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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 198
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Recent regional development strategies in Turkey and smart cities: the case of the southern aegean region (TR32)Özbek, O. ; Karaçoban, E.
2024Enhancing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation success: the crucial role of architectural design in transplant units and hematology departmentsCoza, Halit ; Koluman, Başak Ünver 
202430 Ekim 2020 Ege Denizi Depremi sonrası toplanma alanlarına yönelik kapasite yeterliliğinin değerlendirilmesi: Bayraklı ilçesiPartigöç, Nur Sinem ; Erdin, Hilmi Evren
2024Bisiklet kullanımını etkileyen sosyo-kültürel faktörlerin belirlenmesi: Denizli kenti örneğiDağ, Veysel ; Mansuroğlu, Sibel
2024Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s bathrobe reproductıon study: ancestral bathrobe sampleAktepe Dal, Şöhret 
2024Evaluation of antimicrobial properties in coatings for operating room surfacesCoza, H. 
2024A method proposal for determining bicycle paths in cities: The case of Denizli (Türkiye)Dağ, Veysel ; Mansuroglu, Sibel
2024Can basic design be the base of urban planning education?: A case-oriented quantitative measurement modelHazar, Dalya ; Gülhan, Görkem ; İnce, Bekir 
2024PrefacePolat, O. ; Gülhan, G. 
2024Theories and practices for sustainable urban logisticsPolat, O. ; Gülhan, G. 
2024Environmental suitability of national logistics village proposals in Kocaeli, TurkiyeSalihoğlu, T. 
2024Designing sustainable transport centers: Comparative visions from Turkey and the NetherlandsÜlkü, G.K. 
2024An outlook on use of roller-compacted concrete roads in rural development areas: A logistics perspectiveGülhan, G. 
2024Architectural approaches in the production process of logistics spacesCoza, H. 
2024Waste governance and sustainable urban logistics: Exploring the case of Izmir in the context of environmental justiceOğur, A.A. ; Penpecioğlu, M..; Penpecioğlu, S.S.
2024Sustainable urban logistics planning for Izmir through comprehensive analysisGöka, K.Y.; Yiğit, H.I.; Polat, O. ; Gülhan, G. ; Güngör, A. ; Haldenbilen, S. ; Ceylan, Halim 
2024Post-coronavirus disease 2019 opinions of landscape architects about urban open-green areasMansuroğlu, S.; Dağ, V. ; Önaç, A.K.
2024Design of rollable reciprocal frame networkÖzen, Gülçin ; Korkmaz, Koray; Kiper, Gökhan
2024Utilizing alkali pre- treated banana waste in sustainable particleboard manufacturingBeram, Abdullah 
2024Güneş enerjisi santrallerinin (ges) coğrafi bilgi sistemleri (CBS) tabanlı analitik hiyerarşi süreci (ahs) yöntemi ile yer seçimi: Denizli ili örneğiTanrıkulu, Yusuf Samet; Partigöç, Nur Sinem 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 198