10.02. Civil Engineering

Organization name
10.02. Civil Engineering

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 241-260 of 557 (Search time: 0.03 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2412011High-order finite difference schemes for numerical solutions of the generalized Burgers-Huxley equationSarı, Murat ; Gürarslan, Gürhan ; Zeytinoälu, A.
2422010High-order finite difference schemes for solving the advection-diffusion equationSarı, Murat ; Gürarslan, Gürhan ; Zeytinoglu, A.
2432011High-order finite difference schemes for the solution of the generalized Burgers-Fisher equationSarı, Murat ; Gürarslan, Gürhan ; Zeytinoglu, A.
2442012A Hybrid Harmony Search and TRANSYT hill climbing algorithm for signalized stochastic equilibrium transportation networksCeylan, Halim ; Ceylan, Hüseyin 
2452019A hybrid optimization approach for parameter estimation of confined and leaky confined aquifersAyvaz, Mustafa Tamer ; Gürarslan, Gürhan 
2462023Hybrid optimization model for calibrating the HBV hydrological modelDurgut, P.G.; Tamer, Ayvaz, M. 
2472016A hybrid simulation-optimization approach for solving the areal groundwater pollution source identification problemsAyvaz, Mustafa Tamer 
2482009Hybridizing the harmony search algorithm with a spreadsheet 'Solver' for solving continuous engineering optimization problemsAyvaz, Mustafa Tamer. ; Kayhan, Ali Haydar ; Ceylan, Hüseyin ; Gürarslan, Gürhan 
2492009Hydro-abrasive erosion of concrete incorporating ground blast-furnace slag and ground basaltic pumiceBinici, H.; Aksogan, O.; Gorur, E.B.; Kaplan, Hasan. ; Bodur, M.N.
2502016Hydrogeological investigation of subsurface of Cukurkoy surroundings (Denizli)Taşdelen, Suat ; Güngör, Mahmud ; Aydın, Ali 
2512008Hydrological time-series modelling using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systemFırat, Mahmut; Güngör, Mahmud 
2522009Identification of groundwater parameter structure using harmony search algorithmAyvaz, Mustafa Tamer 
2532014Identification of homogeneous regions and regional frequency analysis for TurkeyFirat, M.; Koç, Abdullah Cem ; Dikbaş, Fatih ; Gungor, M. 
2542020Identification of the Aquifer Parameters by using an Optimization-based Curve Matching ApproachAyvaz, Mustafa Tamer ; Gürarslan, Gürhan 
2552015Identification of the best booster station network for a water distribution systemAyvaz, Mustafa Tamer ; Kentel, Elçin
2562018Identification of the optimum groundwater quality monitoring network using a genetic algorithm based optimization approachAyvaz, Mustafa Tamer ; Elçi, Alper
2572024Impact of Seismic Geohazards on water supply systems and pipeline performance: Insights from the 2023 Kahramanmaras EarthquakesToprak, S.; Wham, B.P.; Nacaroglu, E. ; Ceylan, M.; Dal, O.; Senturk, A.E.
2582013Impact of utility-based accessibility measures on urban public transportation planning: A case study of Denizli, TurkeyGulhan, G. ; Ceylan, Hüseyin ; Özuysal, M.; Ceylan, Halim 
2592002The impacts of sedimentation caused in Izmir Bay by Gediz River on circulation and water qualityKarahan, Halil 
2602006Implicit finite difference techniques for the advection-diffusion equation using spreadsheetsKarahan, Halil