Organization name
17.02. Biology
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 781-800 of 902 (Search time: 0.032 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
7812008Solanum tuberosum populasyonunda patates X virüsüne (PVX) karşı dayanıklılığı kontrol eden genlerin belirlenmesi ve moleküler haritalanmasıToprak, Çelebi Fevziye ; Doğanlar, Sami; Barutçu, Eminur; Frary, Anne
7822024Some new introduced endemic taxa from Denizli (Türkiye) in the last decadeIsitan, E.S.; Düşen, O. 
7831998Some new species of the family zerconidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) from TurkeyUrhan, Raşit 
784Jun-2018Some records of parasitoid wasps associated with gall wasps (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) in Istanbul, TurkeyMete, Özlem; Azmaz, Musa ; Lotfalizadeh, Hossein; Katılmış, Yusuf 
7852009Some water chemistry parameters of breeding habitats of the Caucasian salamander, Mertensiella caucasica in the Western Lesser CaucasusSayim, F.; Başkale, Eyup ; Tarkhnishvili, D.; Kaya, U.
7862020Spatial and temporal temperature changes of loggerhead turtle nests on dalyan beach, TurkeyKaska, Yakup ; Sözbilen, Doğan ; Başkale, Eyüp 
7872010Spatial and temporal variatıon in sex ratio estimations: A Case of Dalaman-Sarıgerme Beach, Mugla-TurkeyKaska, Yakup ; İli, Pınar ; Başkale, Eyup ; Kaska, Arzu ; Sarı, Fikret 
7882006The Spatial Distribution of Loggerhead Sea Turtles Nests and Their Temperature and Sex Ratio Variations on Dalaman Beach, TurkeyErzin, T.; Kıraç, A.; Kaska, Yakup 
7892011Spatial variation of loggerhead hatchling sex ratio along the eastern and western loggerhead turtle nesting beaches (Dalyan and Goksu Delta) in TurkeySarı,Fikret ; Kaska, Yakup 
7902012Spatial variation of sex ratios along the mediterranean coast of TurkeyKaska, Yakup 
791Feb-2018The sporadic nesting sites of loggerhead and green turtles on western Anatolian coastsBaşkale, Eyup ; Sözbilen, Doğan ; Katılmış, Yusuf ; Azmaz, Musa ; Uzuner, Mehmet; Sürücü, Bahattin; Kaska, Yakup 
7922022Stable Isotope Analysis Confirms That a Large Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta) Population Resident at the Overwintering Site and Contributes to the Nesting Population in Köyceğiz-Dalyan Specially Protected Area, TurkiyeSözbilen, Doğan ; Kaska, Yakup 
7932017Stigmast-5,22-dien-3 beta-ol myristate isolated from Capparis ovata having anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory actions could be of interest for use in multiple sclerosisŞen, Alaattin ; Acar, OO; Gazioglu, I; Kolak, U; Topcu, G
7942008A Stranded Leatherback Sea Turtle in the Northeastern Mediterranean, Hatay, TurkeySönmez, Bektaş; Sammy, Dennis; Yalçın-Özdilek, Şükran; Gönenler, Özgür Ahmet; Açıkbaş, Ufuk; Ergün, Yaşar; Kaska, Yakup 
7952018A stranded loggerhead turtle tracked by satellite in Mersin bay, eastern mediterranean sea, TurkeyUçar, Aşkın Hasan; Maffucci, Fulvio; Ergene, Serap; Ergene, Mahmut; Katılmış, Yusuf ; Başkale, Eyup ; Kaska, Yakup 
79620-Jul-2017Strengthening sandy soils by microbial methodsAkyol, Erdal ; Bozkaya, Ömer ; Mercan Doğan, Nazime 
7972012Structural and functional alterations in salivary gland chromosomes and enzyme activity of Chironomus riparius Mg. (Diptera, Chironomidae) from anthropogenically polluted sites in Bulgaria and TurkeyMichailova, P.; Ilkova, J.; Duran, Mustafa ; Karadurmus, E.; Berber, R.; Şen, Alaattin 
7982022The Structural Characterization of Extracellular Polysaccharide from Enterococcus faecium M20Arar D.; Doğan N.M. ; Özcan Y. ; Arslan Ş. ; Orujalipoor I.; İde S.
7992014Studies made on cyclamen l. Species distributed in TurkeyAydın Ç.; Özay C.; Mammadov R. 
8002009Studies on accumulation of Mn2+ by Nasturtium officinale in water by biosorptionKara, Yeşim. ; Basaran, D.; Isikalan, C.