Showing results 1 to 20 of 111
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2009 | ACE gene polymorphism and cardiac structure in patients with insulin resistance | Akın, Fulya ; Turgut, Sebahat ; Dursunoğlu, Dursun ; Turgut, Günfer ; Karasu, U. ; Gur, S. |
2005 | ACE polymorphism in Turkish male athletes (multiple letters) [1] | Fildes, J.E.; Williams, S.G.; Walker, A.H.; Dursunoglu, D. |
2009 | Acute effects of adaptive servo-ventilation therapy on neurohormones and Cheyne-Stokes respiration in the patients with heart failure | Gür, Şükrü ; Dursunoglu, Dursun ; Dursunoglu, Neşe ; Kılıç, Mustafa |
2005 | Acute effects of automated continuous positive airway pressure on blood pressure in patients with sleep apnea and hypertension | Dursunoglu, Neşe ; Dursunoglu, Dursun ; Çuhadaroglu, Ç.; Kiliçaslan, Z. |
2010 | Acute improvement of pulmonary artery pressure by non-invasive positive pressure ventilation in the patients with hypercapnic respiratory failure | Dursunoglu, Neşe ; Dursunoglu, Dursun ; Moray, A.; Gür, Ş. |
2022 | Akut koroner sendrom hastalarında serum kalsiyum düzeyinin hastane içi ve uzun dönem mortalite ile ilişkisi | Sönmez, Gökhan ; Dursunoğlu, Dursun ; Adalı, Mehmet Koray |
2020 | Akut koroner sendrom hastalarında serum kalsiyum düzeyinin mortalite ve morbidite üzerine etkisinin değerlendirilmesi | Sönmez, Gökhan |
2005 | Angiotensin-converting enzyme polymorphism in healthy young subjects: Relationship to left ventricular mass and functions | Dursunoğlu, Dursun ; Evrengül, H.; Tanriverdi, Halil ; Turgut, G.; Genç, O.; Kaftan, Havane Asuman ; Kilic, M. |
2005 | Angiotensin-converting enzyme polymorphism in Turkish male athletes: Relationship to left ventricular mass and function | Dursunoğlu, Dursun ; Tanrıverdi, Halil ; Evrengul, H.; Turgut, G.; Turgut, S. ; Genç, O.; Kaftan, H.A. |
2005 | Anjiyotensin dönüştürücü enzim genotiplerinde sol ventrikül kitlesi, boyutları ve uzun eksen sistolik fonksiyonları farklı mıdır? | Dursunoğlu, Dursun ; Tanrıverdi, Halil ; Turgut, Sebahat ; Evrengül, Harun ; Turgut, Günfer ; Kılıç, Mustafa |
2007 | Anomalous origin of the left circumflex coronary artery: A case report | Dursunoğlu, Dursun ; Özalp, G.; Taşköylü, Ö.; Semiz, E. |
2012 | Aortic stiffness and flow-mediated dilatation in normotensive offspring of parents with hypertension | Evrengül, Harun ; Tanriverdi, H. ; Kilic, I.D.; Dursunoglu, D. ; Özcan, Emin Evren; Kaftan, A. ; Kilic, M. |
2004 | Assessment of left ventricular functions by atrioventricular plane displacement and conventional methods in patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus | Dursunoğlu, Dursun ; Evrengül H.; Polat B.; Tanriverdi H. ; Kaftan A. ; Kiliç M. |
2004 | Assessment of systolic function by atrioventricular plane displacement in patients with diastolic dysfunction | Dursunoglu, Dursun. ; Polat, Bülent.; Evrengül, Harun. ; Tanriverdi, Halil. ; Kaftan, Asuman. ; Kılıç, Mustafa. |
2009 | The association between serum adiponectin levels and the severity of coronary artery lesions on the angiogram | Göksoy, Hidayet ; Dursunoglu, Dursun ; Öztürk, Mehmet ; Rota, S. |
2008 | Associations of alcohol consumption with blood pressure, lipoproteins, and subclinical inflammation among Turks | Onat, A.; Hergenc, G.; Dursunoğlu, Dursun ; Ordu, S.; Can, G.; Bulur, S.; Yüksel, H. |
2004 | Bilateral diagonal earlobe crease and coronary artery disease: A significant association | Evrengül, Harun ; Dursunoglu, Dursun. ; Kaftan, Asuman. ; Zoghi, M.; Tanriverdi, Halil. ; Zungur, M.; Kılıç, Mustafa |
2011 | Cardiovascular biomarkers in clinical practice of sleep apnea | Dursunoglu, Dursun ; Dursunoglu, Neşe |
2011 | Cardiovascular consequences of sleep apnea: III-impact of continuous positive airway pressure treatment | Dursunoglu, Dursun ; Dursunoglu, Neşe |
2006 | Cardiovascular diseases in obstructive sleep apnea | Dursunoglu, Dursun. ; Dursunoglu, Neşe. |