09.03. Basic Education

Organization name
09.03. Basic Education
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 61-80 of 541 (Search time: 0.033 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
612022Bioplastics / Biopolymers: How Aware Are We?Işıtan, Arzum ; Gök, Cem ; Sulak, Mine ; Kırmızı, Fatma ; Onar, Volkan ; Kutlubay, Ramazan Çağrı 
622020Bir Adım da Biz Atalım: Okuyalım Paylasalım, Okutalım Ve YayalımDoğan, Birsen ; Ateş, Seyit; Yıldırım, Kasım; Çermik, Hülya 
636-Jan-2014Birinci sınıfa başlayan çocukların, velilerin ve öğretmenlerin okula uyumlarının incelenmesiIşıkoğlu Erdoğan, Nesrin ; Şimşek, Zeynep Ceren 
452013Changing roles and missions of university in information societyErdem, Ali Rıza 
462011Children in need of protection and learning about the soil: A soil education project with children in TurkeyGülay, Hülya ; Önder, Alev; Turan-Güllaç, Esin ; Yılmaz, Şevket 
472022Children's geometric skills: Any ties to self-regulation skills?Ivrendi, Asiye ; Erol, Ahmet ; Atan, Abdullah 
482021Children's Play Preferences and Behaviors in Digital or Non-Digital PlayIsikoglu, Nesrin ; Bayraktaroglu, Eda ; Ayekin Dulger, Derya Neval
492019Children, mothers, and preschool teachers’ perceptions of play: Findings from Turkey and Norwayİvrendi, Asiye ; Cevher-Kalburan, Nilgün ; Sandseter, Ellen Beate Hansen; Storli, Rune; Sivertsen, Anne Holla
502016Choice-driven peer play, self-regulation and number senseİvrendi, Asiye 
512015Cognitive developmental levels of preschool children in relation to peer relationshipsOgelman, Hülya Gülay; Seçer, Z.; Önder, A.
522024A comparative study on potential and actualized risky play in German and Turkish nature-based preschoolsDeniz, Umay Hazar; Kalburan, Nilgun Cevher 
532014Comparing and contrasting primary school playgrounds in Turkey and AustraliaChancellor, B.; Cevher-Kalburan, N. 
542011Comparing parental acceptance: The rejection levels and peer relationships of Turkish preschool childrenGülay, Hülya ; Önder, Alev
552020Comparing the effects of different book reading techniques on young children’s language developmentŞimşek, Zeynep Ceren ; Işıkoğlu Erdoğan, Nesrin 
562013Comparing the teacher s opinions regards to teacher s and student s guide book in terms of different variablesSusar Kırmızı, Fatma ; Kayhan, Hüseyin Cahit; Yurdakal, İbrahim Halil ; Bıçak, Eda; Kıran, Hüseyin 
572018Comparison of basic education reading and writing applications in Turkey and BritainYurdakal, İbrahim Halil 
582015Comparison of Ego Resiliency of Preschool Children According to the Variable of Divorce* / **Ogelman, Hülya Gülay ; Seçer, Zarife; Yalçın, S Barbaros; Önder, Alev; Sarıkaya, Hatice Erten
1912-Oct-2015Comparison of environmental attitudes and experiences of five-year-old children receiving preschool education in the village and city centreDurkan, Nazmi ; Güngör, Hande ; Fetihi, Leyla; Erol, Ahmet ; Gülay Ogelman, Hülya 
202012A comparison of peer relations and social skills of children aged between 5 and 6 with and without divorced parentsGülay, Hülya ; Secer, Z.; Onder, A.; Pirtik, S.