Browsing by Author Rota, Saffet Simin

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Are C-reactive protein and homocysteine cardiovascular risk factors in obese children and adolescents?Semiz, Serap ; Rota, S. ; Özdemir, Özmert ; Özdemir, A.; Kaptanoglu, B. 
2015Association between igf-1 and atrial fibrillation in cerebrovascular diseaseÖncel, Çağatay Hilmi. ; Tekin, S. ; Yaylalı, T. ; Şenol, H. ; Rota, S. 
2011Association between serum adipokines levels and quality of life in advanced non-small cell lung cancerDemiray, G; Yaren, A ; Ozkan, S ; Degirmencioglu, S; Taşköylü, Burcu Yapar ; Dogu, GG ; Rota, S 
2009The association between serum adiponectin levels and the severity of coronary artery lesions on the angiogramGöksoy, Hidayet ; Dursunoglu, Dursun ; Öztürk, Mehmet ; Rota, S. 
2005C-reactive protein levels in non-obese pregnant women with gestational diabetesRota, Simin ; Yıldırım, Başak ; Kaleli, Babür ; Aybek, Hülya ; Duman, K.; Kaptanoglu, B. 
2015Circulating adhesion molecules and arterial stiffnessKılıç, İsmail Doğu ; Findikoglu, G. ; Alihanoglu, Y.I.; Yildiz, B.S.; Uslu, S. ; Rota, S. ; Evrengul, H.
2015Comparison of asymmetric dimethlyarginine levels and coronary artery calcifications in different stages of chronic kidney diseae and kidney transplantationDursun, Belda ; Yağcı, Baki ; Toraman, A; Rota, Simin 
2005Çocukluk çağı obezitesinde serum siyalik asit düzeyleri ile aterosklerotik risk faktörleri arasındaki ilişkinin değerlendirilmesiŞen, Sibel
2014Decreased fetuin-a and increased pentraxin-3 levels are associated with aortic stiffness in diabetic and non-diabetic chronic kidney disease patientsDursun, Belda ; Sahan, Y; Tanriverdi, Halil ; Rota, Simin ; Uslu, S ; Şenol, Hande 
2006Determination of risk factors for hypertension through the classification tree methodAkdağ, Beyza ; Fenkci, Semin ; Değirmencioğlu, Serkan ; Rota, S. ; Sermez, Y.; Camdeviren, H.
2008Does low-flow anesthesia with nitrous oxide effects plasma homocysteine levels?Rota, S ; Serin, S; Sungurtekin, H ; Aybek, H ; Coskun, E ; Bir, L 
2016Effect of mud compress therapy on cartilage destruction detected by CTX-II in patients with knee osteoarthritisGungen, G.O.; Ardıç, Füsun ; Fındıkoğlu,Gülin ; Rota, Simin 
2012The effect of mud pack therapy on serum YKL-40 and hsCRP levels in patients with knee osteoarthritisGüngen, Gonca; Ardıç, Füsun ; Findkoğlu, Gülin ; Rota, Simin 
1997Effect of the sulfonylurea glyburide on superoxide dismutase in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat muscleAltan, N.; Yigit, Ş.; Elmali, E.; Malhatun, E.; Rota, Simin ; Kiliç, N.
2007The effects of adenosine on plasma homocysteine levels and some other biochemical parametersTurgut, Günfer ; Rota, Saffet Simin ; Aybek, Hülya ; Turgut, Sebahat ; Sert, Selahattin; Genç, Osman 
2007Effects of balneotherapy on serum IL-1, PGE 2 and LTB 4 levels in fibromyalgia patients [Article]Ardıç, Füsun ; Özgen, Merih; Aybek, Hülya ; Rota, Simin ; Çubukçu, Duygu; Gökgöz, Ali 
2006Effects of balneotherapy on serum IL-1, PGE2 and LTB4 levels in fibromyalgia patients [Conference Object]Rota, S. ; Ardic, F. ; Ozgen, M.; Aybek, H. ; Cubukcu, D.; Gokgoz, A. 
2008The effects of diabetes mellitus, age, and vitamin E on testicular oxidative stressAybek, Hülya ; Aybek, Zafer ; Rota, S. ; Şen, Nilay ; Akbulut, M.
2006Effects of resistance or aerobic exercises on metabolic parameters in obese women who are not on a dietFenkci, S. ; Sarsan, Ayşe ; Rota, S. ; Ardıç, Füsun 
2010Effects of retinoic acid and zinc on the treatment of caustic esophageal burnsÇorduk, Nergül ; Koltuksuz, Uğur ; Çallı Demirkan, Neşe ; Rota, Simin ; Abban, Gülçin ; Sarıoğlu-Buke, Akile