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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 261 to 280 of 4772
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Performance evaluation of a deep learning model for automatic detection and localization of idiopathic osteosclerosis on dental panoramic radiographsTassoker, M.; Öziç, M.Ü. ; Yuce, F.
2024The investigation of cytotoxic and apoptotic activity of Cl-amidine on the human U-87 MG glioma cell lineÖǧüten, P.N.; Engür, Öztürk, S. ; Dikmen, M.
2024A case report of Hennekam syndrome with a mutation in the CCBE1 geneDurak, T. ; Karaer, D. ; Karaer, K. 
2024Knowledge and Perceptions About Cervical Cancer and Human Papillomavirus, and Relationship with E-health Literacy, and Affecting Factors Among Female University Studentsİsxleyen, E.K.; Aslan, G.K. ; Kartal, A. 
2024Global Trends and Hotspots in Nursing Research on Decision Support Systems: A Bibliometric Analysis in CiteSpaceYangöz, Ş.T. ; Turan, Kavradim, S.; Özer, Z.
2024Pulmonary Involvement of Niemann-Pick DiseaseUfuk, F. 
2023Investigation of Biopsychosocial Status, Fatigue, Sleep Quality, Alexithymia, Cognitive Functions, and Quality of Life in Behcet's DiseaseKabul, Elif Gur; Yenil, Sinem ; Ulutas, Firdevs; Calik, Bilge Basakci ; Cobankara, Veli 
2024An In Vitro Study for the Role of Schizophrenia-Related Potential miRNAs in the Regulation of COMT GeneTonk, Onur; Tokgün, Pervin Elvan; Sarıca Yılmaz, Özge; Tokgün, Onur ; İnci, Kubilay; Çelikkaya, Büşra; Altıntaş, Nuray
2024Radiotherapy for benign diseases in Turkey: a patterns of care survey of the Turkish Society for Radiation Oncology (TROD 05-002)Saginc, Halil ; Öner Dinçbaş, Fazilet; Demircan, Volkan; Beyzadeoğlu, Murat; Tekçe, Ertuğrul; Yazıcı, Gözde; Turna, Menekşe; Cetinayak, Oguz; Baktir, Kudret Ensarioglu; Akin, Mustafa; Canyilmaz, Emine; Altinok, Ayse; Soykut, Ela Delikgoez; Akmansu, Muege; Tugrul, Fuzuli; Uenverdi, Seda; Yavuz, Berrin Benli; Kamer, Serra; Duezova, Muersel; Birgi, Sumerya Duru; Oezkan, Emine Elif; Yalcin, Berrin; Sahin, Merve; Etiz, Durmus; Arslantas, Hasan Suat; Meydan, Deniz; Igdem, Sefik; Yıldırım, Halil Cumhur; Parvizi, Murtaza; Altinok, Pelin; Anacak, Yavuz
2024The validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Fear of Pain Questionnaire for Children-Short Form (FOPQC-SF) in children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritisGür Kabul, Elif ; Tatar, Zulal; Çankaya, Özge; Akın, Esra; Kılbaş, Gülşah ; Başakçı Çalık, Bilge ; Saraçoğlu, İsmail; Yüksel, Selçuk 
2024Does medial calcaneal wedge improve static balance and load distribution in young adults with pronated foot?Güven, İzgi ; Yağcı, Gözde; Erel, Suat 
2024Exosome inhibition improves response to first-line therapy in small cell lung cancerIrep, Nesrin; İnci, Kubilay; Tokgün, Pervin Elvan; Tokgün, Onur 
2024Effect of various surface treatments on relining bond strength of CAD-CAM denture base materialsKaraokutan, Işıl ; Ayvaz, İlayda 
2024Evaluation of Internet Addiction and Relational Variables Among Nursing Students in Turkey During the COVID-19 PandemicCunkuş Köktaş, Nesrin ; Keskin, Gülseren; Taşdemir Yigitoğlu, Gülay 
2024Compassion fatigue and the meaning in life as predictors of secondary traumatic stress in nurses during the COVID-19 pandemicKoştu, Nazan ; İnci, Fadime Hatice ; Arslan, Sümeyye 
2024The Effect of Psychological Inflexibility on Social-Distancing Phobia Mediated by Preoccupation With Sleep and Intolerance of Uncertainty in the Elderly Population During the COVID-19 PandemicChung, Seockhoon; Song, Kayoung; Günlü, Aykut 
2024Association of Age and Response to Methylphenidate HCL Treatment in Adult ADHD: A Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy StudyÜnal, Gonca Ayşe ; Kenar, Ayşe Nur İnci 
2024Fracture resistance evaluation of CAD/CAM zirconia and composite primary molar crowns with different occlusal thicknessesBolaca, Arif ; Erdogan, Yıldırım 
2024Optimization of 4,6-α and 4,3-α-Glucanotransferase Production in Lactococcus lactis and Determination of Their Effects on Some Quality Characteristics of Bakery ProductsNicin, Ramazan Tolga; Zehir-Şentürk, Duygu ; Özkan, Busenur; Göksungur, Yekta; Şimsek, Ömer 
2024Endoscopy-Assisted Craniosynostosis Surgery Versus Cranial Vault Remodeling for Non-Syndromic Craniosynostosis: Experience of a Single CenterAlbuz, Barış ; Coşkun, Mehmet Erdal ; Egemen, Emrah 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 261 to 280 of 4772