Browsing by Author Şahin, Y.

Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1997Anisotropy of Ll, L?, L?, L? x-rays in Pb and Bi excited by 59.5 keV photonsErtu?rul, M.; Büyükkasap, E.; Şahin, Y.; Erdoğan, Hasan 
2002Determination of iodine and calcium concentrations in the bread improver using EDXRFEkinci, Neslihan; Ekinci, Raci ; Şahin, Y.
2022Elektrikli otomobillerin entropi esaslı ARAS yöntemiyle değerlendirilmesiŞahin, Y.; Karagül, Kenan 
2022FUCOM ve COPRAS yöntemleriyle ERP yazılımı seçimiŞahin, Y.; Karagül, Kenan 
15-Dec-2013Generalized formulae for the periodic fixed and geometric-gradient series payment models in a skip payment loan with rhythmic skipsEroğlu, Abdullah; Aydemir, Erdal; Şahin, Y.; Karagül, Nigar ; Karagül, Kenan 
26-Feb-2019Gezgin satıcı probleminin melez akışkan genetik algoritma (MAGA) kullanarak çözümüŞahin, Y.; Karagül, Kenan 
2000Measurement of atomic L shell fluorescence (?-1$/, ?-2$/, ?-3$/) and Auger (a1, a2 and a3) yields for some elements in the atomic number range 59?Z?85Öz, E. ; Özdemir, Y.; Ekinci, N.; Ertugrul, M.; Şahin, Yusuf ; Erdoğan, Hasan 
19-Mar-2019A novel approximation method to obtain initial basic feasible solution of transportation problemKaragül, Kenan ; Şahin, Y.
1-Jan-2020Route planning methods for a modular warehouse systemDayıoğlu, Elif G.; Karagül, Kenan ; Şahin, Y.; Kay, Michael G.