Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2023 | Association between choroidal thickness and interstitial lung disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A cross-sectional study | Kaymaz, Serdar ; Savurmuş, Nilüfer; Karasu, Uğur ; Kaya, Hüseyin ; Ufuk, Furkan ; Utebey, Ayse Rüksan ; Çobankara, Veli ; Yigit, Murat |
2014 | Comorbidity of dominant Drusen and pellucid marginal degeneration | Pekel, Gökhan ; Acer, Semra; Yağcı, Ramazan ; Kaya, Hüseyin ; Pekel, Evre |
2023 | A cross-sectional study investigating the effects of argon laser retinal photocoagulation on lens clarity and corneal endothelial cells | Yılmaz, Uğur ; Kaya, Hüseyin ; Akbulut, Selen ; Durkal, Yasin |
2020 | Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in the tears and conjunctival secretions of Coronavirus disease 2019 patients | Kaya, Hüseyin ; Çalışkan, Ahmet ; Okul, Mehmet ; Sarı, Tuğba ; Akbudak, İsmail Hakkı |
2013 | Does fundus fluorescein angiography procedure affect ocular pulse amplitude? | Pekel, Gökhan ; Acer, S.; Yagci, R.; Çetin, Ebru Nevin ; Hiraali, M.C.; Kaya, Hüseyin |
2015 | Effects of coronary artery bypass grafting surgery on retinal vascular caliber, ocular pulse amplitude and retinal thickness measurements | Pekel, Gökhan ; Kılıç, İsmail Doğu ; Alihano?lu, Yi; Acer, Semra; Ya?cl, Ramazan; Kaya, Hüseyin ; Alur, İhsan |
2020 | The effects of surgical treatment on retina-choroidal findings in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome | Kaya, Hüseyin ; Pekel, Gökhan ; Kaya, D.; Kara, Cüneyt Orhan ; Hıraali, M.C. |
2018 | Evaluation of cornea and anterior chamber results of patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome | Kaya, Hüseyin ; Kaya, Derya ; Kara, Cüneyt Orhan ; Pekel, Gökhan |
2021 | The Evaluation of the Relation Between Iris and Choroidal Thickness | Kaya, Huseyin ; Yilmaz, Ugur |
2020 | The evaluation of the relationship between scleral and conjunctival thickness with age in a healthy Turkish population | Kaya, Hüseyin ; Akkaya, Hasan Samed ; Yılmaz, Uğur |
2020 | Investigation of the effect of online education on eye health in Covid-19 pandemic | Kaya, Hüseyin |
2024 | Investigation of the recurrent vitreous hemorrhage risk factors after early 25G vitrectomy in diabetic vitreous hemorrhage | Yılmaz, Uğur ; Akçaoğlu, Tahsin ; Avunduk, Murat Avni ; Kaya, Hüseyin ; Parça, Osman |
2019 | Investigation the effect of Hypericum perforatum on corneal alkali burns | Yılmaz, Uğur ; Kaya, Hüseyin ; Turan, Murat; Bir, Ferda ; Şahin, Barbaros |
2018 | Is Sesamol Effective in Corneal Neovascularization? | Kaya, Hüseyin ; Pekel, G. ; Yörükoğlu, A.; Hiraali, M.C.; Şahin, B. |
2020 | Measurements of scleral thickness and corneal optic densitometry in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus | Kaya, Hüseyin ; Karasu, Uğur ; Martin, Çiğdem ; Taşçi, M.; Pekel, Gökhan |
2022 | Rat kornealarının kornea saklama solüsyonunda zaman içerisindeki değişiminin RAMAN spektrofotometrisi ile değerlendirilmesi | Akbay, Burak |
2016 | Relationship between subfoveal choroidal thickness, ocular pulse amplitude, and intraocular pressure in healthy subjects | Pekel, Gökhan ; Acer, Semra; Yagcı, Ramazan ; Özdemir, Seyfullah ; Kaya, Hüseyin ; Hiraali, Mehmet Can; Çetin, Ebru Nevin |
2021 | The relationship of ocular parameters with clinical parameters and disease-related quality of life in patients with systemic sclerosis: A cross-sectional study | Kaymaz, Serdar ; Halil, Yilmaz ; Kaya, Huseyin ; Karasu, Ugur ; Cobankara, Veli |
2019 | Üniversite öğrencilerinde astenopik şikayetlerin ve internet bağımlılığının ilişkisinin değerlendirilmesi | Kaya, Hüseyin |