14.03. Basic Medical Sciences

Organization name
14.03. Basic Medical Sciences
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1021-1040 of 1770 (Search time: 0.064 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
10212015Investigation of macrolide, lincosamide and streptogramin B resistance in staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from clinical samples by phenotypical and genotypical methodsOzansoy, F.A.; Cevahir, Nural ; Kaleli, İlknur 
22012Investigation of microRNA expression changes in HepG2 cell line in presence of URG4/URGCP and in absence of URG4/URGCP suppressed by RNA interferenceDodurga, Yavuz ; Yonguc, G.N.; Avci, C.B.; Bağcı, Gülseren ; Gunduz, Cumhur; Satıroğlu-Tufan, Naciye Lale 
32012Investigation of mold fungi in air samples of elementary schools and evaluation of allergen-specific IgE levels in students' seraÖvet, H.; Ergin, Çağrı ; Kaleli, İlknur 
42023Investigation of Neuromedin U and Receptor Changes in Hypothalamic Obesity Model Induced by MSG InjectionAkbudak, İsmail Hakkı ; Akca, Hasan ; Anber, Tunahan ; Altintas, Fatih ; Tunç Ata, Melek ; Küçükatay, Vural 
52020Investigation of orthohantavirus seroprevalence in northern rural areas of Denizli province, TurkeyPolat, C.; Ergin, Çağrı ; Akkaya, Y.; Oktem, I.M.A.
62016Investigation of Oxidant/Antioxidant Balance in Alzheimer PatientsEkbic, Y; Miloglu, FD; Gundogdu, G ; Varma, G ; Herken, H ; Küçükatay, Vural 
72023Investigation of oxidative, inflammatory and apoptotic effects of favipiravir use alone and combined with vitamin C on brain tissue of elderly ratsKaya, Kürsat ; Şahin, Yasemin ; Demirel, Hasan Hüseyin; Çiftci, Osman 
82012Investigation of particular matters on the leaves of Pinus nigra Arn. subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe in Denizli (Turkey)Keskin, Nazan ; İli, Pınar 
92016Investigation of Plasma PTX-3, IL-6 and CRP Levels in Rat Traumatic Brain InjuryAta, Melek Tunç ; Turgut, G ; Dalyanoğlu, Mukaddes Mergen ; Turgut, S 
102020Investigation of possible effects of apigenin, sorafenib and combined applications on apoptosis and cell cycle in hepatocellular cancer cellsŞirin, N.; Elmas, Levent ; Seçme, Mücahit ; Dodurga, Yavuz 
112023Investigation of post-traumatic growth with traumatic and psychological effects in children and adolescents diagnosed with cancerAktaş Terzioğlu, Merve ; Soyleyici Mert, Tugce ; Yakarışık, Selin ; Şenol, Hande 
122018Investigation of Relation Between DNA Damage and Corneal and Retinal Parameters in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes MellitusKılıç-Toprak, Emine ; Toprak, İbrahim ; Fenkci, Semin Melahat ; Yaylalı, Güzin Fidan ; Martin, C; Ozdemir, Y; Kılıç-Erkek, Özgen 
132024Investigation of sas X, ACME and Various Virulence Factors in Coagulase Negative Staphylococcal Strains Identified as Bloodstream Infection Agents and ContaminationDonmez, Buesra; Demir, Melek 
141999Investigation of serum calcium, phosphorus, albumine uric acid and lipid parameters in sportsmen and sedanters.Turgut, Günfer ; Genc, O.; Kaptanoglu, B. 
152006Investigation of serum resistance for Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii strainsCevahir, Nural ; Kaleli, İlknur. ; Demir, Melek. ; Yıldırım, Umut.; Çevik, Ebru; Gürbüz, Melahat 
162008Investigation of siderophore, total matrix protease and elastase activity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from lower respiratory tract and extra-respiratory tract samplesDemir, Melek ; Cevahir, Nural ; Kaleli, İlknur ; Yildirim, U.; Şahin, R.; Çevik Tepeli, E.
172016Investigation of sleep quality and sleep disorders in students of medicineSaygın, Mustafa; Öztürk, Önder; Gonca, Taner; Has, Mehmet; Hayri, Uluğ Bey; Kurt, Y.; Yağlı, Mehmet Ali; Çalışkan, Sadettin ; Akkaya, Ahmet
182018Investigation of the anticancer mechanism of isoorientin isolated from eremurus spectabilis leaves via cell cycle pathways in HT-29 human colorectal adenocarcinoma cellsGündoğdu, Gülşah ; Dodurga, Yavuz ; Elmas, Levent ; Yılmaz Taşçı, S.; Karaoğlan, E. S.
192024Investigation of the apoptotic and cell cycle effects of sorafenib and doxorubicin on URG4/URGCP in leukemia cellsDodurga, Yavuz ; Elmas, Levent ; Seçme, Mücahit ; Demirkıran, Nazlı; Avcı, Çığır Biray; Bağcı, Gülseren ; Sağ, Sevda; Şatıroğlu Tufan, Lale 
202019Investigation of the effect of bronchoscopic volume-reducing surgical procedure "Coil" on hemorheological parameters in COPD patientsUğurlu, Erhan ; Toprak, Emine Kılıç ; Yiğit, Nilüfer ; Erkek, Özgen Kılıç ; Beyaz, Nazlı Çetin; Pakyürek, Hilmiye ; Ergur, Göksel Altınışık