questionnaire for Children-Short Form (FOPQC-SF) in children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritisGür Kabul, Elif ; Tatar, Zulal; Çankaya, Özge; Akın, Esra; Kılbaş, Gülşah ; Başakçı Çalık, Bilge ; Saraçoğlu, İsmail; Yüksel, Selçuk 
2024Does medial calcaneal wedge improve static balance and load distribution in young adults with pronated foot?Güven, İzgi ; Yağcı, Gözde; Erel, Suat 
2023The relationship between physical activity level, gastrointestinal complaints and quality of life in patients with familial Mediterranean feverYılmaz, Ayşenur ; Yılmaz, Halil ; Dündar Ok, Zeynep ; Kaymaz, Serdar ; Başakcı Çalık, Bilge ; Çelik, Mustafa ; Çobankara, Veli 
2024Electromyographic biofeedback training in a cerebral palsy patient undergoing pronator teres rerouting and brachioradialis to extensor carpi radialis brevis tendon transfer surgery: A case reportUsta Özdemir, Hande ; Kitis, Ali ; Demirkan, Ahmet Fahir 
2023Investigation of Body Compositions and Dietary Habits of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Case Control StudyAkar, Begüm; Kabul, Elif Gur; Başakçı Çalık, Bilge ; Bayındır Akbaş, Ayşe Nur ; Çobankara, Veli 
2023The effects of calisthenic exercises on sleep quality, fatigue, and depression in elder adultsCetisli-Korkmaz, N. ; Kara-Cakici, G. ; Dogru-Huzmeli, E.; Huzmeli, I.; Melek, I.M.
2024Investigation of motor skill in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: A cross sectional studyYenil, S. ; Gür, Kabul, E.; Başakçı, Çalık, B. ; Kilbas, G. ; Yuksel, S. 
2024Is connective tissue massage effective in individuals with fibromyalgia?Basakci, Calik, B. ; Gur, Kabul, E. ; Keskin, A.; Tayfun, Ozcan, N.; Cobankara, V. 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 75