Atmaca, Çağla.
Atmaca, Ç
Atmaca, C
Atmaca, C.
- 3 Matematik;Eğitim, Eğitim Araştırmaları
- 2 the COVID-19 pandemic
- 1 action research
- 1 Adli Dilbilim, İdam Mahkûmları, Dil, Suç Psikolojisi, Son Söz, Adli Metin
- 1 Asian universities
- 1 Bağdaşıklık, slogan, üniversite sloganları, söylem çözümlemesi
- 1 Brain-based learning, English language learning, student teachers, teacher education, teacher educators.
- 1 Confirmatory factor analysis
- 1 Corrective feedback; written corrective fedback; L2 writing, error treatment; EFL context; foreign language education
- 1 Death anxiety
- . next >
Date issued
- 13 2020 - 2025
- 20 2010 - 2019
- 33 Article
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