Browsing by Author Erken, Gülten

Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010The effect of carbon monoxide poisoning on hemorheological parameters in rats and the alterations in these parameters in response to three kinds of treatmentsBor-Küçükatay, Melek ; Atalay, Habip ; Karagenç, Nedim ; Erken, Gülten; Küçükatay, Vural 
2009Effect of sulfite treatment on erythrocyte deformability in young and aged ratsKüçükatay, Vural ; Erken, Gülten; Bor-Küçükatay, Melek ; Kocamaz, Erdoğan 
2008Effect of thrombocytapheresis on blood rheology in healthy donors: Role of nitric oxideBor-Küçükatay, Melek ; Keskin, A.; Akdam, Hakan; Kabukcu-Hacioglu, S.; Erken, Gülten; Atsak, P.; Küçükatay, Vural 
2007The effects of air pollution and smoking on placental cadmium, zinc concentration and metallothionein expressionSorkun, Hülya Çetin ; Bir, Ferda. ; Akbulut, Metin ; Divrikli, Ümit. ; Erken, Gülten; Demirhan, Huriye. ; Düzcan, Ender 
2012The effects of electromagnetic fields generated from 1800 MHz cell phones on erythrocyte rheological parameters and zinc level in ratsErken, Gülten; Bor Küçükatay, Melek ; Turgut, Sebahat ; Erken, H.A.; Çömlekçi, S.; Divrikli, Ümit ; Genç, Osman 
2011The effects of in vivo and ex vivo various degrees of cold exposure on erythrocyte deformability and aggregationErken, Gülten; Erken, Haydar Ali; Bor-Küçükatay, Melek ; Küçükatay, Vural ; Genç, Osman 
2015The Effects of Stretching Training on Erythrocyte Rheological Properties and Anaerobic Performance in Healthy Young MalesToprak, Emine Kılıç ; Ünver, Fatma Koçak ; Erken, Gülten; Bor, Melek Küçükatay 
2014Evaluation of oxidative stress and erythrocyte properties in children with Henoch-Shoenlein purpuraGürses, Dolunay ; Parlaz, N.; Bor-Kucukatay, M. ; Küçükatay, Vural ; Erken, Gülten
2012Hemorheological responses to progressive resistance exercise training in healthy young malesKılıç-Toprak, Emine ; Ardıç, Füsun ; Erken, Gülten; Ünver-Kocak, Fatma ; Küçükatay, Vural ; Bor-Küçükatay, Melek 
2009In vitro and in vivo antioxidant effect of the grape seed extract in brain tissue, plasma and red blood cellAdıgüzel, Esat ; Yılmaz, Yusuf ; Bor Küçükatay, Melek ; Küçükatay, Vural ; Erken, Gülten
2008Influence of classical and rock music on red blood cell rheological properties in ratsErken, Gülten; Bor-Kucukatay, Melek ; Erken, H.A.; Kursunluoglu, R.; Genc, O.
2008Manyetik alanın sıçanların hemoreolojik parametreleri ve kandaki eser element düzeyleri üzerindeki etkileriErken, Gülten
2011Memantıne improves learning in kindled ratsŞahiner, Ayşe Melike ; Erken, Gülten; Kurşunluoğlu, Raziye; Genç, Osman ; Sahiner, T.
2015Possible activation of the immune system by chronic peripheral nesfatin-1 application at the acute phase of ischemia/reperfusion injuryToru, Ümran; Ayada, Ceylan; Genç, Osman ; Akcılar, Raziye; Şahin, Server; Erken, Gülten; Erken, Haydar Ali; Turgut, Günfer ; Turgut, Sebahat 
2011Reduced erythrocyte deformability and the association of this parameter with organ involvement in children with Henoch Schönlein PurpuraGürses, Dolunay ; Parlaz, Nusret ; Bor-Küçükatay, Zekiye Melek ; Küçükatay, Vural ; Erken, Gülten