Browsing by Author Divrikli, Ümit

Showing results 1 to 20 of 54  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Aflatoksin b1’in biyolojik parçalanmasında manyetik nanopartiküllerine tutuklanmış morchella esculenta kullanımının araştırılmasıKyzy, Aidai Duishemambet
2016Assessment of heavy metal levels in street dust samples from Denizli, Turkey, and analysis by flame atomic absorption spectrometryAkdoğan, Abdullah ; Divrikli, Ümit ; Soylak, M.; Elçi, Latif 
2002Chromium, iron and lead determinations by atomic absorption spectrometry in urine after enrichment on cellulose nitrate membrane filter systemDivrikli, Ümit ; Soylak, Mustafa; Elçi, Latif 
2001Copper and zinc concentrations of serum samples of healthy people living in Tokat, TurkeySoylak, Mustafa; Saraçoğlu, Sibel; Divrikli, Ümit ; Elçi, Latif 
2005Coprecipitation of heavy metals with erbium hydroxide for their flame atomic absorption spectrometric determinations in environmental samplesSoylak, M.; Saracoglu, S.; Divrikli, Ümit. ; Elci, Latif. 
2008Çürüksu Çayının (Denizli) Bentik Faunası, Ağır Metal ve Organik Kirliliğinin Taban Büyük Omurgasızları Kullanılarak BelirlenmesiSARI, ADİLE ; DİVRİKLİ, ÜMİT ; ŞEN, ALAATTİN ; DURAN, MUSTAFA 
2023Denizli bölgesinde yetişen yöresel üzümlerde eser metal tayinleriKekeç, Mürvet
2024Determination of Cd in some food and water samples using emulsion liquid-liquid microextraction process with hydrophobic deep eutectic solventBiltekin, Gulsen Aksin; Akdogan, Abdullah ; Divrikli, Umit 
2015Determination of Chlorophenols in Wastewater with Methyl Chloroformate Derivatization, Solid Phase Extraction, and Gas Chromatography–Mass SpectrometryKartal, Aslıhan Arslan ; Divrikli, Ümit ; Elçi, Latif 
2012Determination of cobalt, nickel and iron at trace level in natural water samples by in-column chelation-reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatographyHöl, Ayşen ; Divrikli, Ümit ; Elçi, Latif 
2002Determination of copper, iron, lead, cadmium, cobalt and nickel by atomic absorption spectrometry in baking powder and baking soda samples after preconcentration and separationSaraçoğlu, Sibel; Divrikli, Ümit ; Soylak, Mustafa; Elçi, Latif 
2021Determination of lead and cadmium in water samples by magnetic solid-phase extraction with iron oxide@silicon oxide-graphene oxide (Fe3O4@SiO2-GO) hybrid magnetic nanoparticles and microinjection sampling flame atomic absorption spectrometryBaykal, Gulser; Kazan, Damla; Seval, Kadir; Bulut, Duygu Takanoglu ; Elci, Sukru Gokhan ; Divrikli, Umit ; Akdogan, Abdullah 
2014Determination of Pesticides in Soil by Mechanical Stirring-Assisted Extraction Coupled with Gas Chromatography-Mass SpectrometryAkdoğan, Abdullah ; Kartal, Aslıhan Arslan ; Höl, Ayşen ; Yilmaz, Y. ; Divrikli, Ümit ; Elci, L. 
2011Determination of some organophosphorus and azole group pesticides in water samples by dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction coupled with GC/MSAkdoğan, Abdullah ; Divrikli, Ümit ; Elçi, Latif 
2002Determination of some trace metals in water and sediment samples by flame atomic absorption spectrometry after coprecipitation with cerium (IV) hydroxideDivrikli, U. ; Elçi, Latif 
2008Determination of total chromium by flame atomic absorption spectrometry after coprecipitation by cerium (IV) hydroxideDivrikli, Ümit ; Soylak, M.; Elci, L. 
2003Determination of trace elements of some textiles by atomic absorption spectrometrySaracoglu, S.; Divrikli, U. ; Soylak, M.; Elçi, Latif ; Dogan, M.
2003Determination of Trace Heavy Metal Contents of Green Vegetable Samples from Kayseri-Turkey by Flame Atomic Absorption SpectrometryDivrikli, U. ; Saracoglu, S.; Soylak, M.; Elçi, Latif 
2013Determination of Triazine Herbicides and Metabolites by Solid Phase Extraction with HPLC AnalysisAkdoğan, Abdullah ; Divrikli, Ümit ; Elçi, Latif 
2014Development of 2-acetylpyridine-4-phenyl-3-thiosemicarbazone functionalized polymeric resin for the preconcentration of metal ions prior to their ultratrace determinations by MIS-FAASSiyal, Ali Nawaz; Memon, Saima Qayoom; Elçi, Aydan; Divrikli, Ümit ; Khuhawar, Muhammad Yar; Elçi, Latif