| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
21 | 2005 | The effects of hyperbilirubinemia on sleep-spindle characteristics in infants | Gürses, Dolunay ; Kılıç, İmren; Şahiner, Türker |
22 | 2012 | Elastic properties of the abdominal aorta in the children with bicuspid aortic valve: An observational study | Gürses, Dolunay ; Özyürek, Arif Ruhi; Levent, Reşit Ertürk; Ülger Tutar, Zülal |
23 | 2023 | Electrocardiographic Findings in Children With Growth Hormone Deficiency | Yılmaz, Münevver ; Gürses, Dolunay ; Ata, Aysun |
24 | 2013 | Enalapril-induced acute retal failure and jugular venous thrombosis associated with a homozygous methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase A1298C polymorphisms in a newborn with central venous line: Case report | Ergin, H. ; Küçüktasçi, K.; Özdemir, O.M.A. ; Eliaçik, C.; Gürses, Dolunay ; Yüksel, S. ; Polat, A. |
25 | 2002 | Epidemiologic evaluation of trauma cases admitted to a pediatric emergency service | Gurses D. ; Sarioglu, Buke A. ; Baskan M.; Herek O. ; Kilic I. |
26 | 2002 | Epidemiologic evaluation of trauma cases admitted to a pediatric emergency service | Gürses, Dolunay ; Sarioglu Buke, A. ; Baskan, M.; Herek, O. ; Kilic, I. |
27 | 2004 | Epidemiology and symptomatology of migraine among school children: Denizli urban area in Turkey | Zencir, Mehmet. ; Ergin, Hacer. ; Şahiner, T.; Kiliç, I.; Alkiş, E.; Özdel, L.; Gürses, Dolunay. |
28 | 2018 | Epstein-Barr Virüs Enfeksiyonunun Nadir Görülen Bir Komplikasyonu: Miyoperikarditli Bir Olgu Sunumu | Gül, Özlem ; Gürses, Dolunay ; Tunç, Sümeyye Sumru |
29 | 2017 | Ergenlerde Yeni Bir Sorun: "Bonzai" | Gül, Özlem ; Gürses, Dolunay ; Özdemir, Emine ; Yıldız, Ferhat |
30 | 2024 | Evaluation of cardiac functions in children with familial Mediterranean fever | Arslan, Sema Yildirim ; Gurses, Dolunay ; Yüksel, Selçuk |
31 | 2013 | Evaluation of cardiac systolic and diastolic functions in small for gestational age babies during the first months of life: A prospective follow-up study | Gürses, Dolunay ; Seyhan, Burçin |
32 | 2018 | Evaluation of clinical, epidemiological and hemodynamic data of our patients with pulmonary hypertension | Gürses, Dolunay ; Gül, Ö. |
33 | 2014 | Evaluation of oxidative stress and erythrocyte properties in children with Henoch-Shoenlein purpura | Gürses, Dolunay ; Parlaz, N.; Bor-Kucukatay, M. ; Küçükatay, Vural ; Erken, Gülten |
34 | 2024 | Evaluation of Pentraxin-3 Levels in Children With Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome | Gurses, Dolunay ; Yilmaz, Munevver ; Avci, Esin ; Oguz, Merve; Sayin, Emine ; Yuksel, Selcuk |
35 | 2016 | Fatal pulmonary embolism due to ınherited thrombophilia factors in a child with wolfram syndrome | Kucuktasci, K.; Semiz, Serap ; Balcı, Yasemin Işık; Özsari, T.; Gürses, Dolunay ; Önem, Gökhan ; Saçar, Mustafa |
16 | 2009 | Fetal ekokardiyografi ile kalpte rabdomiyomların saptandığı tuberosklerozlu bir olgu sunumu | Gürses, Dolunay ; Levent, Ertürk; Ülger, Zülal; Özyürek, A. Ruhi |
17 | 2009 | Fetal sodium valproate exposure causes Baller-Gerold syndrome phenotype: Both phenotypes in the same family | Özdemir, Özmert M.A. ; Kılıç, İlknur ; Özsarı, Tamer ; Kılıç, B.Alper ; Faivre, L.; Aral, Bernard; Gürses, Dolunay |
18 | 2015 | Four Hydatid Cysts in One Family: Is Family Screening Necessary? | Karadağlı, Eda; Gürses, Dolunay. ; Akpınar, Funda.; Herek, Özkan. ; Birsen, Onur. ; Aydın, Ç |
19 | 2022 | Histopathological and Clinical Analysis of Skin Rashes in Children with Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome Associated with COVID-19 | Yuksel S. ; Demirkan N.C. ; Comut E. ; Yilmaz M. ; Gurses D. |
20 | 2011 | Holt-oram syndrome: A case report | Özdemir, Ö.M.A. ; Kiliç, I.; Küçüktaşçi, K.; Gürses, D. ; Azdemir, Ü. |