Showing results 1 to 20 of 53
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2007 | Bilateral sleeve lobectomy for synchronized bilateral central carcinoid tumor | Yuncu, Gökhan ; Sevinc, Serpil; Ozturk, Berna; Kiter, Göksel ; Bir, Ferda ; Karabulut, Nevzat |
2016 | A case of idiopathic subglottic and bilateral bronchial stenosis | Aydoğmuş, Ümit ; Yuncu, Gökhan ; Türk, Figen |
2014 | The choice of invasive diagnostic techniques in advanced lung cancer | Turk, F.; Yuncu, G. ; Atinkaya, C.; Semerkant, T.; Öztürk, Gökhan ; Ekinci, Y. |
2013 | Comparison of only T3 and T3-T4 sympathectomy for axillary hyperhidrosis regarding treatment effect and compensatory sweating | Yuncu, Gökhan ; Türk, Figen ; Öztürk, Gökhan ; Atınkaya, Cansel |
2014 | Comparison of PFT and anatomic resection methods in patients undergoing multiple thoracic surgery for malignancy | Türk, Figen ; Yüncü, Gökhan ; Aksoy, Levent |
2014 | Comparison of PFT and anatomic resection methods in patients undergoing multiple thoracic surgery for malignancy synchronous, metachronous, metastatic lung tumors | Türk, F.; Yuncu, G. ; Aksoy, L. |
2012 | Costal exostosis leading diaphragm laceration and bronchiectasi{dotless}s with bronchial web | Yuncu, Gökhan ; Atinkaya, Cansel; Kıter, Göksel ; Kasal, A.; Türk, Figen |
2008 | Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia: Two cases and an update | Kiter, G; Yuncu, G ; Bir, F ; Karabulut, N ; Ozkurt, S; Evyapan, F |
2005 | Desmoid tumor of the chest wall mimicking metastasis of primary lung carcinoma after surgical and radiation therapy | Sevinc, S; Yuncu, Gökhan ; Ucvet, A; Kaya, S ; Ceylan, K |
2015 | The effect of respiratory muscle training on dyspnea levels of subjects undergoing thoracic surgery | Taşkın, Harun ; Atalay, Orçin Telli ; Yuncu, G |
2015 | The effect of respiratory physiotherapy applied after thorcic surgery on respiratory muscle strength | Atalay, Orçin Telli ; Taşkın, Harun ; Yuncu, G |
2016 | Effectiveness of palatal mucosa graft in surgical treatment of sub-glottic stenosis | Aydoğmuş, Ümit ; Topkara, Adem; Akbulut, Metin ; Özkan, Adem; Türk, Figen ; Şahin, Barbaros ; Yuncu, G. |
2015 | Effects of non-dependent lung oxygen insuffation on oxygenation and respiratory mechanics during one-lung ventilation in patients with stage II COPD | Öztürk, T.; Aydin, D.; Yaldiz, S.; Yuncu, Gökhan ; Atay, A.; Savaci, S. |
2007 | Endobronchial lipomatous hamartoma: An unusual cause of bronchial obstruction (2007: 7b) | Karabulut, Nevzat ; Bir, Ferda. ; Yüncü, Gökhan.; Kiter, Göksel. |
2006 | Functional results of surgical treatment of bronchiectasis in a developing country | Yuncu, Gokhan ; Ceylan, K.C.; Sevinc, Serpil; Ucvet, A.; Kaya, S.O.; Kiter, Göksel ; Unsal, S. |
2006 | Hemoptysis developing soon after use of sildenafil: An observation on two cases [4] | Yuncu, G. ; Özkurt, Sibel; Sinik, Z. ; Kiter, Göksel |
2003 | Horner's syndrome as a complication in thoracic surgical practice | Kaya, Şeyda Örs ; Liman, S.T.; Bir, Levent Sinan. ; Yuncu, G. ; Erbay, H.R. ; Unsal, S. |
2012 | Hydatid cyst, an unusual cause of spontaneous hemothorax and diagnostic thoracoscopy: Case report | Türk, Figen ; Yuncu, Gökhan ; Atinkaya, Cansel; Semerkant, Tolga ; Ekinci, Yasin ; Öztürk, Gökhan |
2009 | Inhalation Injury | Üçvet, Ahmet; Yuncu, Gökhan |