09.11. Special Education

Organization name
09.11. Special Education
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1-20 of 30 (Search time: 0.035 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12014Aile Gereksinimlerini Belirleme Aracının Geçerlik ve Güvenirliğinin GüncellenmesiCavkaytar, Atilla; Ardıç, Avşar ; Aksoy, Veysel 
22006Ana babaya bağlanma ölçeği: Türk üniversite öğrencilerinde psikometrik özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesiKapçı, Emine Gül; Küçüker, Sevgi 
32015Comparison of the self-concepts, social skills, problem behaviors, and loneliness levels of students with special needs in inclusive classroomsKüçüker, Sevgi ; Tekinarslanb, I.C.
42006The development and psychometric evaluation of a support scale for pre-school inclusionKüçüker, Sevgi ; Acarlar, F.; Kapci, E.G.
52014Education and Social Statuses of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities in Medieval Islam SocietiesAksoy, Veysel 
62021Effectiveness of the Embedded Instructions Provided by Preschool Teachers on the Acquisition of Target Behaviors by Inclusion StudentsFirat, Ozgul Aldemir ; Ergenekon, Yasemin
72011Evaluation of the turkish version of the "ages and stages questionnaires: Social-emotional" in identifying children with social-emotional problemsKüçüker, Sevgi ; Kapci, E.G.; Uslu, R.I.
82025Examination of sibling relationships of typically developing children with siblings with special needsElumar-Efe, Elif ; Sani-Bozkurt, Sunagul
92015Examination of the psychometric properties of the children’s loneliness scale for students with and without special needs in inclusive classrooms*Tekinarslan, İlknur Çifci; Küçüker, Sevgi 
102012Exploring the validity and reliability of Turkish version of Gilliam autism rating scale-2: Turkish standardization studyDiken, İbrahim H.; Ardıç, Avşar ; Diken, Özlem; Gilliam, JE
112006The family-focused early intervention programme: Evaluation of parental stress and depressionKüçüker, Sevgi 
122010How Applicable Are Ages and Stages Questionnaires for Use With Turkish Children?Kapci, E.G.; Küçüker, Sevgi ; Uslu, R.I.
132015The instructıon methods in teachıng mathematıcs to preschool students wıth specıal needAydemir, Tamer ; Çürük, Çiğdem
142016Investigating the attıtudes of pre-service psychological counseling and guidance teachers towards the preparation process of individualized educational programAydemir, Tamer ; Coşguner, Tolga 
152022Küçük Grup Öğretim Düzenlemesiyle Zincirleme Beceri Öğretiminin Yapıldığı Araştırmaların İncelenmesiAldemir Fırat, Özgül 
162009A narrative literature review of studies on relationship between the parental self-efficacy levels and development of young childrenAksoy, Veysel ; Diken, IH 
172014Ortaçağ islam toplumlarinda zihinsel yetersizliği olan bireylerin toplumsal statüleri ve eğitimleriAksoy, Veysel 
182023Özel Gereksinimli Çocuğa Sahip Ebeveynlerin Tipik Gelişim Gösteren Çocuklarından BeklentileriElumar, Elif ; Sani Bozkurt, Sunagül
192006The Parental Bonding Instrument: Evaluation of psychometric properties with Turkish university studentsKapcı, Emine Gül; Küçüker, Sevgi 
202014Peer Acceptance of Children with Disabilities in Inclusive Kindergarten ClassroomsKüçüker, Sevgi ; Işıkoğlu Erdoğan, Nesrin ; Çürük, Çiğdem