| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
41 | 2018 | Evaluation of optic disc, retinal nerve fiber and macular ganglion cell layers in pediatric diabetes | Pekel, Evre; Altıncık, Selda Ayça ; Pekel, Gökhan |
42 | 2014 | Evaluation of the impact of Nd:YAG laser posterior capsulotomy on ocular pulse amplitude and anterior segment morphology | Pekel, Gökhan ; Yagci, R.; Acer, S.; Özdemir, S. ; Sayin, N. |
43 | 2022 | Genotype and phenotype characteristics of X-linked retinoschisis: the first report of a Turkish population | Cetin, Gokhan Ozan ; Cetin, Ebru Nevin ; Akyol, Tunahan ; Ilhan, Hatice Deniz; Pekel, Gokhan |
44 | 2016 | A giant pulmonary artery aneurysm associated with congenital keratoglobus | Alur, İhsan; Güneş, Tevfik; Pekel, Gökhan ; Emrecan, Bilgin |
45 | 2020 | How Does Light Intensity of the Recording Room Affect the Evaluation of Lens and Corneal Clarity by Scheimpflug Tomography? | Bahar, A.; Pekel, Gökhan |
46 | 2014 | Impact of valsalva maneuver on corneal morphology and anterior chamber parameters | Pekel, Gökhan ; Acer, S.; Yağcı, Ramazan ; Kaya, H.; Pekel, E. |
47 | 2020 | Impending central retinal vein occlusion and cilioretinal artery occlusion in a pediatric case with MTHFR A1298C heterozygous polymorphism and ANA positivity | Kasikci, S.A.; Çetin, Ebru Nevin ; Parca, O. ; Pekel, Gökhan ; Zeybek, S.; Yüksel, Selçuk |
48 | 2016 | In vivo biometric evaluation of Schlemm's canal with spectral-domain optical coherence tomography in pseuduexfoliation glaucoma | Imamoglu, S.; Sevim, M.S.; Alpogan, O.; Ercalik, N.Y.; Kumral, E.T.; Pekel, Gökhan ; Bardak, H. |
49 | 2020 | Inner retinal thickness and optic disc measurements in obese children and adolescents | Pekel, R.; Altıncık, Selda Ayça ; Pekel, Gökhan |
50 | 2022 | Intravitreal Silicone Oil Droplet After Intravitreal Injection | Çetin, Ebru Nevin ; Pekel, Gökhan ; Akbulut, Selen |
51 | 2022 | Iris thickness measurements in patients with diabetic retinopathy | Demirtas, Ö.; Pekel, Gökhan ; Pekel, E.; Cetin, E.N. |
52 | 2018 | Is Sesamol Effective in Corneal Neovascularization? | Kaya, Hüseyin ; Pekel, G. ; Yörükoğlu, A.; Hiraali, M.C.; Şahin, B. |
53 | 2013 | Keratokonusta intrakorneal kalka uygulaması | Akır, Hanefi; Pekel, Gökhan ; Perente, İffan; Genç, Selim; Pekel, Evre; Acer, Semra |
14 | 2015 | Late postoperative evaluation of retinal and choroidal thickness and retinal vessel caliber after surgical repair of corneal perforation | Pekel, Gökhan. ; Acer, Semra; Cesur, Nihal; Yağcı, Ramazan ; Çetin, Ebru Nevin |
15 | 2014 | Macular asymmetry analysis in sighting ocular dominance | Pekel, Gökhan ; Acer, S.; Özbakis, F.; Yagci, R.; Sayin, N. |
16 | 2013 | Measurements of anterior segment parameters using three different non-contact optical devices in keratoconus patients | Yazici, A.T.; Pekel, Gökhan ; Bozkurt, E.; Yildirim, Y.; Pekel, E.; Demirok, A.; Yilmaz, Ö.F. |
17 | 2020 | Measurements of scleral thickness and corneal optic densitometry in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus | Kaya, Hüseyin ; Karasu, Uğur ; Martin, Çiğdem; Taşçi, M.; Pekel, Gökhan |
18 | 2018 | New aspect for systemic effects of COPD: eye findings | Uğurlu, Erhan ; Pekel, Gökhan ; Altınışık, Göksel ; Bozkurt, K.; Can, I.; Evyapan, F. |
19 | 2022 | Ocular changes in nephrotic syndrome patients with preserved renal functions | Ceri M. ; Pekel G. ; Mert M. ; Bozkurt K. ; Tas M.Y. ; Dursun B. |
20 | 2016 | Ocular pulse amplitude and retina nerve fiber layer thickness in migraine patients without aura | Acer, Semra; Oğuzhanoğlu, Atilla ; Çetin, Ebru Nevin ; Ongun, Nedim ; Pekel, Gökhan ; Kaşıkçı,Alper; Yağcı, Ramazan |