09.05. Educational Sciences

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09.05. Educational Sciences
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OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 301-320 of 600 (Search time: 0.022 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
3012013Loneliness and Life Satisfaction in Turkish Early Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Self Esteem and Social SupportKapıkıran, Şahin 
3022012Loneliness and life satisfaction of adolescents: The mediator and moderator role of playing musical instruments and joining a bandKapıkıran, Şahin ; Yağcı, Ufuk 
3032018Maarif Müfettişlerinin Füzyon ve Fisyon Sürecinde Yaşadıklarına İlişkin Nitel Bir AraştırmaErgün, Hüsnü ; Çelik, Kazım 
3042009Major issues prospective teachers confront while using a search engineŞahin, Abdurrahman ; Dogan, Birsen ; Cermik, H 
3052023Marital Role Expectations and Power-Sharing between Married Individuals Who Are in the Transition to Parenthood and Who Do Not Have a ChildBilgen, Ayse Cansu ; Kapıkıran, Şahin 
3062019Matematik Öğretmenlerinin Akran Denetimine İlişkin GörüşleriÖzkan Hıdıroğlu, Yeliz; Hıdıroğlu, Çağlar Naci ; Tanrıöğen, Abdurrahman 
3072019Mathematics Teaching Anxiety Scale: Construction, Reliability and ValidityAlkan, Vesile ; Coşguner, Tolga ; Fidan, Yücel 
3082023Measurement of professional attitudes of education faculty students: Pamukkale teacher and psychological counsellor candidate formsDuru, Erdinç ; Kaya Kalkan, Ömür ; Türkdoğan, Turgut ; Yıldırım, Özen ; Balkıs, Murat ; Arıcıoğlu, Ahu 
3092024The mediating role of attention control dimension of self-regulation in the relationship between academic self-efficacy and academic goal orientationTuncel, İ. ; Ayvaz-Tuncel, Z. 
3102019Mediating role of goal orientations in the relationship between parental attachment and school life satisfactionKarababa, A.; Oral, Tuncay ; Özgüngör, Sevgi 
3112019Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction in the Effect of Work and Family Conflict on Teachers' Satisfaction with LifeTürker, Yusuf; Çelik, Kazım 
3122023The Mediating Role of Self-Control-Self-Management in the Relationship between Metacognitive Awareness and Deep and Surface Learning ApproachesÖzGüngör, Sevgi ; Yıldırım, Gülten 
132019The Mediation Role of the Socialization in theRelationship between Family Functioning and Suicidal TendencyTürkdoğan, Turgut 
142020The Mediator Role of Academic Resilience in the Relationship between Parental Academic Success Pressure and Support and Test Anxiety in AdolescentsKapıkıran, Şahin 
4952013Merak ve Keşfetme Ölçeği II: Açımlayıcı ve Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizleri ve Güvenirlik ÇalışmasıAcun, Necla ; Kapıkıran, Şahin ; Kabasakal, Hatice Zekavet
4961-Jan-2012Meslek yüksekokulu öğrencilerinin akademik başarılarının yordanmasıBaştürk, Ramazan ; Karagül, Kenan ; Karagül, Nigar ; Doğan, Murat
4972015A metaphor analysis of elementary student teachers conceptions of teacher in student and teacher centered contextDuru, Sibel 
4982015A Metaphor Analysis of Elementary Student Teachers' Conceptions of Teachers in Student- and Teacher-Centered ContextsDuru, Sibel 
5002022Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Tarafından Yayınlanan Test Maddelerinin Madde Yazım İlkelerine Uygunluğunun İncelenmesiAybek, Eren Can ; Kula Kartal, Seval ; Yıldırım, Özen