E. Ugurlu
Ugurlu, Erhan.
Uğurlu, E.
E. Uğurlu
Uğurlu, Erhan.
Ugurlu, Erhan
Ugurlu, E

Results 1-20 of 42 (Search time: 0.064 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | |
1 | 2008 | Application to emergency department among patients with lung cancer | Baser, S ; Erdur, B ; Turkcur, I; Dursunoglu, N ; Ugurlu, E ; Bukiran, A; Evyapan, F |
2 | 2018 | Awareness about disease and pulmonary rehabilitation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A survey study | Uğurlu, Erhan ; Alkan, Hakan ; Altınışık, Göksel ; Ataman, Öznur ; Şener, Mukaddes; Göçer, Esra Huriye; Özkurt, Sibel; Evyapan, Fatma |
3 | 2016 | BİLATERAL VİDEOTORAKOSKOPİK CERRAHİ İLE REZEKE EDİLEN BRONŞEKTAZİ OLGUSU | Aydoğmuş, Ümit ; Uğurlu, Erhan ; Türk, Figen ; Yuncu, Gökhan |
4 | 2021 | Capitonnage Method Selection in Pulmonary Hydatidosis with Purse-string or Interrupted Suture | Aydogmus, U. ; Ugurlu, E. |
5 | 2015 | A case of eosinophilic pneumonia that developed secondary to bleomycin in testicular carcinoma treatment | Değirmencioğlu, Serkan. ; Değirmencioğlu, B.; Ünal, E.Y.; Uğurlu, E. |
6 | 2022 | Choroidal vascularity index and thickness in sarcoidosis | Ugurlu, Erhan ; Pekel, Gokhan ; Akbulut, Selen ; Cetin, Nazli ; Durmus, Sinan ; Altinisik, Goksel |
7 | 2022 | COVID-19 case with prolonged neutropenia | Yiğit, Nilüfer ; Ünver Koluman, Başak ; Altınışık Ergur, Göksel ; Uğurlu, Erhan |
8 | 2021 | COVID-19 During Pregnancy: The Role of the Mother and Baby in Every Decision | Nazlı Çetin; Uğurlu, Erhan ; Türkarslan, Merve ; Kabukçu, Cihan ; Ufuk, Furkan |
9 | 2025 | The Effect Of Endobronchial Coil Treatment (ebct) On Hemorheological Parameters And Oxidative Stress: A Pilot Study; | Uğurlu, E. ; Kılıç Toprak, E. ; Çetin, N. ; Kılıç Erkek, Ö. ; Yiğit, N. ; Pakyürek, H. ; Bor Küçükatay, M. ; Ergur, Göksel Altınışık |
10 | 2017 | Effect of reduction mammoplasty on the pulmonary function tests | Uğurlu, Erhan ; Topkara, Adem; Özkan, Adem; Özcan, Ramazan Hakan ; Can, İlknur; Altınışık, Göksel |
11 | 2017 | Effect of serum interleukin-1 receptor antagonist level on survival of patients with non-small cell lung cancer | Yiğit, Murat ; Değirmencioğlu, Serkan ; Uğurlu, Erhan ; Yaren, Arzu |
12 | 2020 | The effects of endobronchial coil therapy on right ventricular functions | Kılıç, İsmail Doğu ; Uğurlu, Erhan ; Sevgican, Cihan İlyas ; Yigit, Nilüfer; Cetin, Nazlı; Şen, Gürsel ; Kaya, Derya |
13 | 2017 | Effects of serum leptin and resistin levels on cancer cachexia in patients with advanced-stage non-small cell lung cancer | Demiray, Gökçen ; Değirmencioğlu, Serkan ; Uğurlu, Erhan ; Yaren, Arzu |
14 | 2023 | Evaluation of cough strength in bronchiectasis | Yılmaz, Ayşenur ; Kılınç, Mukaddes ; Telli Atalay, Orçin ; Metin, Melis ; Uğurlu, Erhan ; Şenol, Hande ; Altınışık Ergur, Göksel |
15 | 2020 | Evaluation of disease severity with quantitative chest CT in COVID-19 patients. | Ufuk, Furkan ; Demirci, Mahmut ; Uğurlu, Erhan ; Çetin, Nazlı ; Yiğit, Nilüfer ; Sarı, Tuğba |
16 | 2023 | Evaluation of hypermetabolic mediastinal-hilar lymph nodes determined by PET/CT with EBUS-TBNA and calculation of SUVmax cutoff values in differentiation of malignancy | Ugurlu, Erhan ; Metin, Melis ; Cetin, Nazlı; Kilicarslan, Emel ; Degirmencioglu, Serkan ; Sengoz, Tarık ; Akbudak, İlknur Hatice ; Gokoz Dogu, Gamze ; Aydoğmuş, Ümit |
17 | 2021 | Evaluation of the relationship between viral load and biochemical parameters in Covid-19 patients | Nar, Rukiye ; Çalışkan, Ahmet ; Sarı, Tuğba ; Akbudak, İsmail ; Avcı, Esen ; Uğurlu, Erhan ; Şenol, Hande |
18 | 2015 | Farklı Açılardan Sarkoidoz: Bir olgu üzerinden | Uğurlu, Erhan ; Altınışık, Göksel ; Dursunoğlu, Neşe ; Akbudak, İsmail Hakkı ; Aydoğmuş, Ümit |
19 | 2016 | Geç yaşta saptanan bir pulmoner konjenital anomali olgusu - konjenital kistik adenomatoid malformasyon | Alaçam, Zahide ; Dursunoğlu, Neşe ; Ufuk, Furkan ; Uğurlu, Erhan ; Yıldız, Ali İhsan |
20 | 2020 | Impacts of coil treatment on anxiety and depression in emphysema | Toker Uğurlu, Tuğçe ; Ugurlu, Erhan |
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