20.03. Biomedical Engineering

Organization name
20.03. Biomedical Engineering
Çetin, Sevilay - Eski
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 101-120 of 300 (Search time: 0.027 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1012016Essential oil composition, antioxidant activity and phenolic content of endemic Teucrium alyssifolium Staph. (Lamiaceae)Semiz, Gürkan ; Çelik, G. ; Gönen, E.; Semiz, Aslı 
1022018Essential oil composition, total phenolic content, antioxidant and antibiofilm activities of four origanum species from southeastern turkeySemiz, Gürkan ; Semiz, Aslı ; Mercan-Doğan, Nazime 
32021Estimation of infection risk using symptoms of COVID-19: an approach based on fuzzy expert systemTokat, Sezai ; Özbey, Serhat; Koluman, Ahmet 
42011Evaluation of Malassezia species by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopyErgin, Çağrı ; Vuran, M.E.; Gök, Yaşar ; Ozdemir, D.; Karaarslan, A.; Kaleli, İlknur ; Zorbozan, O. ; KABAY, Nilgün ; ÇON, Ahmet Hilmi 
52024Exploring graphene's potential as a transparent conductive layer in Cu2ZnSnS4 superstrate solar cellsPeksu, E.; Yener, C.; Unlu, C.G. ; Karaagac, H.
62015The Extraction Ability and Sensitivity of Porphyrazine Derivatives Towards Some Transition Metal CationsKabay, Nilgün ; Baygu, Yasemin ; Ocak, Ümmühan; Gün, Serhat; Gök, Yaşar 
72003Faz II grubundan olan ve biyomarkör olarak kullanılan Liza saliens glutatyon S-transferazlarının doku dağılımı ve karakterizasyonuŞen, Alaattin ; Adala, Orhan; Kırıkbakan, Aslı 
82013The first synthesis and characterization of new metal-free and metallophthalocyanine containing 33-membered crown ether moietiesAkkuş, F.; Kabay, Nilgün ; Gök, Yaşar 
92004Flora of hambat plain and its environs (Denizli-Turkey)Çelik, Ali ; Çiçek, Mehmet ; Arslan, İdris ; Karıncalı, Mustafa; Semiz, Gürkan 
102011Fourier dönüşümlü kızılötesi (FT-IR) spektroskopisi ile Malassezia türlerinin değerlendirilmesiErgin, Çağrı ; Vuran, M. Emre; Gök, Yaşar ; Özdemir, Durmuş; Karaarslan, Aydın; Kaleli, İlknur ; Zorbozan, Orçun ; Kabay, Nilgün ; Çon, Ahmet Hilmi 
112013Fourier transform infrared spectral evaluation for the differentiation of clinically relevant Trichophyton speciesErgin, Çağrı ; Ilkit, M.; Gök, Yaşar ; Özel, M.Z.; Çon, Ahmet Hilmi ; Kabay, Nilgün ; Söyleyici, Sevil 
122010Free radical scavenging activities and essential oil analysis of salvia cedronella boiss. and S. fruticosa mill.Arslan, İdris ; Çelik, Ali 
132019A Full Soft Switched Bridgeless Power Factor Corrected AC-DC ConverterÇetin, Sevilay ; Yenil, Veli 
142023Fully Automated Detection of Osteoporosis Stage on Panoramic Radiographs Using YOLOv5 Deep Learning Model and Designing a Graphical User InterfaceÖziç, M.Ü. ; Tassoker, M.; Yuce, F.
152016Gas-phase synthesis of Fe-Bi metastable and dumbbell particlesÜnlü, Cumhur Gökhan ; Li, Z.-A.; Acet, M.; Farle, M.
162008Genetic polymorphisms of drug-metabolizing enzymes CYP2C9, CYP2D6, and CYP3A4 in the Turkish populationSemiz, A ; Aynaci, HK; Kus, E; Elmas, L; Sen, A 
172015Genotoxicological assessment of nebuloside-A a triterpenoid saponin compound on whole blood DNAArslan, İdris ; İli, Pınar 
182015GPR18 Inhibiting Amauromine and the Novel Triterpene Glycoside Auxarthonoside from the Sponge-Derived Fungus Auxarthron reticulatumNazir, M.; Harms, H.; Loef, I.; Kehraus, S.; El Maddah, F.; Arslan, İdris. ; Rempel, V.
192023Green carbon dots from poppy seeds with conjugated hydrogel hybrid films for detection of Fe3+Özdil, Ayşe Gül; Özcan, Yusuf 
202022Gıda İşletmelerinde Biyofilm Sorunu ve Gümüş Nanopartikül UygulamalarıKoluman, Ahmet ; Kahraman, Tolga; Gürlük, Nuray