Browsing by Author Tepeli, Emre

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Association of synaptosomal-associated protein 25 (SNAP-25) gene polymorphism with temperament and character traits in women with fibromyalgia syndromeDogru, A.; Balkarli, A.; Tepeli, Emre ; Aydin, E.; Cobankara, V. 
2009A case of schizophrenia accompanying velocardiofacial syndromeŞengül, Cem ; Efe, Muharrem ; Tepeli, Emre ; Çetin, Gökhan Ozan ; Düzcan, Füsun ; Herken, Hasan 
2015Comparison of IL-23 receptor gene polymorphisms in patients with primary sjogren syndrome, ankylosing spondylitis, and ankylosing spondylitis with sjogren's syndrome [Conference Object]Temel, S; Balkarli, A; Tepeli, Emre ; Çobankara, Veli 
2016Comparison of IL-23 receptor gene polymorphisms in patients with primary sjögren syndrome, ankylosing spondylitis. and ankylosing spondylitis with sjögren’s syndrome [Article]Temel, Şahin ; Balkarlı, Ayşe; Elmas, Levent ; Tepeli, Emre ; Çobankara, Veli 
2014Contribution of MLPA to routine testing to detect the prognostic chromosomal abnormalities in chronic lymphocytic leukemiaAyaz, A.; Tepeli, Emre ; Sari, Hakan İsmail ; Cetin, O.; Eser, M.; Dogu, H.; Bağcı, Gülseren 
2015Could serum pentraxin 3 levels and IgM deposition in skin biopsies predict subsequent renal involvement in children with Henoch–Schönlein purpura?Yüksel, Selçuk ; Çağlar, Murat ; Evrengül, Havva; Becerir, Tülay ; Tepeli, Emre ; Ergin, Ahmet ; Avcı Çiçek, Esin 
2012The determination of relationship between "excision repair cross-complementing group 1" (ERCC1) gene T19007C and C8092A single nucleotide polymorphisms and clinicopathological parameters in non-small cell lung cancerKoç, Esin; Caner, Vildan ; Büyükpınarbaşılı, N.; Tepeli, Emre ; Türk, Nilay Şen ; Çetin, Gökhan Ozan ; Bağcı, Gülseren 
2018Diffüz Büyük B-hücreli Lenfoma Patogenezinde Tümör-kökenli Ekzozomların Fonksiyonal ÖnemiBağcı, Gülseren ; Çetin, Gökhan Ozan ; Tepeli, Emre ; Türk, Nilay Şen ; Caner, Vildan 
2015Esansiyel hipertansiyonlu olgularda CHGA geni promotor bölge polimorfizmlerinin araştırılmasıEser, Metin ; Şanlıalp, Musa ; Tepeli, Emre ; Tufan, Lale Şatıroğlu; Kaftan, Havane Asuman ; Semerci, Cavidan Nur 
2012Expression of ERCC1 and its clinicopathological correlations in non-small cell lung cancerTepeli, Emre ; Caner, Vildan ; Büyükpınarbaşılı, N.; Çetin, Gökhan Ozan ; Düzcan, Füsun ; Elmas, Levent ; Bağcı, Gülseren 
2017Familial mutation in caffey disease with reduced penetrance: A case reportÖzdemir, Özmert Muhammet Ali ; Tancer-Elçi, Hazal; Polat, Aziz ; Güçtürk, İinci; Tepeli, Emre ; Zeybek, Selcan; Ayaz, Akif 
2010Familial translocation (2;18) ascertained through recurrent spontaneous abortions [Article]Bağcı, Gülşen; Tepeli, Emre ; Düzcan, Füsun ; Çetin, G. Ozan ; Alataş, Erkan 
2007Familial translocation (2;18) ascertained through recurrent spontaneous abortions [Conference Object]Bağcı, Gülseren ; Düzcan, Füsun ; Alatas, E ; Tepeli, Emre ; Çetin, G. Ozan 
2014GADD45? methylation is more common in benign prostatic hyperplasia than in prostate cancerCan, O.; Caner, Vildan ; Türk, Nilay Şen ; Tuncay, Ömer Levent ; Eskicorapci, S.Y.; Tepeli, Emre ; Çetin, Ozan 
2022IL-23R gene polymorphisms in rheumatoid arthritisSoysal, Ergun ; Ulutas, Firdevs ; Tepeli, Emre ; Kaymaz, Serdar ; Cobankara, Veli 
2022Interleukin-1 gene (IL-1) polymorphism in patients with Behcet's Disease, and its relationship with disease manifestationsOzkan, Umit ; Ulutas, Firdevs ; Tepeli, Emre ; Cobankara, Veli 
2014Investigation of LRRK2 G2019S mutation in the patients with sporadic Parkinson's disease in TurkeyAslan, H.; Ozkan, S. ; Tepeli, Emre ; Emre, R.; Kutlay, O.; Gurler, A.I.; Uludag, A.
2014MEFV Gene Mutation Frequency and Correlation of Mutations with Clinical Symptoms in GoutBalkarlı, Ayşe; Tepeli, Emre ; Çobankara, Veli 
2016MEFV gene variation R202Q is associated with metabolic syndromeBalkarli, A.; Akyol, M.; Tepeli, Emre ; Elmas, Levent ; Çobankara, Veli 
2014Meme kanseri türlerinde midkin ekspresyonunun immünohistokimyasal ve PCR analizinin kantitatif karşılaştırılması ve serum midkin seviyesiÇetin Sorkun, Hülya ; Erdem, Ergün ; Akbulut, Metin ; Tepeli, Emre ; Enli, Yaşar