| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1 | 2021 | Association between endometriosis and increased arterial stiffness | Kilic, Derya ; Guler, Tolga ; Sevgican, Cihan, I ; Kabukcu, Cihan ; Buber, Ipek ; Kilinc, Mehmet; Arslan, Muhammet ; Attar, Erkut; Kilic, Ismail D. |
2 | 2021 | Boric acid as a promising agent in the treatment of ovarian cancer: Molecular mechanisms | Cabus, Umit ; Secme, Mucahit ; Kabukcu, Cihan ; Cil, Nazli ; Dodurga, Yavuz ; Mete, Gulcin ; Fenkci, Ibrahim Veysel |
3 | 2021 | Changes in serum levels of calcitonin gene-related peptide, adiponectin, and ghrelin in pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus | Can, Ozlem Kosar ; Cabus, Umit ; Kabukcu, Cihan ; Fenkci, Semin ; Fenkci, Veysel ; Enli, Yasar ; Korkmaz, Berker |
4 | 2021 | COVID-19 During Pregnancy: The Role of the Mother and Baby in Every Decision | Nazlı Çetin; Uğurlu, Erhan ; Türkarslan, Merve ; Kabukçu, Cihan ; Ufuk, Furkan |
5 | 2020 | Do seasonal variations in ambient temperature, humidity and daylight duration affect semen parameters? A retrospective analysis over eight years | Kabukçu, Cihan ; Çil, Nazlı ; Turan, Tahir ; Özlülerden, Yusuf ; Çabuş, Ümit ; Abban Mete, Gülçin |
6 | 2021 | Does apical prolapse in addition to early stage anterior prolapse have any effect on lower urinary tract symptoms? | Kılıç, Derya ; Güler, Ömer Tolga ; Baser E; Kabukçu, Cihan ; Fenkci, İbrahim Veysel ; Sivaslioglu A |
7 | 2020 | Effect of ejaculatory abstinence period on sperm DNA fragmentation and pregnancy outcome of intrauterine insemination cycles: A prospective randomized study | Kabukçu, Cihan ; Çil, Nazlı ; Çabuş, Ümit ; Alataş, Erkan |
9 | 2020 | Evaluation of sexual functions and quality of life in female patients after hysterectomy for benign symptomatic diseases | Can, Özlem Koşar ; Güler, Ömer Tolga ; Çabuş, Ümit ; Kılıç, Derya ; Kabukçu, Cihan |
10 | 2024 | Expression of Sialic Acid Binding Receptors (Siglecs) in human trophoblast cell line | Çil, N. ; Fenkçi, İ.V. ; Mete, G.A. ; Mutlu, D.; Kabukçu, C. ; Çabuş, Ü. |
11 | 2019 | Gebe bir kadında vulvada dev fibroepitelyal polip | Kabukçu, Cihan ; Kılıç, Derya ; Çabuş, Ümit ; Kuzular, Hatice ; İbrahim Veysel Fenkci |
12 | 2022 | İnsan Kumulus Granüloza Hücrelerinin İzolasyonu | Kabukçu, Cihan ; Ünal, Murat Serkant |
13 | 2021 | İntrasitoplazmik sperm enjeksiyonu (ICSI) uygulanan infertil kadınlarda gebelik başarısını etkileyen faktörlerin değerlendirilmesi | Çil, Nazlı ; Kabukçu, Cihan ; Çabuş, Ümit |
14 | 2019 | Predictors of prenatal distress and fear of childbirth among nulliparous and parous women. | Kabukçu, Cihan ; Sert, Cihan; Güneş, Candemir; Akyol, H. H.; Tıpırdamaz, M. |
15 | 2021 | Primary dysmenorrhea in adolescents: Association with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and psychological symptoms | Kabukcu, Cihan ; Basay, Burge Kabukcu ; Basay, Omer |
16 | 2022 | Relationship between embryo development and apoptotic gene expression of cumulus cells in poor responders and polycystic ovary syndrome | Yaka, Mutlu ; Cil, Nazli ; Kabukcu, Cihan ; Senol, Hande ; Mete, Gulcin Abban |
17 | 2022 | Relationship of Seminal Plasma Anti-Müllerian Hormone Concentration with Sperm Morphology and Sperm DNA Damage | Turhan, Gürkan; Çil, Nazlı ; Kabukçu, Cihan ; Turan, Tahir ; Fenkci, İbrahim Veysel ; Abban Mete, Gülçin |
18 | 2022 | Retrospective comparison of the semen preparation techniques for intrauterine insemination: Swim-up versus density gradient method | Cil, Nazli ; Kabukcu, Cihan ; Cabus, Umit ; Turan, Tahir ; Mete, Culcin Abban |
19 | 2020 | Serum Caspase-1 levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome | Çabuş, Ümit ; Kabukçu, Cihan ; Fenkci, Semin ; Caner, Vildan ; Öztekin, Özer ; Fenkci, Veysel ; Enli, Yaşar |
20 | 2021 | The strain rate of endometrium measured by real-time sonoelastography as a predictive marker for pregnancy in gonadotropin stimulated intrauterine insemination cycles | Kabukcu, Cihan ; Cabus, Umit ; Oztekin, Ozer ; Fenkci, Veysel |