16.01. Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

Organization name
16.01. Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 61-80 of 689 (Search time: 0.033 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
6119-Jun-2015Comparison of balance in hemiparetic patients with right and left hemispheric lesionÜnal, Ayşe ; Altuğ, Filiz ; Kavlak, Erdoğan ; Cavlak, Uğur 
622020Comparison of cervical muscles endurance in young people with and without neck painTelci, Emine Aslan ; Aslan, Ummuhan Baş ; Soysal, Ayşe Nur Oymak ; Selcuk, FU
632011Comparison of chosen physical fitness characteristics of turkish professional basketball players by division and playing positionKöklü, Yusuf ; Alemdaroglu, Bilal Utku ; Koçak, Fatma Ünver ; Erol, A. Emre; Findikoglu, Gülin 
642020Comparison of conservative treatment with and without neural mobilization for patients with low back pain: A prospective, randomized clinical trialKurt, V.; Aras, O.; Büker, Nihal 
652020A comparison of different quadriceps femoris isometric strengthening methods in healthy young womenBaşakcı Calık, Bilge ; Gür Kabul, Elif ; Büke, Meryem ; Ünver, Fatma ; Altug, Filiz 
662018Comparison of dynamic hip screw and proximal femoral nail in intertrochanteric femur fractures and cost analysisBaşkan, Mehmet Veysel ; Yörükoğlu, Ali Çağdaş ; Aydemir, Ahmet Nadir ; Büker, Nihal ; Ök, Nusret ; Demirkan, Ahmet Fahir 
67Oct-2014Comparison of effects of supervised physiotherapy and a standardized home program on functional status in patients with total knee arthroplasty: a prospective study.Büker, Nihal ; Akkaya, Semih ; Akkaya, Nuray ; Gökalp, Oğuzhan ; Kavlak, Erdoğan ; Ok, Nusret ; Kıter, Ahmet Esat 
682018Comparison of efficiency of early term physiotherapy approach in babies with down syndrome: Bobath versus vojtaKavlak, Erdoğan ; Ünal, Ayşe ; Tekin, Fatih ; Al Sakkaf, Ahmed; Kavlak, Havva Aylin
692011Comparison of electrical stimulation and isometric training on isokinetic strength of knee extensors: A randomized clinical trialBaskan E. ; Cavlak U. ; Yildiz H.H.
702010Comparison of emg biofeedback and johnstone pressure splints in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsyKitiş, Ali ; Kayihan, H.
712010Comparison of emotional status and physical activity between women with chronic widespread pain and fibromyalgiaEkici, G.; Cavlak, U. ; Yağcı, Nesrin ; Aslan, Ummuhan Baş ; Can, T. ; Çobankara, Veli 
722022Comparison of extracorporeal shock wave therapy and high-intensity laser therapy on pain, grip strength, and function in patients with lateral epicondylalgia: a randomized controlled studyKaraca, Ibrahim; Gul, Hatice; Erel, Suat 
732013A comparison of heart rate response and frequencies of technical actions between half-court and full-court 3-a-side games in high school female basketball playersAtıl, Halil; Köklü, Yusuf ; Alemdaroğlu, Bilal Utku ; Koçak, Fatma Ünver 
942022Comparison of Local Anesthetic Injection and Exercise Therapy Results in Patients with Chronic Cervical Myofascial Pain SyndromeBüker, Nihal ; Samut, Gülbüz; Çağlar Çavdar, Handan
952018Comparison of musculoskeletal pain distribution, quality of life and hopelessness level in mothers with disabled children in different ambulation levelsTelci, Emine Aslan ; Yarar, F. ; Cavlak, U. ; Atalay, O.T. 
962015Comparison of pain intensity, emotional status and disability level in patients with chronic neck and low back painAltuğ, Filiz ; Kavlak, E. ; Kurtca, M.P.; Ünal, A.; Cavlak, U. 
976-Sep-2017The comparison of physical activity levels of university students with and without chronic nonspecific neck painAtalay, OT ; Gürsoy, S; Altuğ, Filiz ; Baskan, E ; Taşkın, H
982010Comparison of physical performance and quality of life of elder individuals living in the community and in nursing homesErel, Suat ; Uygur, F.
992024Comparison of psychometric properties of the dual-task timed up-and-go test (cognitive) and the 3-m walk backward test in community-dwelling stroke patientsTaşvuran, Horata, E.; Eken, F.; Taşkın, G.; Kara, G. ; Yeşil, H.; Adar, S.; Baskan, E. ; Dündar, Ümit
1002010Comparison of pulmonary function, physical function, quality of life, depressive symptoms and cognitive abilities between patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and healthy subjectsTaspinar, B.; Gursoy, S. ; Baser, S. ; Evyapan, F. ; Taspinar, F.