Browsing by Author Kaptanoğlu, Bünyamin

Showing results 1 to 20 of 47  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006Acute effects of orexin A on plasma cortisol levels of ratsTurgut, S.; Kaptanoglu, B. ; Turgut, G. ; Erken, H.; Enli, Yaşar ; Genc, O. 
2013Akut Koroner Sendrom Hastalarında Gebelikle İlişkili Plazma Protein A (PAPP-A) ve İnsülin Benzeri Büyüme Faktörü I (IGF-I) Düzeylerinin DeğerlendirilmesiÖzen, Şahika Eren; Kaptanoğlu, Bünyamin ; Aybek, Hülya ; Şenyurt, Mahmut ; Özen, Mert 
2008Are C-reactive protein and homocysteine cardiovascular risk factors in obese children and adolescents?Semiz, Serap ; Rota, S. ; Özdemir, Özmert ; Özdemir, A.; Kaptanoglu, B. 
2008Associations between sex hormone binding globulin and metabolic syndrome parameters in premenopausal obese womenAkin, F.; Baştemir, Mehmet; Alkis, E.; Kaptanoglu, B. 
2005C-reactive protein levels in non-obese pregnant women with gestational diabetesRota, Simin ; Yıldırım, Başak ; Kaleli, Babür ; Aybek, Hülya ; Duman, K.; Kaptanoglu, B. 
2006Changes in the levels of MDA and GSH in mice serum, liver and spleen after aluminum administrationTurgut, Günfer ; Enli, Yaşar ; Kaptanoğlu, Bünyamin ; Turgut, Sebahat ; Genç, Osman 
2011Comparison of the effects of different intravenous fat emulsions in patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome and sepsisSungurtekin, Hülya ; Degirmenci, S.; Sungurtekin, Uğur ; Oguz, B.E.; Sabir, Nuran ; Kaptanoglu, B. 
2000Diabetes mellituslu hastalarda serum immunglobulin düzeyleriSermez, Yurdaer; Kozdağ, Güliz; Oruç, Nevin; Kaleli, İlknur ; Keskin, Ali ; Kaptanoğlu, Bünyamin 
2002Effect of continuous and intermittent nasal calcitonin on bone turnover markers in postmenopausal osteoporosisKaradag, A; Sermez, Yurdaer; Yuksel, D ; Kaptanoglu, B 
2003Effects of acute exercise on the levels of iron, magnesium, and uric acid in liver and spleen tissuesKaptanoglu, Bünyamin ; Turgut, Günfer ; Genç, Osman ; Enli, Yaşar ; Karabulut, İsmail; Zencir, Mehmet ; Turgut, Sebahat 
2007Effects of aluminum on insulin-like growth factor i levels and antioxidant statusKaptanoglu, Bünyamin ; Turgut, Günfer ; Emmungil, Gülten; Turgut, Sabahat ; Demir, Süleyman. 
2005Effects of cadmium and zinc on plasma levels of growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor I, and insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 3Turgut, Sebahat ; Kaptanoglu, Bünyamin ; Turgut, Günfer ; Emmungil, Gülten; Genç, Osman 
1999The effects of calcium channel blocker, flunarizine on spinal reflexes in the cats [Article]Genç, O.; Demir, S.; Tasci, N.; Kaptanoglu, B. ; Marangoz, C.
2004Effects of chronic aluminum administration on blood and liver iron-related parameters in miceTurgut, Günfer ; Kaptanoglu, Bünyamin ; Turgut, Sebahat ; Enli, Yaşar ; Genç, Osman 
2000Egzersizin üriner kalsiyum ve fosfor atılımına etkisiTurgut, Günfer ; Genç, Osman ; Kaptanoğlu, Bünyamin ; Vural, Gülen 
2017Evaluation of oxidative status in patients treated with electroconvulsive therapyŞenyurt, M.; Aybek, Hülya ; Herken, Hasan ; Kaptanoğlu, Bünyamin ; Korkmaz, A.
2002Evaluation of soluble transferring receptor levels in children with iron deficiency and beta thalassemia trait, and in newborns and their mothersPolat, Aziz ; Kaptanoglu, Bünyamin ; Aydın, Kemal; Keskin, Ali 
2008GH/IGF-1 axis in patients with subclinical hypothyroidismAkin, F.; Baştemir, Mehmet; Yaylalı, Güzin Fidan ; Alkis, E.; Kaptanoglu, B. 
2000Glutatyon S-transferaz (GST) izoenzimlerinin çeşitli kanser vakalarında araştırılmasıAköz, Mehmet; Vatansev, Hüsamettin; Gürbilek, Mehmet; Akkuş, İdris; Vatansev, Celalettin; Kaptanoğlu, Bünyamin 
2009Growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor axis in patients with subclinical thyroid dysfunctionAkın, Fulya ; Yaylalı, Güzin Fidan. ; Turgut, Sebahat ; Kaptanoğlu, Bünyamin